3 • The Star Spangled Man With a Plan

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Dani came straight in front of Steve and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Oh get a room," Howard said, fake gagging. Dani flipped him off and he rolled his eyes, taking a step back.

She pulled away and leaned her head on his chest, her arms still wrapped around him. Steve wrapped his arms around her waist with a small smile.

"What was that for?" Steve asked, grinning.

"I thought you died! What do you mean what was that for?" Dani said, clinging on to him for dear life. She finally looked him up and down.

"Damn, Rogers." She smirked.

"Oh don't even," Steve said, rolling his eyes playfully. Peggy ran over to them and stared at them.

"How do you feel?" She asked.

"Taller," Steve said.

"Hungry," Dani added.

"You both look taller," Peggy said, ignoring Dani's comment and taking their clothes from a woman, handing them to them.

And just as they had pulled their shirts over their heads, the explosion came.

Glass shattered, everyone dropped to the floor.

The man that had triggered the explosion grabbed the blue serum and started to run before Erskine stood up. The man pulled out a gun and shot him, but Dani did something no one could expect.

"Shit!" Dani said before the bullet was encased in a black bubble and so was the man's gun. Everyone stared at Dani, her hand cast towards the bubbles, seemingly holding the bullet and gun inside. With a snap of her fingers, both items disappeared, and the man began to run.

Dani chased after him, Steve following behind while the spectators and scientists were left in shock.

They reached the surface and Peggy was trying to shoot him and the driver in the car, but Dani had other plans.

"Protect Peggy, then follow the car!" She said, running after the car.

She got very close, Steve following behind, and put the car in a bubble, making it fly up a short distance before Dani couldn't control it and it came crashing down into an alleyway.

The man was shocked, but somehow still alive, and got out of the car to start running. Dani chased after him faster than before, before the man grabbed a young boy and started shooting at Dani and Steve, the boy's mother screaming for the man to stop.

Dani and Steve followed him slowly, and once they found him again, he held the kid at gunpoint.

"Woah, woah, woah, don't!" Dani shouted, coming slightly closer. He turned the gun to her and fired, but no bullet came out.

He threw the gun down and threw the kid into the water, and Steve and Dani looked extremely concerned.

"I'll get the kid!" Steve said, and Dani chased after the man while Steve jumped into the water.

Dani rushed along the land, until she was close enough to the submarine-like vehicle, and dove into the water.

She grabbed ahold of the vehicle and swam closer to the front, before punching the glass repeatedly, her knuckles bleeding as it broke.

Daniela • S. RogersWhere stories live. Discover now