9. Dream a little dream of me.

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"What if she can sense death!".

I realized what i just said! "Aaron this is madness. Sensing death! And you're the expert here. Oh god i'm losing my mind. This is insane!".

"Calm down okay! You're the one who saw her healing in a second. You're the one who witnessed it all". He snapped his finger, then went on. "It's just a conclusion, that's all. Otherwise, how would you explain any of this?".

I raised my eyebrows. "I don't know. All i know is that people died and i can't stop thinking of it as if it's my fault". Aaron shook his head and then asked. "What makes you think like that?".

"A hunch maybe! I don't know. I just keep feeling that". I sighed loudly, covering my face with my hands. All of this is overwhelming, and i'm getting tired already.

Aaron stood up. "Look! All we can do right now is keeping an eye on her. You go home, get some rest and then watch her closely for the next 24 hours. Okay?".

"I have to work, you know!". I said hopelessly. He looked at his rest to look at the time even though he wasn't wearing a watch! Even sane Aaron is going crazy.

He spoke while looking around his desk. "Take her with you, or bring her here first thing in the morning. I'm sure my father won't mind. Figure something out". He sighed angrily then mumbled. "Darn it! Where is it!".

Whatever he was looking for he didn't find it, so he grabbed the research papers and shut the lights off then we headed out.

I looked at Lexi in the back seat. She was asleep. I stood there for a minute trying to figure out my feelings. I have mixed ones.

She looks really innocent, yet you can't not fear her. She's something already. Something i've never seen before. Something i never knew before.

With me standing there staring at my reflection at the window, i realized how dark my eyes were. I closed them, taking a deep breath. I must be very exhausted.

"Hey! Down to earth. It's getting late. Let's go". Aaron's voice brought me back to earth.

He dropped us to my house. I looked at him before getting out of the car. I hesitated. "Hey! Um! Thank you. I really appreciate your help. It's more than i'm asking for".

Part of me wants to her him saying that he forgive me for the past. That he's helping me because he sees me as his best friend again.

He looked away then back at me. "Why don't we talk about this later. Let's just focus on her for now, okay?".

He understood what i wanted to say, and i got the message crystal clear. He won't forgive me that easy.

I simply nodded then got off, taking Lexi with me.

I couldn't sleep that night, although i was exhausted. I think i was too stressed to rest. I kept closing and opening my eyes repeatedly. I felt my head was getting heavier but i'm still wide awake. Fear was slightly finding it's way into my head. If i slept, i might have one of those dreams. I must keep myself conscious. I closed my eyes tightly, focusing then i opened them.

I shut my eyes tightly. Don't fall asleep Alex. Don't fall asleep.


Behind Miracles of the Donovan's dogDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora