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"Event 21, heat 8. 50 meter butterfly finals. Swimmers, approach the blocks"

Shedding his swim parka and removing his earphones, Jungkook stepped forward, pulling his swim cap over his head and layering his goggles over them, placing the lenses over his eyes and pulling the straps tight. The ghosts of the beats of his "pre-race songs" playlist pulsed in his ears as he adjusted the lip of the block, listening for the loud echoing thunk that signified the lip falling into place.

"Swimmers, take your marks"

Jungkook stepped onto the block, standing tall as he looked at the water before him. He situated his left foot back, placing the heel against the raised lip of the blocks, pushing back once or twice to make sure it was firmly in place. His left foot he pushed to the edge of the block, curling his toes over the edge, gripping the hard plastic as if his life depended on it.

For Jungkook, to some extent, it did.

He lived for the race; the feeling of the water like silk against his skin, the screaming burn in his muscles when he put everything he had into his swim, the way the adrenaline cleared his mind of all things except the desire to go, if even for less than a minute. The water was his home, and he needed it as much as he needed oxygen.

"Get set"

Jungkook leaned down, grasping the edge of the block, but only just barely. The tips of his fingers ghosted the bottom and his thumbs rested on top: the perfect position for getting the most power in his dive. He tilted his body forward, taunting gravity in the position where it felt as though he might fall forward at the lightest touch. He looked forward, eyes flitting over the flags ahead before falling again as he tilted his head back down. The crowd fell silent.


The crowd jumped into life as Jungkook shot forward, arms and legs pushing with as much strength as he could muster. His head tilted up for only the briefest of seconds, gaze locking on the flags ahead before falling back down to the water below. His legs straightened and his arms came around, hands locking together and head squeezed between his biceps as he entered the water with barely a splash.

A seamless dive, as per usual for Jungkook. Years of practice afforded him that much. The water welcomed him as he slipped in, dancing over his skin as if he were an old friend. A split second more of tensed muscles when he entered the water then he was off, legs held together as if magnetically attracted as he kicked, his sheer strength propelling him though the water at impressive speeds, without even his arms to aid him yet.

With a first pull of his arms, he broke the surface, half a body length between him and his nearest competitor. His body fell into a rhythm immediately as he pulled, his shoulders rising up and out of the water as he brought his arms around again, with another strong kick to push him forward further. He resisted the urge to breathe, knowing that even though his lungs burned, raising his head would only slow his momentum. The wall loomed ahead, and with one more stroke, he tapped the wall, immediately folding his body over to the side and sucking in a quick breath before his feet hit the wall and he pushed off again, the strength of his well-muscled legs aiding in his propulsion forward has he kicked. He broke the surface, slipping straight back into the rhythm of the stroke.

It was like a dance to Jungkook, just him and the water locked together in endless dance to a beat only they could hear. Everything felt right when he swam; like steps aligning perfectly with a song, movements hitting each note, feeling the music the water made as if it were part of his soul.

With one last powerful stroke, Jungkook hit the wall. Water slashed up around him, crashing into the wall as his legs came to a rest underneath him, his body suspended in the water as he gripped the wall and his lungs heaved for air.

"First to the wall, junior champion Jeon Jungkook in lane 5 with an impressive time of 25.32 seconds, a personal best for the rising 16 year old, and setting a new national record! In second we have Lee Jaewon in lane 4 with a personal best..."

The rest of the announcers' words were lost to Jungkook, who hung only on the first sentence. A smile curved its way over Jungkook's tired features as the realization set in: he finally beat his personal best, and by a whole second. He did the usual rounds, going to his competitors on either side to congratulate them before gripping the edge of the pool deck and pulling himself out of the water, a difficult task when your arms are exhausted and the ledge sits a good foot and a half over your head.

With impressive grace, he pulled his torso over the edge and onto the yellow tile, lifting his leg onto the ground and finally standing, letting the water drip down off his head and stream down his back in rivulets as he removed his goggles and cap, giving his hair a shake. He always swam with it wet under his cap from his warm up, as it felt more natural to him for his body to be thoroughly soaked, almost as a sign of comradery with the water. His nerves felt on fire with the adrenaline from the race as the satisfaction of his new personal best, but as he stepped off the tiled ledge and onto the concrete, a chill made its way down his spine and a familiar numbness crept into his bones.

The adrenaline of the race could only last so long, of course, and now he was plagued with remembrance. Ghosts of wide smiles, excited words of congratulations, and tight, wet, chlorine-filled hugs flooded Jungkook's memory, and it was then that the realization hit:

There was no one waiting for him at the finish line anymore.

Welcome to Everything I Need (and more)!

I promise this story isn't all angst (although there is a fair bit, I warn you). I have lots of fluff snd sweet moments planned, but get ready for a bit of a wild ride! This is slow burn, so don't expect them to jump into a relationship right away. However, don't worry, this story will have a happy ending, as I don't want to start off here with too much sadness in one book.  

Contains (all marked with TW):


Mentions of suicide, self harm 

Character death (minor)


Anxiety and self-depricating thoughts 

Homophobic/transphobic comments



Boyxboy (obviously)

Please comment and vote, it really motivates me!

Please note that I do not own any of the characters, they belong to BigHit, of course. The only part of this that I do own is the storyline and plot, so please don't copy my idea!


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