10. Third time's a charm!

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* Aaron's P.O.V *

I sat in Sheriff Landon's office for few minutes, staring to the outside getting dark already, not knowing why i was there anyway. I was calm and confident of the things i didn't do. Whatever they called me in for, it must be a misunderstanding.

Sheriff Landon entered the office. "Sorry for keeping you await Aaron. You know it's dark times on BriverWoods. By the way, i was just talking to your father on the phone. I told him that there's nothing to worry about". He gave me an uncomfortable smile. That one smile of his i never liked. Even when i was a child.

"Sure. Trisha said i'm accused for a murder? What is that?". I kept a straight face feeling offended to be honest.

He chuckled. "You know, Trish likes to use strong words. I assure you, there's nothing to worry about".

Facts. If someone kept repeating 'there's nothing to worry about' twice or more, then definitely, there's something to worry about . It comes with experience. Ask me about it.

I can see how Sheriff Landon grew old into a man with hard and strict features. His dark skin made him even more serous. I noticed how hard he's trying to smile to my face but he fails. Thank god his daughter got her mother's features and attitude. May Teressa rest in peace.

He asked me. "You're silent. That means you're waiting for me to speak. Great". He opened a file on his desk. "So. Have you been to the woods lately?".

I nodded. "Yes. I was investigating about the animal attacks". I'll keep it short, since i know how to control my body language. I'll be fine.

He raised an eyebrow. "So? Did you find anything interesting?".

I know my father works with him on this case so i don't know how much he knows. So i went shady. "No. Not really".

Lucky me. Sheriff Landon knows me too well. He smiled. "Aaron. We found your watch near Serena Hall's body". I didn't even reacted, so he continued. "I'm not accusing you for anything. You grow up with my daughter so you're like a son to me. But do you really think it's a coincidence?".

"I believe it is". I fixed my sitting and kept going. "What do you want me to say? That i found the body and i refused to tell? That i was afraid that i'll be a suspect? It's Serena. I knew her. Matter of fact, i feel offended by your questions". I'm so going to hell.

"Aaron, you know that's not what i meant. You know what! Forget what i just said. One more thing, were you alone out there?".

"Yes". I answered feeling victorious inside. I see lying a lot to pet owners specially kids, made me do fine.

I looked at him looking beyond me through the window that separating his office from the rest of the station. An officer knocked and came in. "Sheriff, there's someone outside, his name is Alex Donovan. He said he wants to talk to you".

Shit! I turned my torso to look at him through the window. He was sitting outside looking directly at me. What is he doing here?

I widened my eyes at him, moving my lips, asking him to leave right now. He just kept staring at me like i wasn't there. Damn Alex! You've always been a pain in my ass.

Sheriff Landon told the officer to tell him to wait. I turned back, feeling nervous. Great!

Sheriff Landon asked me while pointing at Alex. "You still share the bond with him?".

I understand that Sheriff Landon was a close friend to Joseph Donovan and he still holds a grudge against Alex, and despite the despicable way he kept looking at Alex, i had to defend my friend, so i teased him. "Totally".

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