Junkyu #1: The Plan

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"Okay everybody's here! Finally!" Jihoon finally announced when the commotion died down. "Today I called you guys here to...JUNKYU!"

The other members jumped. They had only just noticed that Junkyu had fallen asleep.

Haruto laughed. "He really loves to sleep," he commented. I stayed silent, still feeling disturbed at what I had just seen.

Before Jihoon could respond, Junkyu suddenly rolled off the bed with a howl. He sat up, his eyes wide open. Sweat plastered his forehead.

"Junkyu? What's going on?" Mashiho asked in concern.

"No...not again...not again," Junyku whimpered. "Please..."

"What's going on Junkyu? Tell us?" Hyunsuk asked.

Junkyu buried his face in his hands, his body racking with sobs. He was shivering very hard.

Jihoon groaned. "Nevermind, I'll go calm him down. Hyunsuk, you settle the rest. OK, leader?"

Hyunsuk nodded.

"I'll come with you," Haruto volunteered. Jihoon made no sign of protest.

"What's happening to Junkyu?" I asked curiously.

"Have you guys heard? Junkyu hasn't been sleeping well lately," Doyoung said in his usual deep voice. "He's apparently been having alot of nightmares of late."

"Nightmares?" Junghwan said in alarm.

"It's not just nightmares. It's...well..." Doyoung let out a deep sigh. "I think it's better if you hear it from Junkyu himself. Let's wait till he calms down. In fact, I think Jihoon called us here to talk about this."

After a short moment of wait Junkyu walked back with a sullen expression on his face, with Haruto and Jihoon trailing behind.

"Sorry for falling asleep," he drawled sleepily. "I was tired. I really haven't been sleeping well lately."

"Tell us what's up," Yoshi responded.

Junkyu looked at him, then he looked downwards awkwardly.

"You've got to tell them, Junkyu, you agreed to this," Doyoung cooed. "Nothing will change if you say nothing. Jihoon called all of them here for this. We will work something out."

"I'm having nightmares nearly everyday," Junkyu finally admitted reluctantly. "They're all the same. Somehow or another, Treasure members meeting terrible fates. There was one where a big vehicle came and took us all away. And another one where we were all beginning to lose our minds."

"What?" Hyunsuk and I said in unison. I looked down uneasily, remembering what Hyunsuk had told me the other day regarding his efforts to save Treasure.

"And then in another all of us, including Rin this time, were quarantined in some tiny room in a place that didn't look like earth. Everyone was going crazy out of boredom," Junkyu continued recounting.

"Tell me those aren't precognitive dreams," Mashiho said shakily, trying his best to maintain his composure.

"They aren't," Junkyu confirmed. "I just know they aren't. But somehow, I have a strange feeling that they did happen. Just not in our world. In another timeline, perhaps?"

"What a relief," Yedam said, letting out a deep sigh.

"That's terrifying," Yoshi commented with a shudder. "To think that the us in another place is going through all that. I sure wouldn't want to exist in those worlds."

"It's not going to happen, but because of it I can't sleep day and night," Junkyu whined. "And I love sleeping, but I can't sleep well anymore. How could I when all I see all night are the sights of my dear friends suffering? What do I do?"

"There's...there's something I must tell all of you," Hyunsuk said awkwardly. He looked downwards, his hands placed behind his back. "Those events...they all came true. I have been repeating timelines over and over again, and I witnessed all of these events myself."

"Hyunsuk-ah..." The other members began to gather around him, giving him reassuring hugs. Well, every member other than Junkyu, who gasped in shock.

"We just have to make sure that this timeline works out well!" Mashiho said with a happy grin. "Don't lose hope!"

"But now the question is...why," Hyunsuk said thoughtfully. "Why is Junkyu having dreams from other timelines? This has never happened before in previous timelines. Not even a single time. It doesn't make sense. I never knew that this could be part of his power."

"It's so troublesome," Junyku whined. "I can't believe my favourite hobby in the world was taken away from me. Just like that. When can I get a good night sleep again?"

"So now we have two things to decide on," Jihoon agreed. "Firstly, what do we do to help Junkyu? Secondly, we need to investigate why, in this particular timeline, Junkyu is able to see not only precognitive dreams, but also other timelines. Hyunsuk, in order to maintain efficiency, how would you say we split everyone up in teams? Each team will be focussed on coming up with solutions for each part."

"Save-Junkyu-mission commences!" Jeongwoo said excitedly, making exaggerated hand gestures, and then was promptly ignored by everyone.

"Well, I have a plan," Yoshi said, putting on his glasses. He opened his notebook and made a few drawings. Then he placed it on the table and gestured for the other members to crowd around him.

"Hyunsuk, Yedam, Rin, Jeongwoo, Junkyu and I will investigate Junkyu's powers. There are reasons I specifically chose these four. Firstly, Hyunsuk is the most knowledgeable about the happenings of past timelines. Junkyu is...well here's a rough way to put it...our test subject for investigation, and knows the best what are seen in these dreams. Yedam, Rin and I are the most knowledgeable among us, so I believe their breath of knowledge would greatly aid in the research. Jeongwoo's tools would be indispensable as well. Furthermore, Hyunsuk and I already have some experience cooperating for investigation purposes, so although it yielded minimal results, our experience would be invaluable. 

The rest of the members, Jihoon, Mashiho, Jaehyuk, Asahi, Haruto and Junghwan will seek short-term solutions to help Junkyu with his sleep. Jihoon, because he would make a fitting leader without Hyunsuk around. Jihoon and Jaehyuk's sociable qualities would prove resourceful in networking and scouting for solutions, thus would be an asset to the team. In general, having more brains to work on this will be useful.

Doyoung will for now be assigned to the investigation team, but it can change because his mind-control should be used on adhoc basis due to its usefulness in interrogation.

Once the root cause can be determined, the two teams will collaborate in order to find long-term solutions for the problem."

"Ever the spy and strategist!" Hyunsuk said excitedly. 

"The plan will be set in motion," Yoshi commanded. "Starting from...now!"

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