Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - A Kiss

Question: Do you prefer Hanako or Tsukasa? 

I just wanna see who y'all prefer! I prefer Tsukasa :D

- Also, Aoi, I added something I know you'll love~ ;3 ( @_Mikachu_OwO )



"Hm, then what's this?". I look over at what Hanako was holding.

It was the letter for the Broadcasting Club.


{ Tsukasa's POV }

"What's Y/N taking so long forrrr?".

I pull on Sakura, like a little kid. Why wasn't she here yet?

Sakura brushes me off, sighing. "Stop being so impatient... she'll be here soon enough".

I pout, floating away from her and heading over to my special surprise I made for Y/N. I know she'll love it! After all, all new members should be gifted with something special.

I smile widely; thinking about her always makes me happy for some reason.

As I waited and waited for her, I grew impatient.

What was taking her so long??

What could possibly be more important than me?

I stopped. My thoughts had went out of control again.

It's not like Y/N likes me, and it's not like we know each other that well... oh well! That'll all change soon, after I give her her very special surprise!


{ Y/N's POV }

"Well, Y/N?!".

My mouth fell open, as I struggled to find words.

"Hanako... you-".

"Why was this in your bag Y/N?!" Hanako had some sort of glare in his gaze, smothered with hurt.

I gulped. Why did he have to find out? Now I'm stuck in this mess, and it's all my fault.

I looked down at the floor... then an idea suddenly hit me.

I look up at him once again. "Do you really think that's mine, Hanako?? I thought I knew you. You can't possibly think I'd want to join the Broadcasting Club, right?" I put sadness into my tone.

I know that it's definitely not nice switching the blame to him and making him feel bad, but I had no choice...

Hanako looked shocked and sorry for a moment, before returning his old glare. "Well how does it have all your information on it, hm?".

I shrug. "Maybe it was apart of Tsukasa's plan? He put it in my bag so we could fall out or something?".

Hanako considered this, before nodding slowly in understanding. Looks like it worked...

"I'm sorry Y/N. I don't know why I would think you'd want to join the Broadcasting Club... please forgive me". He took of his hat as he spoke, and for the first time, I realised how much I didn't know about him.

We had been friends for almost a month or something, and I called him my friend, but I didn't even bother to learn anything about him.

Tears build up in my eyes, as I realised I was keeping a very important secret from him now and yet, I still considered him a very close friend.

"Hanako..!" I grab him and pull him into a hug, crying into his shoulder. 

"Hanako! Hanako! I forgive you! Forgive me, Hanako!" I sob.

I couldn't see his face so I didn't know what his expression was, but he wrapped his arms around me tightly, comfortingly.

"It's alright Y/N".

I look up at him, wiping my eyes roughly. I sniff in response.

He smiles, placing his hand on my cheek. "Y/N..."

I blink at him, watching him. His lips parted slightly and a faint pink was visible on his cheeks. He was so close... 

He pulled my face closer to his, I blushed. Is this really happening?

He leaned in suddenly, and then, he kissed me.

I close my eyes, enjoying this moment. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"Better hurry to class darling~"

My face becomes a bright red as I nod and pick up my bag. I turn to Hanako once more and he hands me the letter.

"So you can dispose of it". He smiles.

"Yes... see you at lunch Hanako".

I leave the bathroom, placing my finger tips on my lips as I left. That was something.


I walk swiftly toward the Broadcasting Club Room. When I eventually got there, I opened the door, greeting Sakura as I entered.

"Hello Y/N, have you filled in the letter I gave you?" She asks.

I open my mouth to say 'yes', but was stopped by Tsukasa calling out my name gleefully.

He appears in front of me suddenly. "Y/N! I'm so glad you're here! I made a surprise for you" He smiles cutely at me.

"You did?". I never usually receive gifts from anyone, and I was curious as to what this surprise of his was.

"Just follow me, okay?~" He grins, floating over to one of the few doors in the back of the room, opening it and entering.

I enter too, leaving the door open behind me. "Over here" Tsukasa calls from one of the far corners of the room.

I looked around the room, getting a good look at it all. It looked amazing.

It was filled with dark colours of pink and purple, with curtains draping everywhere. There were cushions and blankets all around, it looked very cosy.  

In the middle, there was a decent sized table with a few chairs set around it. It looked like a room to chill in or something?

I quickly walk over to Tsukasa's corner. What was this 'surprise' going to be?

Tsukasa held up something covered by a sheet, grinning at me.

I took the sheet off and gasped.



Hanako finally kissed the reader, yay!! I hope you enjoyed, please comment what you thought of it :3

Thank you soooo much for reading! ^^

954 Words

Hanako x Reader x Tsukasa - DarlingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora