Jaehyuk #13- Fading light

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"Jiyong, are you sure about this?" Daesung asked as he removed his helmet-mask thing. He glanced worriedly at his leader, who looked half-faded in the light.

"You know as well as I do," G-Dragon said dismissively. "That this is the only way. I have searched long and hard, but I'm at a complete loss of what to do. This is the only way to go. Thank you for your wonderful performance back then, Daesung. Now it's time for I, the leader to handle the rest."

"Don't go," TOP cried. The other three members looked at him in surprise. "I can't lose you too."

"Why say that?" G-Dragon asked, revealing a saddened smile. "You know full well that you aren't losing just me, but all of us. It's inevitable. I'll just die earlier. It's my responsibility as leader."

So the four men remained rooted in their positions, covered by the dark shadows of the austere night. Then G-Dragon left, and the other three made no move to stop him.

"Rin!" Junkyu jumped excitedly at the sight of me. He scrambled to open the door. I smiled. It was natural. After all, they hadn't seen me in nearly a month.

"Sorry for disappearing," I responded. "There was alot I had to catch up with during our disappearance. I didn't want to afford letting my grades drop. I mean it has already, but I'm trying hard to rectify it. How's Doyoung and Yedam? I'm worried for them, considering how hard they probably have to work to resolve things."

"We were exhausted all right," Doyoung said, appearing behind Junkyu. He winked. "But I feel as if all that has fallen now that I've seen you."

"Ugh, Doyoung, seriously. Stop that," Junkyu jumped. He turned to me with slanted eyes. "He's been saying that to everybody."

"What about Hyunsuk?" I asked, glad to see that Doyoung seemed fine. "I remember he was quite depressed back there. I hope he's better."

"Did somebody say my name?" A familiar voice said a short distance away, slightly muffled. He sounded like he was eating something.  "Is someone there? Let them in, whatcha waitin' for?"

"He seems fine to me," I commented.

I stepped into the house. I breathed a sigh of relief as I took in the familiar surroundings of Junkyu's house. I plopped down on his moth-eaten sofa. "You have no idea how badly I wanted to see this place again," I murmured. "Everytime I got the urge to, I wanted to drop everything and run here. This place is such a jovial place to be. It's an entirely different world from the cold place in school."

"Are you having problems in school, Rin?" Mashiho asked in concern. I turned to him, surprised and happy to see him, and pulled him with a hug.

"It's my cute lil' kijoring~" I purred.

"I love how Mashiho just puts up with it," Jihoon said from a corner as I released Mashiho. "Mashiho is just such a sweet person."

"Jihoon! Hi! Long time no see!" I greeted him.

"I hate to spoil the reunion, but I've something to announce," I heard Jeongwoo say. I jumped. I did not realise he was here as well. Jeongwoo was sitting in front of a computer, wearing a striped jacket, typing aggressively on the keyboard.

"Did something happen?" Yoshi asked immediately.

"Confirm the location of every member," Jeongwoo responded, his teeth tightly clenched. "Hurry up."

"Me, Mashi, Jihoon, Junkyu, Hyunsuk, Dobby, Asahi all here," Yoshi reported. 

I blinked. Asahi was here? I turned around and saw him hiding in one corner with his eyes closed and his arms folded. I giggled. That was so like him.

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