5. Ghost of the past.

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I couldn't hide the surprise on my face. It is really him! I took a full look at him.

A grown up man in glasses who looks decent, handsome and mature, not that 15 years old kid i left behind years ago. Gosh! I always loved those greenish eyes. It always made him look smart and special and looked perfect with his light brown hair. And he got taller which is ironic.

"Good morning, big brother. Welcome home". He said it in a straight face, not a very friendly tone.

I put on a cautious smile. "It's great to finally see you. What a surprise! Please come on in".

I opened the door so he followed me in. "What a disturbing dog you have!". He said casually. Weirdly, it sounded like him. I didn't comment. He might be right.

He suddenly got surprised. "Wow!You didn't change a thing!". He was looking around. Gosh! I missed him!

"Yeah. I didn't want to change a thing". I took a deep breath. "Coffee?".

He mumbled. "Sure, why not". He was focusing on an old family photo. Mom, dad, me, him and Daisy when we were pretty young. What a happy family!

I stood like an idiot staring at him! My little brother Sam is really here. I am not dreaming!

Yeah, i wasn't always the good older brother he always wanted me to be, but i did my best. If i only could turn back time, Sam. I wouldv'e made it up to you. I swear.

He kept looking at everything but me. It hurt. God knows it does but i don't care. He's here now.

"It's your home, Sammy". He cut me off immediately. "It's Sam. Just Sam. Don't call me Sammy ever again. And trust me, i would NEVER call it home". Harshly, he gave me a warning look.

IT felt like someone just slapped me on the face! Only the pain was shot directly to my heart.

I recalled that Mom was the only one who used to call him Sammy, and he always loved that. It was truly precious.

"Sure. Um! You're welcome anyways. I'm gonna make the coffee". I left the room before he could break my heart even harder.

I was almost done with the coffee and i prepared the dog's meal too. Sam kept wondering around the house then he came over to the kitchen. He took a look on everything, like if he was evaluating me. I wanted to cut the tension for god's sake. "So, what do you do?".

He seemed uninterested. "I'm a high school professor down the state".

Wow! I felt really proud. "That's great. Good for you". He nodded, then asked. "And you?".

I didn't expect the question. "Um, i work at the car shop near the highway". He replied. "Oh yeah. At the Conners? Impressive".

His face was mocking so i changed the subject. "How's everyone?". It felt like my question had offended him!


I looked at him resting his torso over the counter, crossing his arms, getting ready to start a war.

"You know. Daisy, you!".

He chuckled. "Then you say how is Daisy, and how are you. Not everyone".

He was trying to get on my nerves! "Sorry! verbal disfunction". I had to throw something back.

"You're unbelievable, Alex. Seriously". He smirked that right to my face.

I didn't understand! I tried to stay calm as long as possible, but his behavior was insanely provoking me!

"What is with you Sam?". I frowned in misunderstanding.

Behind Miracles of the Donovan's dogOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora