Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - The Bathroom



A dream..? It couldn't have been, right? Right?




{ Y/N's POV }

I sat down on one of the few beds in the nurses office.

"You seem to be a little shaken up. Is there anything bothering you Y/N?".

The nurse stood in front of me, placing a hand on my forehead. "You don't seem to have a temperature, so I don't think you're sick. But you are shaken up about something".

She looked at me, worry in her gaze.

"What's wrong?".

I smiled. "Don't worry about it! I just didn't get that much sleep and ended up sleeping in class. My dream just left me a little shaken is all".

"...I see. Well please get more sleep. Would you like to rest here until lunch time?".

I nod slowly. I want to take a nap and think this through.

"Alright, call me if you need anything". And with that, she smiled and left me all alone.

The nurse was always so kind to everyone...

I had only ever been to the nurse a few times, that was whenever I caught a bad cold, or fell over and hurt myself by accident.

I lay down and closed my eyes. I best take a nap for now...

{ Small time-skip, brought to you by me making a Tsukasa playlist because I'm a simp <3 }

My eyes snapped open once again.

What time was it? I pulled out my phone and clicked it on; it was 12:15. It was lunch time.

I got up slowly, sliding my bag on. I took a glance in one of the mirrors, before heading out of the nurses office.

I knew where I'd go.

I made my way to the roof, me and Hanako would usually have our lunch there so hopefully he'd be there.

"Hanako? Are you there?".

I looked around; no sight of him.

I sighed, sitting down in our usual spot and pulling out my lunch box. Maybe he's busy? I'll just wait a little and see if he comes up.

I began to eat, reading my favourite book in the process.

After a little while, I began to get curious. I was thinking about my thought earlier... could I have really been dreaming? Did I really dream it all?

I finished up my lunch, and put all my belongings back into my bag. I looked up at the sky, examining it. I didn't know what it was, but something just felt different.

After I had woken up in the classroom, the aura had felt slightly different. I couldn't put my finger on it. I shook my head, I'm sure it's my imagination.

I did want to see Tsukasa and Hanako. I'm sure Tsukasa will cling to me and get mad at me for running off like that...

And Hanako, he'll hug me and apologise for making me run off. Though it wasn't his fault anyway.

I'll prove to myself that nothing is different, and that Hanako must be in his bathroom right now. He always is... right? I'll go talk to him.

I ran down the hall, slowing and panting as I reached the bathroom door. It had started to rain so I ran inside as quick as I could, but then I just couldn't stop running. I guess I really wanted to see Hanako.

My legs just wouldn't let me stop.

I sighed; never mind the rain. Let's just go talk to Hanako.

I took ahold of the handle and twisted it, opening the door.

A big gust of wind shot at me.

I closed my eyes tightly. What was going on?! I opened them slowly, only to find something I would have never expected.

A pit.

A black, bottomless pit.

"Where's the bathroom?!".

I panicked, slamming the door shut again and backing away. What is going on..?!

What is happening..?!

"Um hey, what're you doing? Are you alright? Y'know no one is allowed in there, don't you?".

I quickly turned around to look at the voice.

Hope you all liked this chapter^^ are you excited to see what will happen?

692 Words

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