Jaehyuk #3- Friendship

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The next day I saw Jihoon taking pictures of flowers by the river again, so I waited for him to notice me before making my way towards him.

"How's the progress going?" I asked. "Should I feel any hope for this barren wasteland of a planet?"

Jihoon grinned. "Then there wouldn't be any change, would there?" He said. Then his expression became more solemn. "It's difficult, to be honest. None of us has the magnitude of power to deal with something of that size. We're currently working to see if we can somehow combine our energy to generate a big enough force to crush it, but it's difficult because many of our powers aren't the attacking type. Junkyu, for instance, cannot exactly attack a meteor with precognitive dreams. And there's no way Doyoung can mind control a meteorite, nor can we risk human sacrifices in this case."

"Tough," I commented.

"But it's something we must do," Jihoon said firmly. "There's no one else with powers, as far as I am concerned. No point dreaming of a different future without a world to live in."

"If only we knew what Jaehyuk's power is," I murmured. "Hey, Jihoon. Have you guys talked to him lately? He seems a little lonely without you all."

"Ahh...that's right," Jihoon said guiltily. He nervously scratched the back of his neck. "I've been meaning to, but I simply can't find the time. I'm half juggling life's responsibilities and this crisis. We all are."

I looked at the river, appreciating the soft lap of water and the sound of bird calls in the distance. "I don't blame you all, to be honest," I said. "But Jaehyuk is someone who really does need affection from those he loves. I only hope you guys can find a way to solve this more quickly. Do let me know if you need ideas, all right?"

"Yeah, thanks," Jihoon nodded. Then, after a slight pause, he added "I'm really sorry Rin. Help us a little. We feel Jaehyuk's absence very strongly too."

I nodded.

"Hey! Rin" I heard Jaehyuk call. I was leaning in front of the same café that we went to when I first met him. I had intentionally called him here because I felt worried for him.

He flashed a broad smile at me. "Hello Rin!" he said cheerfully. "Very much pleased to see you again. Was there any particular reason in why you wanted to meet on a weekday?"

"I simply felt like it," I lied. I felt unease stirring inside me when I remembered how much work I had left to finish at home. "You like this place, don't you?"

"I will admit that I do," Jaehyuk smiled cordially. "But I like many places! Do you want to see this traditional clothing shop near this place? The shop owner liked me so much she asked me to be her son-in-law. How funny, haha."

I laughed. "That's amusing. Just how many people do you know, Jaehyuk?"

At this point Jaehyuk began walking, and I automatically followed him.

"Many," Jaehyuk admitted in embarrassment. "They often call me 'The Boy Of The Town' since I can stop by just any place I want and start up a conversation with just about anybody. I don't think it's anything special, though. I just genuinely like being with people."

I remembered the first time I met him. I had warmed him to him really fast, despite that being the first time we met. I nodded thoughtfully. I could see how people would be naturally drawn to him, with his naturally pure aura and sweet desposition.

"And in school or work? Are you considered a popular boy?" I teased.

"Ahh...that," Jaehyuk rubbed the back of his head shyly. "I don't think I'm popular but people do seek my company sometimes. I don't mind either. I sometimes think I'm just like a Chow Chow because I love human company."

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