10. Board Games and Lemmings

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"Jungkookie! Hurry up, Jin and I saved you a spot on the bleachers! But move your ass, Minho is giving me a death glare... HEY THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR, ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU WEREN'T FAST ENOUGH! ENJOY THE GROUND, PEASANT!"

It had been 3 days since Jungkook had woken up in Taehyung's bed. To say he was confused would be an understatement. He had felt a residual ache in his chest as he had come to full consciousness, looking around the foreign room with a million questions running through his head. Having regained consciousness he had begun to panic, throwing off the covers and turning to get out of the bed when he stopped, noticing a sleeping Taehyung beneath him.

The boy was asleep sitting up on the floor with his back pressed against the wall and his head leaning against the side of what Jungkook then realized was Taehyung's bed. His legs were barely covered by a thin blanket as soft snores tumbled from between his parted lips. Jungkook had taken a moment to take in the sweet view when it all came rushing back.

"...like a bunny..." He remembered the innocent comment thrown at him while they were working, but not much after that. He remembered flashes...tripping down stairs and falling onto the street, barely being able to hold his phone for the panic that washed over him as nightmare after nightmare surged to his surface.

Well that explained the feeling in his chest and fuzziness in his head. His limbs felt heavy, and despite having slept for longer than he usually did, his eyelids still fell, wanting to drop closed and send him back to sleep.

Suddenly, an alarm had gone off and Taehyung had jerked awake, eyes landing immediately on the now-awake Jungkook. He had immediately jumped up, apologizing profusely for what had happened the day before, and Jungkook had forgiven him. Taehyung had been nothing but good to him, and he had no reason to suddenly dislike the boy for a slip-up, no matter how deeply it had affected him at the time. One phrase in Taehyung's apology had stuck with him since then, however, replaying over and over in his mind.

"You mean so much to me and I was so worried... I thought I was going to lose you."

The quiver in Taehyung's lip and the tears that sprung to his eyes as he confessed his doubts and panic from the night told Jungkook all he needed to know about the sincerity in Taehyung's words.

Jungkook battled the feeling that he was a burden quite often. In his prior detachment from society, he had been blissfully ignorant of that nagging worry, but since having met Taehyung it plagued him more than he would have liked.

He always felt like he was holding Taehyung back, like he was just a heavy weight that Taehyung had to drag around, preventing him from spending time with his other friends. He could do so much better than Jungkook, and sometimes he wondered why Taehyung chose him in the first place.

That wasn't all gone, of course, but somehow the raw fear in Taehyung's eyes as he thought of Jungkook leaving him convinced Jungkook that Taehyung had chosen him for a reason, and that maybe the blonde boy stayed with him because he wanted to.

He hoped it was true.

They had left for the pool together, leaving Jungkook thankful that he had not had any run-ins with Taehyung's parents. He was sure they were good people, but he wasn't really in the conversation mood, and certainly not with the parents of the boy whose house he had unintentionally slept over at without seeking permission.

He had called his mother that morning, after Taehyung had filled him in on her situation. She had been relieved to hear his voice, asking over and over again if he was okay and finishing off by requesting to meet Taehyung (Jungkook never exactly responded to that).

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