Chapter 9

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"It seems you have really been put through the works, haven't you Yuma?" Kabuto Yakushi stated as he held his green glowing palm towards the back of Yuma Ito.

Yuma was laying down face first in the hospitable, showing his back to the glasses wearing medic ninja. Naruto and Sasuke were absent, off training in some room in Gato Enterprises. Kakashi stood near Yuma's side, gazing at his scarred back that was littered with gashes and cuts, a worried expression on his face. Yuma laid there, feeling awkward at being the center of attention once again.

"Mister Kakashi, what kind of training did you put this boy through to cause this much scarring?" Kabuto asked.

Kakashi shook his head, an ashamed expression overtaking his features.

"As if it was as simple as a training accident, we were attacked, and I was separated from my students by way of water barrier ninjutsu." Kakashi explained, as Kabuto gained a barely noticeable glint in his eyes.

"I see...and who, if i'm allowed to ask, was the ninja that attacked you and your team?" Kabuto asked.

"It was an ex-ninja formerly from the Hidden Mist. Formerly of the The Seven Swordsman of the Hidden Mist, Kisame Hoshigake. He appeared to be after Naruko and had incapacitated both me and Sasuke. Yuma is the only reason any of us made it out, well, him and two others."

Kabuto's hand that was hovering over Yuma's injuries, stopped in mid healing for a few seconds before he resumed.

"I see...You must be quite a talented prospect, eh Yuma?" Kabuto said, a joking air in his tone.

Yuma blushed in embarrassment, glad no one other then Kakashi could see his face.

"N-No, I'm not talented at all, just lucky!" Yuma exclaimed, his voice flustered.

Kabuto lightly chuckled in amusement.

"And modest! Kakashi sir, you have a great student here!" Kabuto exclaimed.

Kakashi looked at Yuma with pride, shocking Yuma in the process as he nodded his head.

"Yeah, I really do don't I..." Kakashi said with a eye smile as he ruffled Yuma's hair, causing Yuma's flustered to increasingly turn an even brighter shade of red.

"No, I really was just lucky, its not like I am special or anything..." Yuma said, his voice getting softer with every word, his eyes downcast.

Kakashi shook his head, the eye smile remaining on his head.

"As I have already told you before Yuma, but it's okay to take pride in what you did. You might think it was just luck, and i'm sure luck did play a significant role, but you survived a almost four minute long onslaught from an S-Class threat. Not many Genin can achieve such a feat. So take pride in what you have accomplished, okay Yuma?" Kakashi said, clearly proud of Yuma.

Yuma dug his face further into the hospitable pillow, embarrassed of all the praise directed toward him.

Suddenly, Kabuto clapped his hands together, shocking Kakashi and Yuma from their moment as he smiled at the two of them.

"Alright! I have completely healed you of your fractures and other wounds. I do believe my business is done here." Kabuto stood up, smiling at the both of them.

Yuma stepped out from his bed, stretching his limbs and bending his back in wonderment.

"Wow! You really did completely heal me! I feel as good as new! " Yuma said.

'I knew Medical Ninjutsu was capable of healing many different types of injuries, but I never realized it was this handy! Maybe I should try learning some of it, it could come in handy...' Yuma thought to himself, completely in awe of the healing he had just undergone.

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