Jaehyuk #2- Fortune

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"Jaehyuk? What are you doing? We're not there yet?" I nagged.

"Rin, come here," Jaehyuk gestured to me "Do you want to know your fortunes?"

I paused for a little to appraise the machine that Jaehyuk was looking at. I had not even noticed it until Jaehyuk pointed it out. It was large, and it was the kind where you turned a knob to receive a random fortune.

"You believe in those things?" I asked skeptically.

Jaehyuk let out a soft chuckle. "It's just for fun," He responded. He pointed to the machine. "Would you like to try first?"

I shook my head. "I'll pass," I responded, although I allowed Jaehyuk to get his. It might be a good way to cheer him up and get his mind off things, I reckoned.

While Jaehyuk was getting his fortune, I looked upwards to stare at the blue sky. It was relatively calm that day. Clouds drifted lazily by. I closed my eyes to enjoy the peace, until I felt something small hit me. Something small and round.

"Rin! Watch out!" I immediately heard the gentle voice of Jaehyuk shout. I turned around to face him, and I saw that he was glaring at something. I followed his gaze until I spotted a small boy standing a little ahead of us.

"What was that for?" Jaehyuk asked, although he did not sound angry.

"Just ignore him," I said as I picked up the ball the boy had thrown at me. It resembled those balls in the fortune telling machine. I looked up again, meaning to return the ball to the boy, but the boy had disappeared.

"I'm sorry Rin, my back was turned," Jaehyuk apologized. "I was too late. But why did that boy do that? That wasn't very nice."

"Looks like I got a free fortune," I said exasperatedly. "It's all right Jaehyuk. Looks like I managed to get a free fortune, at least. I have always known that I am a walking talking disaster, anyway. Everywhere I go something bad has to happen. So I'm not sur-" I froze.

"What is it, Rin?" Jaehyuk asked in concern. He paused and placed the back of his right hand on my cheek. "Your cheeks feel hot. Are you..."

I batted his hand away. "I...I'm sorry," I stammered. "I didn't mean to...my hand moved on its own..."

Jaehyuk sighed. "I don't think you're a walking talking disaster, Rin. You brought Asahi to us, after all," He smiled gratefully. "So I hope you won't think you'll bring disaster to us or anything like that. Don't feel too bad about it."

"How did you know that that was what was worrying me?" I asked.

Jaehyuk shook his head. "Perhaps because I've been feeling like that," he admitted. "I'm the only one without a power, so it feels like my addition was a rather random one. Sometimes I wish I wasn't around because my presence gives them an extra thing to worry about, but then I am absolutely helpless otherwise."

"I'm powerless too."

"You proved your worth to the group, didn't you?" Jaehyuk affirmed me with an encouraging smile.

I looked at him, speechless. I couldn't promise him that he would find his power, because I had utterly no inkling of how the future would unfold. The only thing I could do at the moment was try to help him, but I had no idea of how to do that either.

"Let's read our fortunes," Jaehyuk said. "I'm curious what's yours, since yours came by in such an unconventional way. Perhaps it's going to predict your future lover?" He winked mischievously.

"That person doesn't exist," I snapped in embarrassment.

"But we're all so handsome, you must have got to have a preference," Jaehyuk continued teasing me.

I coughed, feeling the heat on my cheeks. "Narcissist," I teased back.

Jaehyuk giggled and opened his ball. He took out his slip of paper. "Your marriage life will continue going smoothly this year..." He read with such a serious face that I could not help but burst out in a fit of laughter. Jaehyuk soon joined me in my laughter.

"Well, you were right to say that many of them are bogus," He said sheepishly.

I took my own ball and opened it, and pulled out the slip of paper. It contained only six words "Be Careful. I will be watching." I stared at it, alarmed. I was so stunned I remained speechless for a couple of seconds.

"What does it say?" The soft voice of Jaehyuk interrupted my line of thought. Not wanting to worry him, I quickly stuffed the paper back into the ball and told him it was probably just a bunch of nonsense that wasn't true anyway.

"All right," Jaehyuk said kindly. "Whatever it was, don't think too much of it, okay? Shall we go and get our drinks?"

I nodded.

"I wonder what the other guys are up to," Jaehyuk said wistfully. He shook his head. "Ah...I want to be there for them. I hope they're doing fine."

"What are you, a mother?" I asked teasingly. Jaehyuk shook his head.

"Don't you worry for your friends?"

"They're all really strong," I assured him, although I myself was unsure. "Perhaps they'll find a way."

2 Weeks later...

[Treasure + Rin Grouppp]-- 0 unread messages. Chat last opened 2 weeks ago

[Jaehyuk] -- 1 unread message


Jaehyuk: [Rin]

Me: [?]

Jaehyuk: [Have you seen the others recently?]

Me: [I have been too busy with work. Sorry about it. Say hi for me the next time you see them?]

Jaehyuk: [I haven't seen them either]

Me: [Hmm...they're probably busy with the meteorite issue. It's a tough problem that's for sure.]

Jaehyuk is typing...



Me: Are you all right?


Me: Jaehyuk??? Are you there? I can see that you have read my messages, you know

Jaehyuk: Yeah, no worries.

I sighed and put down my phone. I was about to go back to work when suddenly I had a thought, and turned on the television.

"Scientists are in a frenzy and in a heated race right now to see who can find a method to defeat the meteorite the fastest. World leaders currently have polarising opinions on the matter. Some argue that it is not a particularly concerning issue while many other World leaders are adamant in doing the best they can to prepare evacuation shelters for every citizens as fast as they can. This has proved particularly challenging in overpopulated cities such as..."

I turned off the television and checked my phone again. Jaehyuk had not sent any more texts since the last one. I sighed and went back to my work. Perhaps I should check up on him soon, I thought to myself.

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