28. Insane Inside.

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*Aaron's P.O.V*

Sam and i sat silently at Dean's office in his workshop. Sam leaned his head to the back, looking dropped dead exhausted. I felt sorry for him. He was going through a lot and no one deserve that much pressure.

I couldn't think of much. I was trying to connect the dots. Definitely, that wasn't Alex. He might look like a dead version of him, but i know for sure it wasn't his soul. Whatever the hell that was, it looked brutal and ruthless.

I couldn't think of anything but the possibility of Alex being possessed. But possessed by what? That supernatural creature within him? The master of the guardian? Wasn't it a good sort of power?

I don't know anything anymore.

Dean entered the office. Both Sam and i payed attention. Dean nodded and spoke. "He's awake".

We all headed to the storage room in the back, where Alex was tied up. We entered the room to find him tilting his head really low as if he was still unconscious. His hair was covering his eyes so we couldn't see his features but he was breathing heavily.

"Alex?". Sam spoke first.

Suddenly, Alex stopped moving or even breathing. He lift up his head looking at Sam. It was like he's trying to recognize him or something!

"Sam?". He looked around to the three of us. He stared at the tranquilizer in Dean's hands. "What's going on?".

Sam got down to face him. I can see he's careful. "Alex, do you recognize the three of us?".

"What kind of questions is that? Of course i do". He tried to free himself. "Why am i tied up?". he was obviously bothered by that.

I followed Sam and spoke. "What's the last thing you remember?".

He took his time to think. He seemed like he needed to remember. Then he looked at me. "I was with you... In the woods?".

Sam and i looked at each other. I think we both thought of the same thing. Is he really Alex?

"What happened after the woods?". Sam asked.

Alex looked confused. "I- i think i fainted. Then everything seemed, blurry! Now i'm suddenly here, all tied up. What did i do?".

"So you don't remember being near Lexi?". I asked.

"I have a terrible time remembering when was the last time i saw her. Where is she anyway?". He answered, then he started to fidget. "Guys seriously, untie me".

We stared at him, fighting his way throw the rope. "Let me go guys. It hurts".

Dean stepped over. "Tell me something first then we'll decide if we should untie you or not. When you came to apply for the job here in the workshop, who did you meet first? Me or Jacob?".

Dean caught up with us really fast that he was already trying to know if that was Alex or not. At this moment i knew we owe him an explanation.

Alex chuckled. "Are you serious? How am i supposed to remember that?".

"It's not that long time ago, Alex. Was it me or was it Jacob?". Dean insisted.

Alex stared at him unbelievingly. Still i could tell he was nervous. Sam and i were. The tension was getting into the atmosphere!

Alex chuckled again, pretending to be smart. "It was Jacob. Definitely Jacob. Because you're always in the office and not on the garage".

Dean smiled. Sam and i were hell confused. Dean got down to face Alex, he was fixing his eyes on him, then he spoke calmly.

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