4 • Fondue

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"Who's ready to help me sock old Adolf on the jaw?"




"Okay, uh, I need a volunteer."

"I already volunteered, how do you think I got here?" One man shouted, arising an uproar from the soldiers.

"Bring back the girls!" Another shouted, causing the rest of cheer in agreement.

"I think they only know the one song but um... Let me-- I-I'll see what I can do." Steve stuttered.

"You do that, sweetheart!"

"Nice boots Tinkerbell!" Steve looked at them with slight disapproval.

"Come on guys, we're all on the same team here." Steve said.

"Hey Captain! Sign this!" One said, turning around and showing his ass, Steve looked anywhere but him when tomatoes started being thrown at him.

He defended himself with his shield, when Dani came on, dressed in the dancers uniform.

"What are you doing?" Steve whispered, just before she came on.

"Saving your ass." She said, before getting up on stage and the soldiers cheered.

Dani started saying what Steve was meant to, reluctantly doing some suggestive movements with it. She was disgusted by it and hated it, but men like them will only listen if she did. And if she's honest, though it wasn't not usually her style, pin-up girl looked kinda good on her. She finished and rolled her eyes, before walking over to Steve.


"Hey." Dani said, still in the girls uniform.

"Hi. You know, you didn't have to do that. I know how much you hated it." Steve said.

"I know how to dance, I've seen guys at bars. Wouldn't be the first time I've done that." Dani said, rolling her eyes.

"You still didn't enjoy it." Steve said, cupping her cheek.

"Eh, it was kinda fun." Dani said, gently placing her lips on his. Steve kissed back delicately, almost as if Dani was a piece of glass, but their moment was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hello Steve. Dani." Peggy said, standing behind the low ledge they were sitting on.

The two immediately broke apart and Dani rolled her eyes playfully.

"Every time." Dani said, and Peggy smiled at her.

"Hi." Steve said, clearly embarrassed, his cheeks turning red in the rain.

"What are you doing here?" Dani asked.

"What are you doing in that dress?" Peggy smirked.

"Don't even ask, Peg." Dani said, and Peggy grinned before answering Dani's first question.

"Officially, I'm not here at all. That was quite a performance." Peggy said.

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