Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - I Love You

I don't have anything to say here so, uh, what's your favourite song? XD

Mine: 'Black Out Days' by Phantogram ^^

(Also, I apologise for taking a bit to update. I'm just really tired cuz school and stuff T^T)



I smile, thinking of Tsukasa. He's not actually that bad... is he?


{ Y/N's POV } 

I changed into my dress, coming out of the cubicle to find Sakura waiting for me. "Wow, that looks great on you Y/N," she smiles at me.

I blush, not used to getting compliments. I walk over to a sink, looking at myself in the mirror above it. The dress was a beautiful black colour. (The dress can look however you like, as long as it is mostly black ^v^ use your imagination! :D).

I'll admit, I looked quite nice in the dress. The dress was very beautiful. "Did you pick this dress, Sakura?" I ask her, turning around and looking at her.

"I didn't, Tsukasa wanted to pick your dress," she replies.

Ah, so Tsukasa wanted to see me in this? I glance at myself in the mirror once more, before following Sakura out of the bathroom.


{ Tsukasa's POV }

I waited for Y/N to return in the dress I had chosen especially for her. I know she'll love it, and I couldn't wait to see her in it.

"What's with that face?" Natsuhiko asks me, looking at me strangely. 

I realised I was grinning widely. "Oh, nothing!~". Whenever I think of Y/N I get a strange feeling inside me. It's almost like the time Amane killed me... though it feels different in some way. I feel more happy whenever she comes to my mind.

I glanced at Natsuhiko. He had changed into his formal attire, though I didn't change at all.

Though just then, Y/N and Sakura once again entered the club room. Wow, Y/N looked very good in the dress I had picked specially for her. She looked amazing.

I float over to her, grinning. "Do you like the dress I picked for you?" I ask her.

She was blushing. "Yes, it's nice. Thanks for picking me a dress".

"Now, let's get this tea party started!".


"W-What? Is there something on my face?". Y/N was blushing, and I realised I had been staring.

I smile at her. "Nope!".

Y/N looked away, reaching for a muffin but it seemed to be just out of her reach. I immediately grabbed it, holding it in front of her.

"You want this, huh?~".

"Y-Yes". I smirk at her. "Say 'ahh' then!".

"Really?" she looked at me, blushing more. If that was even possible, anyway. I nod, holding up a small part of the muffin to her mouth.

She hesitated, eating it.

I was so happy in that moment.

I could barely control my feelings, letting a wide grin make its way onto my features. Why did she make me feel like this?

"Y/N~" I say.

"Uhm, yeah?" she was still blushing furiously. 

"I love you".


Yay another chapter! I kinda wanted Tsukasa to be more forward than Hanako, and for his love to be more 'chaotic', I think the word is?

Anyway, tell me what you think below! ^^ Also, thank you so much for over 1.4k reads <33333 I'M SO HAPPY LIKE-

(Sorry this chapter is short, I just kinda wanted to end it there so-)

578 Words

Hanako x Reader x Tsukasa - Darlingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें