Short 6: Yoon Jaehyuk

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After Doyoung and I returned, it was already late in the evening. Doyoung told me that some of my friends had messaged back and gave me a time and place to meet with my things, so I hurriedly thanked him and went on my way. As for my friends, it did seem unbelievable that the bungee jump rope could just break and I'd somehow survive(without cuts and bruises no less), but there was no other way to explain why I was still alive and they accepted it.

After that I did not see any of them for two weeks. I simply continued with my life, scribbling notes, doing tutorials and watching lectures on my laptop. Much to my chagrin, I noticed that my results were not improving much, so I focussed and gave my all on studying for a few days. Even so, my encounter with the 6 of the 12 Treasure boys never left my mind. I could not help but feel curious about them. I wanted to see them again.

Then one day, I received a messages from an unknown number:

[Hello. Is this Rin? I am Jaehyuk, one of the 12 Treasure boys. I obtained your number from Doyoung. Since I did not manage to meet you the other day, would you like to go out for coffee? I know a good place.]

I glanced at the stack of unfinished worksheets on my table, and the 'C' grade sitting in the corner of my recently received exam worksheets. I groaned. Junior College was so difficult. I impulsively replied [okay] to Jaehyuk's message, partly out of frustration at my grades and partly because I was desperate to be reconnected with the mysterious world of the 12 Treasure boys.

Jaehyuk immediately arranged for us to meet the coming weekend. He was nice about it, asking for the address of my residence, and arranging such that the café we met at was of the branch closest to my place. I was flattered by how gentlemanly he was.

On the day we met, he arrived in a yellow hoodie and a pair of brown shorts.

"Rin?" He asked politely. When I nodded, he bowed and quickly said, "Nice to meet you, I am Yoon Jaehyuk of Treasure. I hope I did not keep you waiting." He had a rather pleasant voice--all soft and creamy-like, sweet and soothing.

"It's all right, I only just arrived," I said, although I had actually waited for 15 minutes. It wasn't Jaehyuk's fault though. I was so excited to meet him I came early on purpose. Probably because my personal life was so ridiculously boring and their world was so enticing.

Jaehyuk chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his hair. "Aigooo...and I was worried that I made you wait because I just had to buy my banana milk," He exclaimed. "I even bought one for you! Have one."

Drinking banana milk before we go to a café? I raised an eyebrow, although he remained oblivious to my confusion and I also said nothing of the matter. I still accepted the banana milk partly because that was an act of courtesy and also because I love banana milk. The banana milk container was about the size of a fat yakult, so I wasn't too bothered by it. It should not spoil my appetite too much.

"Ah...we're going to a cafe, why did I buy banana milk?" Jaehyuk fussed as the café loomed into view. He laughed awkwardly.

"Just drink it," I said in between gulps of the banana flavoured drink. My heart squeezed in excitement as the sweet taste of the banana milk flooded my tongue. I wasn't lying when I said I loved banana milk. "It still tastes good anyway. We don't have to order coffee. Maybe a small snack will suffice. Like a cheesecake."

"Ahh...right," Jaehyuk stammered. "I'm such a mess...aigoo..."

Maybe I should ask for a dollar whenever this guys says 'aigo', I thought privately. Though I actually found his little fumble rather endearing, but I will never say that to his face.

The café was a rather new place. Apparently, the owner of the place had only started his business two years ago. The owner was an experienced barista, so he quickly gained fame and managed to open several branches in the country within two years.

"Do you know the owner? You seem well acquainted with this café's history," I asked as we located two cozy seats in the corner of the place and settled down. The interior of the place was gorgeous. The walls were made of oakwood, and the place was lit up by dim chandeliers. It had a rather antique ring to it.

"You could say that," Jaehyuk admitted. He seemed to much more at home, now that we were actually in the café. "The theme the owner had in mind when setting up the interior of the places was 'antique' and 'homely'. You can really tell that, right?"

"Kind of."

"What would you like? It's on me," Jaehyuk asked as he pulled out his wallet. I quickly refused his offer, telling him that it was rude of me to accept the money of someone I had only just met. He relented and together we went to the cashier. I ordered a cup of cappucino while he ordered 'whipped cream luxiourious snow-capped mountaintop'.

"The drinks here are awesome," He said happily. "You gotta be more adventurous other than ordering a boring old cappucino."

I did not respond as I was distracted by the smile on his face. They were all so handsome, I realised. Just what kind of strange comic book faction is this? Jaehyuk was tall, with broad shoulders and a well-sculpted face. He could easily pass for a handsome statue. And he had such a relaxed, cozy sort of smile. It tugged at my heartstrings a little bit.

After ten minutes or so we took our drinks and returned to our seats.

"We bought drinks after all," Jaehyuk said sheepishly. I blinked, only just remembering the banana milk we had moments before. We caught each other's eye and simultaneously burst into a fit of giggles.

"Well," I shrugged. I was warming up to him a lot more quickly than I realised. Something about him made people feel naturally comfortable.

We made a little bit of small talk afterwards, and eventually got to the topic of superpowers.

"What's your superpower?" I asked curiously. Jaehyuk looked away, looking uncomfortable. I frowned, wondering if I had said something weird. Both Hyunsuk and Doyoung had told me theirs without a problem, so I didn't think there would be.

"I..don't have least for now," Jaehyuk admitted after a while. "I don't know why. I think mine is underdeveloped. To be honest I was only recruited because Junkyu...he gets precognitive dreams you see. So all the members have in me right now is faith that my worth to the group will eventually show."

I was surprised, but I wasn't disappointed. I had already half expected some sort of irregularity to come out eventually, because statistically it was impossible for irregularities to not happen.

"It's all right, I'm powerless too. That makes two," I said cheerfully. "Until your powers decide to show up. Then I'll be the only one."

Jaehyuk shook his head. "You don't have to have powers," He said comfortingly. "I'm sure Hyunsuk and Jihoon chose you for a reason. I don't know what they're planning, but I trust our leaders very much."

His eyes shifted to my drink, which was almost finished already. "We should probably go," He said. "Hyunsuk said you're taking A levels this year? He told me not to take up too much of your time."

"It's all right. It was my pleasure to be able to meet you like this," I said as I bowed to him. "I normally hate socialising, but you were easy to talk to."

"Thanks," Jaehyuk said, smiling happily at me. Then he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and said, "Just before we go...Hyunsuk actually all of us want you to drop by whenever you can. He told me to personally give you the address to the headquar--uh...Junkyu's house." He passed a slip of paper to me, on which hastily-scribbled instructions were written.

"Thank you," I nodded. "Do you guys just drop by anytime?"

"When we have time, yes," Jaehyuk confirmed. "Asahi hardly shows up, though. I think I've only met him once."

Asahi? He must be the type who hated socialising. I couldn't say that I couldn't understand him completely, because I myself sometimes abhor it. Alright, change that to 'often'.

We bid goodbye and went on our way. Unwilling to leave so quickly, I stared after Jaehyuk's back as he walked further away, waiting for him to disappear into the distance. I wanted to call after him, and grasp the fading light that came along with these 12 boys, and I wanted to breathe into it. But I didn't, so I stood stationary, waiting for the future to come by.

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