7 • KIA, Sergeant Barnes

65 1 0

Captain America, Agent Kingsley, and the Howling Commandos were wiping out HYDRA. Bases were frequently conquered and destroyed, Peggy and Phillips sending in their team to clean up and collect any moderately valuable information, leaving Howard and his team to analyse and improve, repeating the cycle.

Peggy and Phillips saw videos of their progress, and in one, everyone was in a truck, Gabe driving, and Steve explaining something on the map.

Bucky pulled out his own smaller map to compare the two, when a tiny, crumpled piece of paper fell out, (which Bucky scrambled to pick up immediately after Dani made a comment about it, making everyone laugh) containing a picture of Peggy in the red dress from that night at the bar. Earlier they had seen a picture of Dani in Steve's compass, which wasn't surprising seeing as the pair were in a public relationship, but after seeing Bucky with the picture of Peggy, people (including Peggy and Phillips) were suddenly aware of Bucky's feelings.


Montgomery peered down the zipline with his binoculars, the others waiting behind him on the snowy cliff.

Gabe and Morita were trying to get the radio to work, but to no avail.

"Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah, and I threw up?" Steve asked.

"This isn't payback, is it?" Bucky asked, staring down at the wire they were supposed to zipline across.

"Now why would I do that?" Steve smirked.

"No, it's payback for your girlfriend pushing me into Steve while I was in a dress and heels." Dani said.

"My--? Peggy isn't my--!"

"Bucky, after that night in the bar, you two have been hanging out more and more. And we all saw the picture of her in your pocket when it fell out with your map." Dani grinned.

"What's the plan?" Bucky grumbled on, wanting to change the subject.

"We were right, Dr Zola's on the train. HYDRA dispatcher has permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going, they must need him bad." Gabe said, and Steve put on his helmet, ready to go down.

"And let's get going, because they're moving like the devil." Montgomery said, putting the binoculars down and looking at the team.

"You only got about a ten seconds window, you miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield." Steve said.

"Mind the gap." Montgomery said.

"Better get moving bugs!" Dugan said.

"Maintenant!" Jacques said, and Bucky, Dani, and Steve slid down, one by one.

They dropped onto the train and the rest watch from atop the cliff.

The boys run ahead and climb down into one of the compartments while Dani shoots from outside the train.

Inside the train, they checked if anyone was around and saw no one, so Steve webt ahead into the next compartment, before he heard a bang, and turned around to see Bucky separated from him.

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