Special: Happy New Year!

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(This chapter does not contribute to the main plot. I only wrote it because I felt like it. Treat it like an "OVA" if you know what I mean. This chapter does not occur chronologically alongside the other chapters. Also this chapter is route based so it's not actually a long chapter. There's just 12 routes to write out)


Opening [Treasure + Rin Grouppp]

...Data processing...

Hyunsuk: Yo~ Ya guys know what day tomorrow is, right?

Mashiho: It's the New Year! It's finally the New Year! What are your New Year resolutions, everybody?

Junkyu: Honestly I'd just be happy if I could sleep a little more...

Junghwan: Hyungs~ You guys doing anything tonight? Wanna meet up?

Jihoon: Lololol. Translation: the baby feels lonely and wants to see us. Nobody could possibly say no to him! ...Does anyone dare? 👿👿👿

Yedam: I'd definitely want to see you guys but I have a family dinner tonight...😰

Yoshi: I will go with the group's decision! Whatever you guys decide!

Jeongwoo: I wanna meet up too! Leggo guys

Jaehyuk: Ah, I really wanna go too but I've got another group of friends to meet up with alr, I'm so sorry! I really love you guys 💕 Let's meet up on New Years Eve next year, okay?

Haruto: Hmmm it'll be kind of weird without Jaehyuk and Yedam, right? We are 12, after all. Should we reschedule? I don't see anything wrong with having a late christmas party!

Doyoung: Omg I'd really want to go to a New Years party with you guys! We should totally go guys pls say yes! pls???

Asahi: ._. Christmas party?

Jihoon: Okay, so I've collated everybody's schedules and have planned the date, meeting place and other details involving the meetup. Note that this is a potluck because why not! So I have assigned what food each of you will bring, so take note! I have attached it in this pdf document:

New_years_party.pdf ⬇

Yedam: Rin hasn't replied though? In fact, she hasn't been around in a while. I don't think she has been reading the messages. Can anybody reach her? Is she coming to the potluck?

Junghwan: Hang on a lil lemme try

The phone rang. I picked it up.

"R...Rin..." I heard the nervous voice of Junghwan say over the phone.

"What is it," I asked flatly.

"We want to have a New Years Party, a late celebration but it'll be fun since we're doing it together! Come and join us!" Junghwan said, trying his best to put a cheerful air to his voice.

"New Years Party?" I said thoughfully. "That does sound kind of fun. I do kind of want to go...I mean, I suppose I will. You sure I can join, though? I don't know if I can really be called part of the group."

"Rin...what are you talking about? Of course you're included!" Junghwan asked in confusion. "You're our friend, right? And you've been through thick and thin with us. How could we possibly not include you?"

"I don't know. I am the newest addition to the group, after all. And you guys have known each other far longer than I knew any of you," I confessed. "But, thank you. I do feel a little better hearing what you said. I love you guys alot. Just ignore me, I let my insecurities get to me today."

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