Chapter 38

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A world of white. A world of snow. Seeped in red. Seeped in tragedy. That was what the broken psyche of Inari perceived through his minds eye, hands shaking as he swallowed a lump of saliva that stuck to his uvula in an uncomfortable manner. He fell onto his bum, still finding it hard to cope with the gravity of what he had done. The dead body of a loving father who lived a life of crime to feed his family at his feet.

"...Get up kid, we need to keep moving." Kisame said without a hint of care or pity.

Inari's body began to shake, looking at his hands with a horrified expression. He tried to stand, but collapsed immediately, his legs feeling like jelly.

'I killed someone. I killed someone. I killed someone. I-!?'


Inari flinched, and rubbed his now sore and red cheek, looking up at the shark faced man who had laid his hands on him.

"Snap out of it kid. We got a job to do." Kisame shouted.

Hidan whistled from atop the mountain of bodies he had made, behaving like a school kid who was witnessing a fellow classmate being called to the office.

"I-I, I'm sorry Kisame I-!?"

Before he could finish, he threw up into the snow. His body convulsing as Kisame sighed. The man sat down beside the dry heaving Inari, rubbing his back as the boy tried to gather himself.

"I-I just have never d-d-done this before."

Kisame continued to rub the boys back.

"Its okay kid. The first time is always the hardest. But we need to keep going. We have a mission and it must be completed." Kisame said calmly, being as clear as he could be with Inari.

"I-I know...I know."

Inari stood to his feet, legs shaking. A dirty and ugly feeling settling itself into the pit of his stomach.

"Hidan, quit goofing off and lets go." Kisame said.

Hidan pouted before jumping off the pile, a exaggerated frown on his face.

Inari quietly followed, before stopping in his tracks.

"Kisame?" His voice sounded out in a sad and shaky manner.

The shark man stopped, and turned to the young boy.

"Yes?" He questioned.

"...Does it ever get easier?"

At that time, in that place, and with that question that rung throughout the sea of endless snow...

Inari's course would slightly begin to shift.


"This sucks royally."

An exasperated sigh was all that could be given to the man in response.

"Would you quit repeating yourself Omoi?" A red haired woman with a brown complexion asked in annoyance.

"But Karui, you gotta admit that this is boring as hell right?" Omoi said, a whine in his tone.

"Both of you quiet."

Karui and Omoi immediately went silent. Standing before them was a woman with blond hair pulled into a tail, a slender frame, and a stern look in her eyes. She shook her head at the two of them, breaking out of her stern demeanor with a motherly smile.

"Seriously, the two of you can be so hot headed and childish at times."

Karui puffed out her cheeks in anger.

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