12 • Humiliation

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Dani had settled in with Avengers very well and she had become friends with the entire team using her charm. Steve knew this would happen. There's no way they couldn't like her. She's Dani, and that's the only reason she's so irresistible.

Soon enough, a special day for Steve and Dani was coming up. Loki knew, because Dani had told him about what that day signified, but no one else knew. Steve didn't really recognise it as an important day before Dani's arrival - or re-arrival - so not even he knew what was going on when the day came.

Dani climbed out of bed while Steve was still sleeping, kissing his cheek and getting ready for the day before slipping out of their room. Normally, he'd be awake terribly early and start training, but Dani insisted that he sleep a little longer, seeing how tired he was somedays.

Sipping on a cup of black coffee, she was leaning on a counter and overhearing Bucky, Tony, Loki, Thor, Wanda, and Bruce talk.

She happily hummed a tune, one Tony and Bucky recognised but couldn't quite put their fingers on.

"Dani, what are you humming?" Bucky asked.

"Ask Steve." Dani grinned, and the group tilted their heads in confusion while Loki realised what day it was and groaned.




"I have to. I always do."

"Daniela, please." Loki begged, as the group looked between the two curiously.

"What's this about?" Bruce asked, but before anyone could answer, Steve entered, still looking a little tired.

"Dani, I told you to not let me sleep in." Steve said.

"You're tired, hon. Besides, you barely slept in, I woke up maybe fifteen minutes ago." Dani smiled sweetly.

"Steve, what's Dani humming?" Wanda asked.

"Before that, Captain, do you know what day it is?" Dani asked, and Steve furrowed his eyebrows at her use of his title in a way that was not...raunchy, but also because he did not know what day it was.

"Thursday? Or-- wait, no, Wednesday?" Steve asked.

"No, dumbass." Dani rolled her eyes, tossing him an apple and then handing him a cup of coffee.

"Then what?" Steve asked.

"If he hears what you were humming he'll know instantly." Loki said, and so Dani absent-mindedly hummed the same tune, and she only got a couple notes in before Steve groaned.

"No! Is that really today?" Steve asked.

"Yep." Dani smirked.

"Well, congrats us then, huh? Sorry I forgot, I don't remember much from almost 80 years ago."Steve said, smiling at Dani.

"For me it's almost 80. For you it's...maybe 13? But that's okay, I get it." Dani said.

"Whatever." Steve replied.

"What? What happened today eighty years ago?" Tony asked.

"Joined the army. Stark Expo, Bucky was there--"

"Stole my date." Steve grumbled.

"It is not my fault if women like me more." Bucky grinned.

"I like Steve more."

"Dani! You did not!"

"Wait, if today's the day you joined the army then what was that song?" Wanda asked.

Daniela • S. RogersWhere stories live. Discover now