13 • Starzi Manor

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"We're going to space!" Sam cheered.

"To meet Loki's girlfriend!" Thor added.

"Thor." Loki warned, even though everyone knew about Selina now.

"Right, I need you all to wear this. Put it in your pocket, stick it in the inside of your shirt, I don't care, just don't lose it." Dani said, giving everyone a small card, about the size of a fingernail.

"This will give you a fake identity - if any authorities ask you to state your name, age, scan your finger print, this will make whatever you say or do sound normal. So if I say that I'm Dani, it'll assign me a Förteañan name and tell the person that instead. I'm controlling it, so I can make sure everyone's is working and I'll turn it off for Sal." Dani explained.

"What about our appearance?" Vision asked.

"Förteañans just look like Midgardians." Loki said.

"Great. Now how do we get there? Spaceship? Mind control?" Tony asked.

"Comm cube. It'll take us to any place that I've registered." Dani said, and everyone was quickly scanned before she tapped the cube three times and there was a few moments of the Avengers floating in space, feeling as if they were about to die, Dani and Loki not reacting because they were accustomed to the feeling, before they were on solid blue grass, peppered with some exotic white-stemmed green flowers.

There was a large archway and a purple hedge surrounding the large white manor in front of them. It was almost a castle, but without the turrets.

Two little kids, around six, maybe, were running around the garden and laughing. There was a boy with curly black hair and pale skin chasing a girl with the same hair colour and skin tone, except she had short hair that only reached a little past her shoulders, with two twin buns amongst the hair that was free. The boy grabbed a little octopus plushie and tapped the girl with that, making her stop.

"You can't do that!"

"You didn't say that Squiddy couldn't play!"

"His name is Octo! He's an octopus!"

"He doesn't have to be a squid to be called Squiddy!"

"Stop cheating, Ezzie!" The girl said.

"I'm not cheating! You just need to run faster, Ellie!" The boy, Ezzie, said.

"Fine! I will!" Ellie stuck her tongue and out and started running again, before bumping into Loki.

"Oof! Sorry, Sal!" The girl said, getting up and brushing some dirt off of her legging-clad knees.

"It's not Selina." Loki said, and Ellie looked up at him, before her grew wise and sparkled in excitement as she gasped.

"Ez! Ez, look!" Ellie jumped, and Loki gave her half a genuine smile as Ezzie gasped in turn.

"Loki! And Dani!" He said, spotting the woman next to Loki.

"Hi!" Dani waved, giving the twins a hug as she crouched down.

"Oi! Oi! Despite what most people think, child trafficking is illegal on this planet, this isn't Trinia!" A tired female voice shouted, not even looking at who was there as she emerged from the manor.

"Selina. Ladylike as ever." Loki smirked, and she gasped just as Ellie and Ezzie did, before wrapping her arms around Loki hastily and hugging him.

"Hello." Loki smiled, unable to hug back because of Selina's tight grip.

"Hi." Selina squeaked out, giving Loki a chaste kiss. The Avengers, who had waited a short distance behind Dani and Loki to not interrupt the little reunion, were very surprised to see how Loki was reacting to Selina.

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