Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - Another Surprise

I call my girlfriend darling too and she always gets flustered T^T she's so cute



"Why did you leave when I told you to stay?".



{ Y/N's POV }


"I said: why did you leave Y/N?"

"I needed some air..."

"Were you with Amane?"

"No, why would you ask that? I just needed some air. I-I'm okay now though"

I smile at him, dodging his gaze; I can't let him know I'm worried about Hanako. Hanako had been... weird. And I can't get what he told me out of my head. I still have so many questions!

Tsukasa comes to stand in front of me, brushing his hands up my arms. "Hm, are you sure? You're nervous Y/N. Tell me what's wrong now".

It sounded more like a command than an attempt to comfort me. I look away from him and pull my arms away in the process, debating on what to do. Should I tell him? I don't know. I can't lie anymore. What should I do? Oh, what should I do?

"Tell me Y/N". He floated above me slightly, looking down to where our faces were so close our noses almost touched. Did I... want this? Did I want him to come closer?

I blushed furiously at the thought. And yet... there he was. More composed than I'd ever seen him.

Maybe he doesn't feel the same way? Maybe he's just pulling another trick?


What should I do?


{ Time-skip brought to you by me running out of time skip ideas atm <33 }


{ Yashiro's POV }

It has been almost a week since I decided to only hang out with Hanako-kun when Y/N isn't there. I don't really know why, I just get a feeling that something is up with her.

I also have a feeling she likes Hanako-kun.

Though I'm the one that truly likes him. At least I don't lie to him. She has no clue Hanako-kun poured everything out to me; and he even told me his feelings.

Yes, he likes Y/N, but he will most definitely fall for me. I'll show him I won't lie to him, and go off kissing with his brother.


So why do I feel so uneasy? something is wrong here?

I mean... Tsukasa basically owns the broadcasting club so he'd be able to know near enough everything happening around school. Surely he knows about Y/N and Hanako-kun, and her lies? Won't he get mad?

Ugh, I don't know! But... I do like Hanako-kun...

So she better not get in my way.

Suddenly, I felt something grab my arm. Mph! What's got me?! I tried to struggle my arms free to run away, but my attempts didn't differ anything.

Something strong was gripping me!

And just then, some faint back smoke filled the air around me. Oh no. I shut my eyes tightly as an attempt for my eyes not to sting, and it worked.

"Stop struggling! It's not like you can do anything".

And then I felt two fingers get pressed to my forehead and I took one last breath before my body gave in and toppled down.


{ Y/N's POV }

"Tell me Y/N".

Our faces were almost touching by now.

"I-I w-was told something by-"

But before I could finish blurting out what I wanted to say, Sakura bursts into the room.

"Ahem. Hope I'm not interrupting".

Tsukasa smiles and floats over to her. "Not at all! Mm, what is it?".

"She just woke up".

She just woke up? Who, exactly?

I look at Tsukasa with a confused look, "what is she talking about?" I ask him.

He looks at me with another one of his cute, innocent smiles.

"It's another surprise I did for you! Let's go look at it, shall we..?"


Ooooh it's getting good, huhhh?

Oh, and how did your Christmas go? ^^ Mines was good! I got a lot of good things, and I had a really cool breakfast with my parents and siblings :D

715 Words

Hanako x Reader x Tsukasa - DarlingWhere stories live. Discover now