25. Ghost of You

63 3 13

TW: mentions of suicide, suicide letter, transphobic comments

"Yo, Jeon! Did you hear? Ji-yeon thinks she's a guy!"

Jungkook froze. No one knew. No one was supposed to know. "What?"

"Yeah." He sneered. "Someone posted all over Insta yesterday. Don't tell me you didn't know?"

"Who? Who the fuck did that?" Jungkook stood, glaring daggers at Hayoon, who just crossed his arms.

"I dunno. Someone overheard some shit. Explains the weird-ass haircut though, eh? She too afraid to show her face today or what?"

Jimin wasn't at school that day. A gnawing discomfort had plagued Jungkook all day, even though he assumed he was just sick; he had been acting weird after school the day before. He hadn't seemed himself at all, and his words had all carried an odd sort of edge that Jungkook hadn't been able to get out of his mind.

The way he had said "I love you" when they had parted ways had been almost haunting.

Jungkook, however, had lost his phone at some point the day before, and had been unable to even text him to ask.

But Jungkook realized he must have known that his secret was out. He didn't know why Jimin hadn't said anything to him about it, though.

"I mean, come on. Is it really so bad? She was always such a bitch, I can't believe you liked hanging out with her."

Jungkook seethed, fists clenching, and then Hayoon was stumbling back a hand against his stinging cheek.

"What the hell, Jeon?"

Jungkook grabbed Hayoon's collar. "His name is Jimin, you fuck! And he is a better person than you'll ever be! Only your head is too far up your ass to see that! So fuck off!"

Hayoon rolled his eyes. "Whatever. But you had better stop hanging out with her. Otherwise you're gonna get fucked up too. I hear the guys wanted to fuck with your house too last night, but someone convinced them to leave you alone. Don't think they'll be so merciful next time, though."

"Last night? What did they do?"

"Surprised you didn't see. They just did what should have been done. Maybe, if we're lucky, she won't show her disgusting face here again. She's an abomination, you know that right?"

"Fuck you!" Jungkook threw Hayoon on the ground. "What the fuck did they do?"

"Made sure her parents knew what was living under their roof, that's all. Made sure the neighbors knew too. Hopefully they kill her. They'd be doing us all a service."

It took two teachers to pull Jungkook off Hayoon. Teeth still gritted in anger and knuckles red with blood, he sat in the principal's office, waiting for Eun Jung to come pick him up.

"Mr. Jeon. This is the third time I've had you in here for acts of aggression against your classmates. We don't tolerate such acts at this school, and we have no choice but to suspend you for 2 weeks."


"But what? What's the excuse this time?"

"Hayoon was saying that he hoped Jimin died! He and some other boys did something last night cause they found out something they shouldn't have, and he didn't tell me what, but I just know it's some fucked up shit! Cause it always is with them!"

"Language, Mr. Jeon! Now, are you talking about your friend? Park Ji-yeon?"


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