18. Behind Miracles. Pt. 2

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I looked at Sam, not knowing what to feel exactly. Sam looked sorry! And i don't know why.

He lift up a punch of papers. "I had to leave the hospital when i knew that both of you were being held. I had to do something and i'm glad i did".

I felt bitter. "You could've hurt yourself even more". But Sam was weirdly calm. "Not at all. As you can see, i'm safe and sound. Thanks to Joyce".

He sighed and continued. "Anyway, i made my searches and it all make sense now. We were right. It's the spell the girls casted thirteen years ago".

Joyce entered the room bringing us coffee and some cookies. But i was fully focused on Sam. She sat quietly, listening.

"The spell wasn't a wish spell as the girls thought. It was the spell of resurrections and sacrifices".

I was processing. Aaron and Joyce seemed already acknowledged.

"So Ancient Greeks had few believes that they can do a ritual which gonna give them the power to resurrect their late beloved ones, only in the exchange of serving sacrifices. It's nonsense. It's dark magic. Pure evil. Of course they didn't know that back then. They sacrificed but they got nothing in return. And as a result of all of this, their lands got cursed".

Sam tightened his lips, thinking of his next words. I just didn't know what to think or say. He wasn't finished and i was still processing.

"They cursed the lands by awaken dark and death creatures". He stopped and our eyes met. "Guardians and masters". He continued. "Five virgins were the key to the ritual. They did the rituals under few conditions and that's how it all started. Thinking they were doin something good but instead they were summoning the most feared creatures. Lord of torments and death along side his reapers. Not just that, they also awake the harbinger of death and her master. Which are like opposite teams ".

He pushed himself to sit straight while Joyce helped him out. He opened an old book on a certain page. It had few pictures and a strange writings. I looked closely.

"What our girls did is that they messed with ancient sorcery and activated that spell. They did the rituals and conjured all of those creatures. They cursed a certain spot inside the woods which was the area we found the wolves in. Of course they are not wolves, they are reapers who were taking bodies as a sacrificial to their master, Lord of torments and death. Hellish supernatural wolves with black fur and glowing red eyes, super strength and speed and surrounded by the halo of hell's fire. Speaking of their real image".

Sam stopped to take his breath and see the reaction on me. I was completely confused. I had millions of questions. Only one question came out of my mouth. "What makes you so sure that all of this is real?".

"That was exactly the first thing i asked myself. How to be sure that all of this is not just a myth. A bedtime story. Well, ...". Sam said then he looked at Aaron. Aaron looked away. Sam continued. "Well, i had to see for myself".

"What did you do?". I asked angrily.

"The legends says that if you got touched by the reapers then you'll be able to see their real image without the presence of the harbinger of death. So i went to the woods".

I cut him off. "You did What? Are you out of your mind!".

Aaron stopped me. "Alex, listen up. He already did it and he's fine, okay? I just know if he told me earlier i would've killed him". Aaron looked at Sam with a hardness gleams in his eyes.

Sam objected. "Hellooo! Do i look like i need permission from any of you?".

"You're injured! I don't care if it's magic or lord of torturing or whatever, i only care of you and your safety, why it's hard for you to fucking understand?". I yelled losing control of myself. This is too much and my nerves are on edge already.

Behind Miracles of the Donovan's dogWhere stories live. Discover now