Jaehyuk #6: Hostage

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Jaehyuk opened his eyes. He did not immediately recognise his location. Where was he? He glanced around him, but nothing was immediately familiar to him. Not at all. The previous night he had gone to sleep, and the next moment he had woken up in a strange place.

Jaehyuk looked around him wildly. He almost felt like he was in a different world, a different dimension perhaps. There were colours that never did exist on earth, colours ranging from...He widened his gaze. He struggled, but the ropes that held him were too tight. He couldn't possibly escape like that.

He leaned back against the stacks of sticks made of some sturdy material he had never seen before. The texture was matted and rough, but also hard and strong. The atoms almost seemed to bend inward. He was so confused at the unfamilarity surrounding him. Maybe he was already in...whatever world Bigbang originated from. Whatever it was called.

"Finally awake?" He heard a voice call. He looked up. A man wearing a leopard-skin trench coat and sunglasses was standing in front of him.

"Bigbang," Jaehyuk breathed, remembering the events 12 years ago. He narrowed his eyes. "It's you. What are you going to do to us? Why did you capture me? Where are the others?"

The man took a cigarette out of his mouth and threw it on the ground before stepping on it, proceeding to extinguish the flames.

"Rest assured, Jaehyuk. I don't plan on hurting any of you at the moment. Although I do have my plans on--" the man said.

"G-Dragon!" Another man called as he entered the room. This man had the same mohawk he wore twelve years ago. Although this time he dyed it pink.

"What is it?" G-Dragon said lazily as he turned around to face him.

"You promised you'd watch the kettle!" The man complained as he came up to stand beside GD. He paused to examine Jaehyuk. "Oh, it looks like the captive's awake."

"Please don't hurt Treasure!" Jaehyuk begged. His mind was racing with fear. He went to sleep one night on such a normal day, and suddenly he was trapped in the grasp of the men that had terrorised the twelve of them twelve years ago. All he could think about at the moment was his friends and what was going to happen. "Take me, but--"

"Shut your mouth, kid," A third man came to stand beside them. This man was tall and handsome, with giant, watery eyes that faintly reflected the sunlight from behind Jaehyuk. "GD already said. Nobody is going to hurt you and your band of friends, for now at least. Learn to listen, will you?"

Jaehyuk pulled on his ropes again, but he was bound very tightly. He could barely move.

"Don't be so harsh on the kids, TOP," The mohawk guy said.

"We wouldn't even have to do this if not for that pesky asteroid," GD moaned. He turned to the other two. "But seriously, though. What do we do with him? We captured him and all, but the next step is going to be real troublesome. Taeyang, what was it again? S--"

Jaehyuk gritted his teeth. Fear was pulsing through him. He tugged and tugged but the ropes remained tightly bound to him. Finally he raised a leg and tried to unsuccessfully kick his captors. Instantly they teleported across the room until Jaehyuk could no longer hear them.

GD walked towards him with a smirk on his face. "Know your place," He warned. "Don't go out of line with anything. Got that?" He puffed another cigarette and threw it towards Jaehyuk. "You may not understand anything right now, but everything we do is for a reason. So try not to be too much of a burden, all right?"

He paused as the sound of banging and crashing resounded across the eerie place. TOP and Taeyang immediately left the room, presumably to check for the source of the sound.

"Ah, here they are, I've been waiting," GD continued. He turned and winked at Jaehyuk. "Stay here and wait like a good boy while we go and retrieve our guests, okay?"

Rin shivered. The journey so far was peaceful. Too peaceful in fact. If their stories were true, Bigbang was likely quite a powerful group. They would have the means to stop them if they could. But here they were, standing in front of a otherworldly portal-like thing, wide open as if it was waiting for them to enter.

"Hyunsuk! Stop!" Rin warned as Hyunsuk tried to take a step through the portal. "We might be walking right into a trap!"

The leader did not turn around. "What else can we do?" The defeat in his voice was evident. "There's nothing else we can do right now but charge in."

Then he took his foot back and walked over to grab Rin by the shoulders.

"You don't understand, Rin," he continued. There was evident urgency in his voice, almost obsessive. "I can do it all over again. Again and again if I must. Anything to..." he paused and let out a deep sigh. 

Rin looked downwards. She remembered Jaehyuk, who was probably sitting somewhere, lonely and terrified. Her heart hurt. She did care for Jaehyuk, she privately admitted. After all, he was a really good person. She could not let him suffer. And Hyunsuk was right. What could they do? She looked around. If they kept walking around when Bigbang and Jaehyuk were most likely inside the portal, they would just waste their time and save nobody.

"You've got to save us, lead us to a better future," Mashiho begged in fear as he wrapped his arms around Hyunsuk. Then his voice softened. "I'm sorry that you must carry the burden. I'm really sorry."

Hyunsuk shook his head dismissvely. "Let's go," He announced, although his voice cracked a little.

They marched into the portal. As Rin had expected, something was already waiting for them. The four men the boys had talked about were standing there, smiling genially. She gripped Junkyu's knife tightly, prepared to fight. She was also fearful and unconfident that she could change anything.

Before the rest of the boys could say anything, Junkyu spoke first.

"Tell me!" He burst out. "Are there really only four of you? I swear, I saw in my dreams..."

There was a moment of silence. Two of the four men immediately bore unsure expressions on their faces, while another one had his face completely covered with a jet black mask, so Rin could not make out his reaction. The one wearing leopard-skin trench coat shook his head sadly.

"That stupid boy...he fell in with the wrong crowd and--oh my goodness, stupid, stupid, stupid" He muttered under his breath. He glared at the other men. "The nerve! To forget!"

"I..." The man with a mohawk murmured. "I don't know...my memories are really hazy. It seems like four is right? Or maybe five? I can't remember..."

"Anyway, don't change the topic," The leopard skin trench coat man said fiercely, turning back to face Treasure and Rin. "You came here to save your Jaehyuk, didn't you?" He smirked. "Well, I guess we have thirteen captives now, including the girl." He gave Rin a brief sideway glance. "Whatever your name is, you got roped into this mess, so welcome to the problematic world of the Otherworld."

Hello people of the internet. Unfortunately my A levels is here to murder me(Yes Rin's obsession with A levels was a self insert fml) so I have to write somewhat infrequently. If you like this fanfic(I really hope u do) pls don't abandon me during this busy time I still have so much ideas I haven't had the time to make reality T_T

I'm sure you want some spoilers so I'll just give a little hint as a compensation for my future infrequent updates, will still update whenever I can. Well if you've noticed, the fourth member of Bigbang (aka Daesung, I don't think writing about Seungri is possible atm given the...well u get it) remained quite silent during this short. There is a reason for that, he is intentionally not speaking to conceal his identity. And it has to do with one of the Treasure members.

That's all the spoilers for today. I hope you enjoy this story:) ~RX

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