Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 - Let's Talk

I just wanted to say that you all make me really happy when you leave comments like "I love you author" and "keep up the good work". It really just boosts my confidence and makes me want to wright more for you guys^^ tysm!


"Y/N, you're mine, aren't you?"


{ Y/N's POV }


I was at loss for words at what just happened.

Yashiro had bluntly said mean things to me, Tsukasa defended me, Yashiro told me to back off since Hanako was 'hers'... and that kiss.

Mine and Tsukasa's kiss.

He was so mad... he wanted me all to himself, and he wanted to protect me from Yashiro.

But now, what should I do?

I wanted to tell Hanako about everything that just happened, and about how Yashiro was claiming he was hers. I wanted Hanako and Tsukasa to talk this through too.

"Tsukasa, let's go somewhere".

{ Small time-skip, brought to you by me literally just realising how much of an emotional rollercoaster this story is- }

I began walking through the school, knowing exactly where to go from the broadcasting room to my destination.

We all need to talk, this is the right thing to do!

"Y/N, what're you doing?" Tsukasa looked up at me, his innocent face forcing my face to let a faint blush show through.

"We need to talk. All of us".

Tsukasa continued to follow behind me, his expression suddenly turning serious. "I told you, you don't need Amane. You only need me".

"Just follow me, okay?". A shiver ran through me as I made my way into Hanako's bathroom.


I glanced around the bathroom, Tsukasa at my side.

"Hey, Y/N".

I snapped my gaze to the direction of the voice; Hanako was sitting on the window sill, his back towards us.

"Hanako, let's talk, okay?".


Before I could say anything more, or even get a reply, Tsukasa was upon Hanako. He hugged him tightly.

"Amane, Amane! I love you!".

"T-Tsukasa, c'mon.."

Hanako peeled Tsukasa off of him and appeared at my side.

"Y/N, look, I'm really sorry. I upset you again, didn't I? About the past thing that I showed you, I mean". He spoke this in a serious tone, staring into my eyes.

"I need to tell you something," he added.

Tsukasa appeared at my other side, with Hanako already on the other.

"Y/N, I-"

"Amane! Guess what just happened!".

Tsukasa! He was just going to tell me something!

Tsukasa grinned at me before turning to Hanako and explaining the Yashiro situation, and everything that she had said.

"Don't worry, I made sure to show her Y/N is mine" .

Tsukasa smiled even more as he trailed his fingers across my lips.

"Because she is".

His eyes turned fully black again and I stepped closer to Hanako.

"S-she left in a hurry and I don't know where she went off to".

Hanako nodded as he looked away. Something flickered in his eyes, but I couldn't quite tell what.


"Hanako! Senpai, she.."

Just then, Kou burst into the bathroom. His eyes drifted over us, one by one. Me, in the middle, with Tsukasa and Hanako on either side of me.

"Y/N! What did you do to Senpai?! She told me about how you told her she was worthless!".

"Kou! I didn't say that!".

Now she's spreading lies about me to Kou!

"Oh, so you're Kou?". Tsukasa smiled widely, as he floated around the boy. "You see, I don't like when Y/N is accused of something she didn't do".

"It's you! The one who did that to Mitsuba!".

Tsukasa grinned, and Kou's expression held only rage and hatred.

What exactly did he do to make Kou so mad at him? I didn't know about this...

"Senpai told me to tell you she's going home, Hanako!".

Kou glanced at us before grabbing ahold of Tsukasa's shirt, and pulling him out of the bathroom.

I began to make my way to the door, but Hanako grabbed my arm.

"Y/N.. he'll be fine for now. Just listen to what I have to say first".

Hesitantly, I nodded slowly, unsure.

"Y/N... I'm sorry. I feel terrible for making you cry".

I looked away.

"But... the reason I feel so terrible, is because...

I love you".

I feel like this chapter sucked- oh well, what did you think? Also I updated pretty quickly, so I hope you're all happy!

Hope you enjoyed~!

760 Words

Hanako x Reader x Tsukasa - DarlingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang