Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 - Shijima Mei Of The Art Room

GUESS WHO'S BACK?? I missed you all sm- I'm sorry for being inactive for so long, I was just going through stuff. Please enjoy this chapter, and tell me what you think!

I'm listening to a yandere playlist rn and it's so good. Also, people were saying they were confused on the story so if you are, please do ask questions and I'll answer them as best as I can! 



"Alright. Tell me everything".


Me and Yashiro rush down the hall, her gripping my hand.

"We can't let them hear. Come with me, I need to show you something".

Obeying, I let her almost drag me along; I was still confused, and well, I wanted explanations. Even if she had did things to me in the past, it was only us two who really knew what was going on.

At least, that's what she claimed.

She led me to the rooftop. Memories flooded my mind; Hanako, Yashiro and I eating lunch together. And the first time I met Tsukasa.

That all seemed like a distant memory now, seen as how long I've known the twins.

I was snapped back to reality when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Listen to me; we have to revert things back to normal. I visited someone called 'Shijima Mei of the art room'. They're actually a school mystery; they made this world possible. I think you should meet her too. Really, she isn't a bad person". Yashiro gave a shy smile, almost forgetting about our quarrel completely.

"She is really nice. She can help us".

I gave a confused nod as my only response. It was so much to take it; though, I did understand some of it.

There was a school mystery behind this, of course there was.

I decided I would go with Yashiro, me too, also regarding our quarrel. "Then let's go".

I was afraid if I didn't leave now, the twins would come looking for me. They might even get mad.

They just seemed plain different, different than how they usually are. Was it the world? Was it them? Was this their true selves - how they were when they were alive?

I shook my head, all this thinking was making my head dizzy.


Before I knew it, Yashiro had led me to a very tall - and strange - looking house.

Was this really where the school mystery lived, the one that claimed to have made this world? And why was it so extravagant? Shouldn't she be trying to hide rather than stand out?

I sighed nonetheless, following her to the door. I know Yashiro said she was nice, but I couldn't help but have an uneasy feeling in my chest.

After all, she was the one that did all this.

The walk there wasn't very long, but it gave me enough time to process everything, which also came with many questions I wanted to ask her.

Why was she doing this?

Did Tsukasa and Hanako have something to do with it?

Why a 'fake world' of all things?

Approaching the large doors of the mysterious tower-like house, I grew nervous. But I pushed it down with a brave face, pushing the doors open with Yashiro's help. We stepped inside, the doors slamming closed behind us.

I almost jumped into Yashiro's arms at the loud bang of the doors. 

We continued moving, pictures and paintings scattered all across the walls. Well, Yashiro did claim she was 'Shijima Mei of the Art Room', so that must be why there were so many.

There was another room at the end of the hall, and Yashiro led me into it. It was rather dark, so I had to squint my eyes. Though Yashiro quickly turned the lights on, to reveal...

An empty seat. With a desk, containing some scattered art supplies.

"Yashiro, I thought she'd be here?" I say, turning and crossing my arms at her.

Perhaps she tricked me? I hadn't even considered that possibility.

Though almost immediately, I felt someone's arms on my shoulders. "Yashiro has told me all about you". 

My heartbeat quickened and I turned to look at the mysterious voice. They were beautiful. Two messy braids rested upon her shoulders, and she had pretty rosy cheeks. 

"Ah, she did? She told me about you, too. Could you perhaps get us out of here?" I asked, turning to face her.

She sighed and headed over to her desk, sitting down in her chair.

"Shijima, isn't it?" I smile at her. "Please help us. Please, tell us what this 'fake world' is. Are we really the only two who know about the real world?". I was still confused about this whole situation, and I still wanted some answers.

She looked up at me, a smile on her face. "So you want to go back to how the world was before, right?".

I nod in response. I just wanted to see Hanako and Tsukasa, as it was before. I don't want to be in a fake world. I want to be in the real world.

I glance at Yashiro, and she looks at Shijima with an eager expression. I guess she doesn't know how it can be done, either.

"Well, it can be done". She stood up from her seat, her eyes not leaving us. "It is rather simple. You see, for that to happen, Amane Yugi and Mitsuba Sousuke...

You have to kill those two".


FINALLY A NEW CHAPTER. Sorry I kept you guys waiting so long. I keep saying I'll try update quicker and I don't- sorry about that lmao. Hope you enjoyed! Please tell me your thoughts on it :D

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