Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - My Wish

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy this story! I was thinking... at the end should I have an open ending for who you'd want to choose? Like, if you chose Tsukasa, you'd go down to the Tsukasa ending, and same for Hanako... What do you think? Should I do that, or just make it like it ends without you choosing? Please tell me! :)

Anyway, onto the first chapter yayy!


{Your POV}

"Hanako-san, Hanako-san, Hanako-san... are you there?".

I dared not to breathe, as I knocked on the door and spoke the rhyme aloud. It was a little dare my friend had told me to do. She claimed she would 'come out and grant me one wish if I did it correctly'. Pfft, it's not even true! ... I think, anyway.

I turned suddenly, hearing shuffling from somewhere. Though my gaze was snapped forward again, as the stall door in front of me creaked open.

"W-Who's there?" I managed to choke out.

"I'm hereee!". I feel something touch my shoulder.

I scream, closing my eyes tightly. I felt the weight on my shoulder vanish, so I peeked my eyes open and gazed around. To my surprise, a boy was standing in front of me.

"A boy?! Why are you in the girl's bathroom?!" I yell at him, breathing a sigh of relief. 

"Hmm? You were the one that called for me, y'know. My name's Hanako-kun!" The boy replies, smiling. "Sorry if you were expecting a girl... that rumor is kind of a lie".

I stood, stunned. How could this be Hanako-san? He was a boy!

"Don't try and get out of it, pervert!".

To my surprise, he began to float. He floated into the cubicle I had knocked on, sadness in his eyes.

"I was going to grant you a wish... but if that's what you think of me..."

"Wait! I-I believe you now. You're, um, floating right? Well... can you still grant me a wish?" I say, looking at him. "And, if it makes you feel better, I think a boy Hanako-san is pretty cool".

I smile as he springs up, bouncing over to me. 

"I'm cool?!" He looks at me with a big, cheery smile. I nod as he takes out a notepad and pen from his pocket. "Okay, Miss! What is your wish, exactly?".

I could only get one wish, right? I would have to give this some real thought. Though, I already had my wish planned. I had wished for this my whole life.

I closed my eyes, imagining my past, all the way back to when I had first began wishing for this. The car accident... my parents funeral... the never-ending tears...

I shook my head. I can't be thinking about that right now. I might cry or something...

I look up at Hanako-kun, determined. "My wish is to have someone care for me, and for them to stay with me forever. Someone that I love".

Hanako-kun nodded thoughtfully, writing something in his notebook. "Okay... and do you have anyone in mind?".

I shake my head shyly. What I wanted was for someone to never leave me, someone to give me love, and for them to let me give them my love too. In my life, everyone I have loved always leaves me. They always cause me pain and heartbreak.   

I come back to my senses, hearing Hanako-kun call me 'darling'.

"Huh?!" I say, blushing. "W-Why'd you call me that?".

"Well... you were zoned out just then, so I had to do something to make you come back!" He replied, smirking.

"Anyway... I haven't told you my name yet, right? Well, my name's Y/N L/N! I'm a second year, nice to meet you Hanako-kun".

"What a nice name, Y/N-chan!" I hear him say.


{Small Time-Skip, brought to you by Akane's love-obsession with Aoi}


It has now been about two weeks since that day. Me and Hanako-kun are getting along really well, actually. He talks to me a lot, he even sometimes visits me during classes. Yesterday, he visited my Math's class, bringing with him a delicious honey muffin! He made it himself, he said. Though it turned out I was caught and got sent out for a bit. However, I didn't mind because I had loved the muffin!

Today, however, Hanako-kun had called me over to clean the bathroom... again! This was the third time this week! And there wasn't even anything to clean, because the times from before still left it very clean.

I sighed, heading in the direction of the girl's bathroom. I then realized I could hear voices coming from inside. Who could be coming here at this time?

I stepped inside, gazing around. Turns out the noises I heard were Hanako-kun, talking to a girl in my class called Nene-chan. I smile as they both turn to look at me.

"Hi, Nene-chan! Do you know Hanako-kun? I've never seen you with him before," I say.

"Well... I just met him earlier today, actually. I wanted to see if she- um, I mean he, would grant me a wish". She walks over to me, coming to stand beside me, and takes my hands in hers. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who now knows Hanako-kun!".

I nod, looking over at Hanako-kun. He was floating, smiling at me.

"Me and Yashiro met earlier today," he says. "Say, Y/N... you've still got to clean my bathroom! Though now you at least have help".

He smirks, throwing a mop and bucket our way. "To work!".

I sigh; well, at least it wasn't all bad! At least now he would grant my well-awaited wish!


End of the first chapter! Hopefully it was okay :)

964 Words

Hanako x Reader x Tsukasa - DarlingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora