7. Lexi.

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* Alex P.O.V *

I was sitting in the kitchen eating my breakfast before i go to work. The dog was sitting on the floor right across the table. We were looking at each other with no words. I felt uncomfortable, eating while her eyes were fixed on me.

"What?". I said casually. She didn't even flinch.

Still no on called for her, and it's a small town! If she belongs to someone, he would've been called by now! I'm doomed.

"What should i do with you? Ha?". I was confused. Should i keep her, or should i leave her go? Okay, i'd be a monster if i let her go. I mean look at her eyes! She knows how to play on my soft spot.

"Stop looking at me with those eyes. I'll keep you". I sighed surrendering to her. "Maybe we should give you a name. What do you think?". Silence.

"How about ... Bella?". Eh!

"No, no Bella. What about, Maya?" No respond.

"Lea? Trixie? Ruby?". I shook my head. "No?". Still no respond. Can you at least blink or whatever!

I was giving up. "Maybe i'll just call you Lexi or something". She barked!

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Lexi? You like Lexi?". She barked again. "Okay! Good. Lexi it is".

I think i just figured a way of communication between us. Amazing!

I chuckled. "It's cool, isn't it? You just liked the female version of my name. You're a one weirdo little wolf, you know that?". If i kept talking to her like that, i'd go crazy. She's a good listener and most of the time i get the feels like she actually understands me!

"Anyways, i gotta go to work. See you later, Lex". I grabbed my jacket and left.

It's been few days since the death of Mr. Hackles. BriverWoods was extra quiet since then. A curfew was now in effect from sundown. It was intense, but life goes on.

I didn't hear from Aaron since that day. I didn't forget what happened. I've seen worse, so i don't really want to think about it. I don't need to know an explanation for everything. Sometimes, Somethings are better stay unknown. I know better.

I was lucky to get busy at work and forget about everything. The hours passed and it was time to go home. I was wondering what Lexi might be doing now? Swimming in blood? Huh! It felt weird giving her a name like i'm officially counting her family. At least i have someone to call family.

I left work and started to walk along the highway. I wasn't really focusing but a car suddenly stopped right by my side. It took me by surprise! I looked at it.


He opened the passenger door. Now i can see him very well. He was furious and mad! He yelled at me. "Get in the car".

I was confused. I looked around, but it was pretty much the two of us in there. I looked back at him with question marks hovering around me. "What are you doing here?". He yelled again. "I said get in the car, Alex, NOW!". I felt bad. Something horrible must've been happened.

I didn't feel threatened but i got in the car. Suddenly, he drove the car insanely fast! "Aaron! What's the matter with you! Slow down, man!".

He didn't listen to me. He didn't say anything. His eyes were fixed on the road and he was extremely intense.

I shut my mouth waiting for what's going to happen next. Few minutes and he stopped the car on the side of the highway. He got out slamming the door. I followed him very careful with my steps. He walked few steps into the woods. "Follow me". With this two words i did follow him. "Where are we going?". No respond. "Aaron!". Still!

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