12. Friend.

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The group settled on games. After a few rounds of Pictionary, (where it was deduced that Eun Jung was horrible at drawing countries, and Taehyung's idea of a roadside ditch was more like a canyon where cars and the hopes and dreams of new drivers went to die) Eun Jung proclaimed that she would go to her room and read for a while so the boys could spend some more time together. Taehyung insisted that it was okay and he would love it if she stayed, but she declined, leaving the two alone in the living room.

"So, what do you want to do?" Taehyung jumped up from the floor where they had been seated, flopping onto the couch. It was the end of the night, and by then, wrinkling his dress shirt was the least of his concerns.

"We can read more if you want."

"But I wanna do something else with you! Besides, you can read to me more at lunch at school."

"Oh really?" Jungkook chucked at Taehyung's bluntness.

"Yep! Well I mean...if you wanted to."

"I'd be fine with that. Just remember to bring it."

"Great! So...what now?"

Jungkook shrugged. "I can turn on the TV, I guess. It's kinda late, I doubt you want to do anything too exciting?"

"Nah, not really."

Taking hold of the remote, Jungkook sat down on the couch next to Taehyung. The TV screen lit up, and Jungkook mindlessly flipped through channels, waiting for Taehyung to stop him. There was a Marvel movie playing (it was Captain America: Civil War, but Jungkook was going to pretend like he didn't know) that he lingered on for longer than the rest, but Taehyung didn't take any particular interest in it, so begrudgingly Jungkook switched away from it.

Marvel was part of who he used to be, anyways. No room for that now.

The more he clicked, the more he wondered if Taehyung was ever going to stop him. Nothing seemed to catch Taehyung's eye-

"Wait!" Taehyung suddenly cried out, jolting in his seat and throwing his warm to the side, nearly hitting Jungkook in his excitement. "Go back!"

Jungkook did, flipping back to the channel before. It was a man standing in front of a microphone stand in a salmon coloured blazer with a band in the background. He was singing some sort of bluesy song that Jungkook didn't quite recognize; he realized it was in English.

Jungkook's confusion was a stark contrast to Taehyung, whose eyes were wide with wonder as he watched the man on the screen move his arms and bounce his feet with the music.

"What's that?"

Taehyung turned to Jungkook, eyes bright and his rectangular smile on full view. "Postmodern Jukebox!"


"They do covers of modern songs but they put a retro spin on it! This one's called Closer, by the Chainsmokers and Halsey. They're western artists, I doubt you've heard of them."

Jungkook had. Taehyung had mentioned the singer Halsey in passing before, so Jungkook had taken it upon himself to listen to some of her music when he had returned home that afternoon. And it wasn't half bad, either. He was particularly taken by Ghost and Gasoline, two songs off an earlier album of hers, and he had added them to his playlist.

The singer on the screen launched into the first chorus, and Taehyung began singing along next to Jungkook, his body swaying gently with the beat. His pronunciations were different from that of the singer, but Jungkook found it adorable.

"...pull the sheets right off the cover of the mattress that you stole,

From your roommate back in Boulder

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