Fragmented Memory 4

Start from the beginning

He didn't want to...

But it was just the way things were.

At least...

That's what his mother always said.


The sun was now dipping over the horizon, as academy let out for the day. Kiba walked outside, seeing his older sister Hana Inuzuka waiting near the entrance of the building.

He liked his sister.

For the most part.

She was the strongest.

She was the smartest.

She was loved by mom the most.

So he loved her too.

He had to.

He walked up to his sister timidly, always unsure of how to approach her.

She frowned.

"Why are you always so slow?" Hana asked.

"I'm sorry..." Kiba said.

"Jeesh, you always talk so quiet too."

"I'm sorry..." Kiba said again.

She continued to frown at him, before huffing aloud.

"Whatever. Come on. Lets go. Mom's probably finished dinner. Did you bring your progress report?"

Kiba froze.

"...Uh...I forgot it." He responded timidly.

"Ugh, probably on purpose."

"Please don't tell mom." He asked.

"I won't have to, she'll find out anyway." She responded with a smirk.

"..I'm sorry."

She growled.

"Stop saying that. Its annoying. Just shut up and follow me. We're going home."

"...Yes sis." He responded, following her as quietly as possible so as to avoid upsetting her.

His sister, Hana Inuzuka, was the pride and joy of their mother. She had graduated from the Academy at a very early age, having excelled at medical ninjutsu. In less than a year she had become a Chunin, and the next year, a Jonin. She was a child prodigy, a star, a pack leader, his mother's pride and joy.

Everything Kiba should be.

But wasn't.

All he could do was do what he always did.


So he did.

He followed her home, staying as quiet as possible.


He walked into the house, and smelled what his mother was cooking.

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