Short 4: Treasure

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We finally arrived at Treasure's headquarters, which was really just a low budget makeshift version that they hastily assembled out of 'Junkyu's house', according to Hyunsuk. I still have no idea why I allowed him to involve me in their daily sources of entertainment, but at the same time, I was unwilling to back out.

Hyunsuk led me to the small, well furnished flat, where he knocked on the door three times. We waited 1 seconds, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, and soon we heard the recognisable sound of keys clinking inside the house.

Then the door opened, and a sleepy face peeked out, rubbing his reddened eyes. He yawned. This boy was relatively handsome, with well proportioned facial features, pale skin and extremely long, slim legs.

"Here already?" He said, although his voice was muffled by his yawns. "The rest aren't back yet. And I just received notice that Jaehyuk, Junghwan, Asahi, Yedam and Yoshinori won't be coming today. They're all held back for various reasons, and don't have the time to come by."

"Missing such a good opportunity," said another high pitched voice. A second boy appeared behind the sleepy boy. This boy at first glance made not much of an impression, but when he saw me his face creased into a smile. He had a pair of well defined monolid eyes which made his eye smile all the more dazzling, and his beautifully arranged set of white teeth lit up his entire face.

"Nice to meet you. Sorry about the randomness of this whole thing. My name is Jihoon," he said, holding out his hand. I gratefully took it and bowed back as a sign of politeness.

"I'm Rin," I said. Jihoon acknowledged me with a smile.

"You introduce yourself too," Jihoon nagged at the sleepy boy. The boy grumbled under his breath.

"Waking me just for this...hello I'm Junkyu," he hastily introduced himself.

Jihoon laughed and did a brief imitation of Junkyu greeting me, before turning to stare at Hyunsuk.

"What took you?" He complained. "Did you want to keep Rin to yourself or something? Like," He paused for a brief while to appraise me. "Oh my, I'm so curious about her! I've got to spend a little more time with her until I have to share her with the rest!"

Hyunsuk turned red. "That's not how it is!" He squeaked. His voice had suddenly become significantly more high pitched. "We took a little longer because there were so many roads we had to cross, and there were tons of traffic lights...
(Here comes the excuses)
...and that's why...What?" He was eyeing Jihoon indignantly, who was guffawing to himself.

"Don't kid me, you're a time manipulator, you can bypass traffic lights any time you want," Jihoon choked in between tears of laughter. Junkyu was also laughing.

"In any case, is this any way to treat a guest?" Hyunsuk protested. "Let's get Rin settled in."

So I was ushered into the house, and sat onto the moth eaten sofa.

"Sorry about my house, I'm not particularly neat person," Junkyu apologized as he sat himself down beside me. He looked embarrassed. "And...sorry about just now. I tend to be in a sour mood after I wake up. B-but I'm okay now! I promise!"

I nodded at him to show my understanding. I wanted to ask about his superpower, but I was at present a little nervous because I was in a strange place with three(admittedly handsome) boys that I had only just met. This was insane.

"Don't you want to meet the rest?" Hyunsuk asked me. "While Jihoon and I prepare the snacks. Junkyu, bring her around!"

Jihoon nodded. He glared at Hyunsuk. "I have something I gotta discuss with him. You two go ahead."

"What? Why me?" Junkyu moaned. Then he threw me a smile. "Alright, let's go. Before I went to bed an hour ago Haruto, Mashiho and Jeongwoo were still gaming on my xbox. Let's see if they still are."

I followed him to a nearby room. When he pushed open the door, I saw three more boys sitting on the floor, gaming intensely.

"We're going to lose at this rate," The boy sitting at the far left said. I instantly noticed that he had a very deep voice. "I wonder when Junkyu will--oh. He's here."

His eyes shifted to me. A glint of wariness flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced with friendliness.

"Right. Some girl was going to come along" He said, looking at Junkyu uneasily.

"Rin," Junkyu prompted helpfully.

"Ah...Rin" He said as he got up and walked towards me, bearing a mildly polite smile on his face. He studied my face a little. "Not very pretty, is she?"

I noticed then that he was incredibly handsome, with facial features that perfectly aligned with the golden ratio, with high cheekbones and sharp, catlike eyes. Long eyelashes embellished his already snow-white complexion, and he was extremely tall and skinny. He looked like one of those handsome vampires you'd meet in those otome visual novels. I was momentarily stunned by his beauty.

"Haruto, that's not very nice," Hyunsuk said from behind Junkyu. I noticed they the two of them were holding bags of chips in their hands.

Haruto chuckled good naturedly. "I was just joking. However she looks though, I am still more good looking. Right?"

"Whatever you say," Another boy said behind him. He was tanned, moderately tall and had light brown bowl cut, well defined jaw and cheekbones. He at first looked rather average, but when I looked at him again I saw that he was handsome.

Haruto looked at him in annoyance, and the two began engaging in noisy bantering. I could not help but chuckle at the sudden comedy show.

"Don't mind them. They're always like that," A small boy said. He had been the one sitting in the middle. He had purple hair and big, doe eyes that peered curiously up at me. I instantly thought that he was adorable.

"I'm Mashiho. Call me Mashi!" He said excitedly. "Would you want to play basketball together? Hey Jeongwoo!"

The brown haired boy turned his attention away from Haruto at the sound of his name, appearing mildly confused. Then he turned to me and bowed a few times. " Jeongwoo," he said shyly. I blinked, surprised at his sudden change in character.

"What's this commotion? I bet she's here and nobody calls me!" I heard another unfamiliar voice. A boy wearing a headband and a shocking pink hoodie pushed his way through the room. I blinked, slightly dazed from the shocking brightness of his pink hoodie.

"I knew it," he said, licking his lips when he saw me. "Welcome, lady. To our half eaten mansion."

"What a way to tell me my house is dilapidated," Junkyu said loudly. The boy in the headband chuckled.

"All in good fun, all in good fun. Let's get along, yeah?" He asked, winking at me. "Beautiful lady, I am Kim Doyoung, very much honoured to meet you."
I looked at him, saying nothing, not knowing how I was supposed to deal with such a boy. I had a strange feeling that if I didn't bolt out of this place now something really bad would happen, but to be honest, it was probably already too late.

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