Chapter 19

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"Why are you in my apartment room." Yuma groaned loudly to his fellow pale skinned boy.

"Because I am fixing breakfast for you." Sai said, faking a smile much to the annoyance of Yuma, with a pan in hand.

Yuma groaned once more.

"Why?" Yuma asked sarcastically.

"As an apology to you for waking you up so early. I'm even using my own ingredients as to not burden your pitiful pantry." Sai said in a mocking manner.

"Pitiful? Step one to being a good neighbor; try not to insult their supplies." Yuma said, getting up and stretching as he yawned loudly.

"What else could I call that pantry? Sad? Pathetic? Meager? An embarrassment to pantry's everywhere?" Sai said with an obnoxious fake smile that was beginning to annoy Yuma.

"You really have a way with words don't you?" Yuma said with a snarl and mean look.

"Why yes, thanks for noticing." Sai responded.

"I was being sarcastic." Yuma deadpanned.

Yuma walked into his small kitchen area, wanting to see exactly what Sai was fixing. His eyes widened slightly in surprise, noticing the dish Sai had been cooking.

'An omelet huh? I thought he would've been cooking something cheap, but an omelet? Maybe he's not so bad after all.' Yuma mused to himself, surprised the boy who did not mince words would be cooking such a considerate dish.

"Well, even though I don't like the way you have been talking to me, you still saved my ass with breakfast. So thanks." Yuma forced out, reluctantly thanking Sai for his cooking.

"Think nothing of it." Sai said, the fake smile ever so present on his face.

Yuma frowned at the half ass response, and began to prepare his table by setting down two plates. He looked at the ever so smiling Sai and sighed. He pulled out his chair and took a seat, letting his head rest on the table.

"I don't think I had enough ingredients, so it really helps me out that you came when you did." Yuma said, trying to spark a conversation.

"You call all those cups of noodles in your pantry ingredients?" Sai said with sarcasm.

"If your gonna insult me at least come up with something I have never heard before." Yuma grumbled out, his face smothered into his own table.

Sai snorted in amusement, before gathering his bearings, catching his emotional slip-up. He frowned to himself very briefly, before covering it up with one of his fake smiles. He turned off the oven, and got the two omelets; bringing them to the table. Yuma began to salivate slightly, his stomach rumbling. Sai set the omelets down onto the plates, Yuma immediately tearing into it like a man on the brink of starvation. Sai smiled at this.

Yuma's eyes sparkled in pure astonishment, not expecting the food fixed by Sai to taste this good.

"Sai..." Yuma said, holding his head down.


"Could you become my cook?" Yuma said, looking directly into Sai's eyes.

"...I'll consider it."

Yuma fist bumped the air with a look of victory in his eyes, an intense "yes" escaping his mouth. Sai began to eat his own omelet calmly, a look of serenity on his face. Once he finished his meal, he laid onto his back with a content grin on his face. He laid there, thinking of the events from the night before. His grin morphed into a guilty frown.

"...Hey Sai."


Yuma got up and stretched, a loud yawn coming out of his mouth.

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