16. Samuel Donovan.

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*Sam P.O.V*

I opened my eyes slowly, whimpering a little bit due to the hammering party going on inside my head. I think i'm out of painkillers. Or is it the painkillers? I don't really know.

I felt stings running along my stomach. Yup! I'm out of painkillers. I looked at the watch hanging on the wall to my left to find it passed 9 a.m. Wow! I slept for almost a day!

The hell am doing in a hospital anyway! Somebody let me out of here for god's sake!

I looked around feeling bored. I'm in pain but the hell i'm supposed to do! If i moved a toe, a shot of unbearable pain will take over my body and i'm not down for that. Remembering what happened was terrible enough. Damn woods, i've always hated it.

I managed to reach the remote control and open the TV that hanging in a corner of this hole i'm stuck in. At least there's something to keep me entertained.

Where's Alex anyway! Isn't he supposed to keep my company!

Alex! Keeping my company! He barely knows me!

My mind shifted directly to him. My one and only big brother. I sighed, thinking of the unpleasant coincidences that got me ending up here in BriverWoods again. That shitty town i always hated.

Alex coming back! Alex buying the house! Alex getting a dog! Alex getting in trouble! Alex being a new Alex!

New Alex!

I remember how i felt about him all these years. How i taught myself to loathe him and to forget all about him. But who i was kidding! All of that became worthless the minute i landed my eyes on him. The minute we argued and shot words at each other's face.

A weird combination of mixed feelings. I wanted to punch him really hard. I wanted to torture him but some how i kept giving him stupid harsh words and hard time like a fight between school girls. Not what i had in mind when i played that scene in my head over and over again.

I think i was surprised to see him in well shape and health. He wasn't that skinny slim eighteen years old boy who got himself into drugs and doses anymore. I was all surprised to see him in that muscular athletic body. How did he managed to have one! I'll never know!

I thought about the day before and how things took a whole new shocking turn. How we opened up to each other in the worst way ever. I never wanted to treat him that way, never wanted to hurt him that way, but every time i see Alex's face, i see mom and dad. Maybe because he was an epic replica of them? Idk. But it teases my nerves, so i give him few bitter words. At least he had to pay for what he've done after all.

The bastard's still my brother, and still, every time i treat him like shit, i feel guilty af! I guess i failed terribly at loathing him.

"I see you're up and you're enjoying the show already".

I flenched over that nurse's entrance to the room. I was caught up in my thoughts from head to toes, that i immediately realized i was staring at some mid 80's silly sitcom, not even looking at it! Doesn't really matter since i can't see it clearly without my glasses, which i lost somewhere around the woods.

"How do you feel already?". She said all smily and everything. I sighed, and gave her a tightened lips smile. "Bored and in pain". Literally and metaphorically.

"Oh! I'm going to give you your medication right on. It's just doctor Burg needs to see you first". She said that while i was nodding.

Not too long the doctor entered the room, examining everything making sure i was made of steel. "How is our surviver doing? I see some promising results. Is that the effect of getting attacked by a wolf? Coz' let me tell ya, i'm in for it". Did he just joked about that? I hate doctors and hospitals. I hate medications and nurses. So i never really get their stupid weird sense of humor. I have nothing against him personally, but if he kept giving me those silly comments, i'm gonna give him some tantrum.

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