Chapter 39

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"And this next test..."

Everyone tensed up.

"Is a water gun fight!"




"What?" Yuma remarked, confused as to what Minato was on about.

The man with bags beneath his eyes, walked to the Hokage's side, catching his attention.

"I can take it from here Hokage-*Cough*- Hokage sir."

"Ah, yes, go ahead Hayate." Minato said with a grateful smile, allowing Hayate to take his place on the balcony.

Which he promptly jumped from, landing in front of the shocked Genin, before coughing into his fist. Yuma stared at the odd man in bewilderment, before sighing.

"This village is filled with weirdo's." He said.

"Tell me about it." Sasuke concurred.

The man finished his fit of the coughs, straightening his posture to greet the crowd of Genin. His eyes swiveled over the crowd, settling themselves on Yuma. Yuma saw the man staring at him, and glared at him, causing Hayate to avert his eyes.

"Hello to you all. I'm *Cough* Hayate Gekko, and i'm the *Cough* proctor of the third test. As the Hokage said, this test will be a water gun fight. But its not your run of the *Cough* run of the mill kind of water gun fight."

Hayate pulled out a pistol, roughly the size of ones foot. It had a large seal-like marking on its side, catching Naruko's attention.

"Oh, I get it!" Naruko muttered, catching Sasuke's attention.

"Wait...Don't tell me those are..."

"These are specially made pistols *Cough*, each custom made by the Hokage *Cough* by the Hokage himself. They have seals that hold over one hundred gallons worth of water in its confines as ammunition."

"Hehehe, this is gonna be fun." Naruko chuckled excitedly.

"Damn it all, I hate this. Your dad got this idea from when we used to play as kids didn't he?" Sasuke complained.

"What are you two talking about?" Yuma asked with an annoyed tone, not liking being out of the loop.

"When we were kids, we used to train together. We both hated the tactical and strategy training though, so her father came up with the bright idea of water gun fights. That way we would learn strategy and tactical methods of battle without being bored. Basically he tricked us into training by making us think we were just playing around." Sasuke explained.

"Oh. That's actually kind of smart." Yuma admitted.

"Each of you will get *Cough* will get a seal placed onto your backs. They will look like this." Hayate pulled out a round piece of paper that was the size an adults hand, marked with a seal.

"These seals will be your targets, and will be *Cough* and will be used to make sure no one attempts to continue fighting after being beaten. *Cough* To defeat another in the water gun fight, *Cough* you must hit their seal with water. Once hit, well...After that *Cough* after that happens, the seal will automatically summon you back here." Hayate explained.

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