Chapter 12.5 (Halloween Bonus)

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Halloween Special Bonus Chapter!

Since Halloween is coming up, I wanted to do something interesting and do a Halloween special bonus chapter! This does not effect the story at all, so it's not 'canon' if you like. (Yes, this story is fan-made, but I mean canon for this story line, if you know what I mean).


{ Y/N's POV }

I sat in the broadcasting club room, smiling at myself in the mirror. I looked good, I had to admit. My costume was very beautiful.

I was a vampire.

My dress was long and black, with slight gold streaks in some places. I had some fake blood splattered down my chin... yet it looked elegant. My face looked pale, and my eyes dark. On top of that, completed with some sharp fangs placed neatly in my mouth.

I looked like the real deal, like in the movies and stuff.

"What do you think of my outfit, Y/N?!" I turned around to see a grinning Tsukasa. He looked very cute. He was a werewolf it seemed, with some cute pointy ears on his head, and a cute tail too.

His outfit was also amazing. He had a cute white shirt, with brown shorts, and some cute black trouser braces.

Sakura was also a vampire, I asked her if we could both match and she agreed with a smile. I'm getting closer to her lately, she's a really good friend.

And Natsuhiko was a cat.

We were going to a Halloween festival very soon! I was almost trembling with excitement! It would be really fun.

Tsukasa looked at me with a wide grin. "You look great, Y/N!" he said with a gleam in his eyes.

"You look great too, Tsukasa". I smiled back at him. He was being so kind to me lately.

Then Tsukasa suddenly takes my hand in his and moves closer to me. "Let's get going now!".

{ Small time skip, brought to you by me being Tsukasa for Halloween! He's my Halloween costume! What's yours? Tell meeee }

"Woooow! It looks so interesting!".

It really did. It looked amazing. There were stalls everywhere, with Halloween decorations covering everything. Stalls for food, games, and even photo booths too!

Everyone here was dressed up too.

"Think I can steal things without getting caught?~" Tsukasa said, grinning.

Oh, I forgot, he was an apparition so everyone else here wouldn't be able to see him.

"You better not steal anything, shrimp" Natsuhiko responded with a glance at Sakura.

Was he trying to impress her, by showing he can tell Tsukasa off?

I couldn't help but giggle a little at that.

"Y/N! Let's go do stuff!". Tsukasa grabbed my arm, and he began dragging me toward a food stall.


About an hour had passed, and we had spent all that time eating and playing most of the stall games.

I glanced over to the photo booth, an idea popping into my head.

"Why don't we go and do that, Tsukasa?" I point toward it.

"Oh, you wanna do that? Well, sure! We can go together". He seemed really happy.

We entered it, sitting down together. The photo would have a Halloween filter on it when taken, it said. And we got to choose what filter.

"You can choose Y/N! I don't mind". He watched me with a wide smile, observing me.

I took a quick look at them, blushing. There was a good one which made the background black, with smoke around us and a large moon in the background too. And it was complete with some pumpkins as the border.

I picked it quickly and sat down next to Tsukasa.

There were 3 photos going to be taken.

The count down began for the first one, and Tsukasa put an arm around my neck and smiled widely.

The picture took, and then the countdown for the second began. This time, I took Tsukasa and hugged him, and he hugged me back tightly.

Once again, the picture took, and the third countdown began. I turned to look at Tsukasa and he looked at me.

I blushed furiously. What was he going to do?..

"Mm, Y/N... let's make this picture the best one".


And then he leaned in and I blushed more, closing my eyes tightly.

The countdown was almost over...




And then he kissed me on the forehead right as it clicked.

I opened my eyes and he grinned at me softly. "Lets look at them, shall we??".

Tsukasa snatched the photos right after they printed and looked at them with a frown.

"Oh yeah... I forgot that".

"Forgot what?" I took the photos from him and glanced at them.

"That I don't show up in photosssss!~"


First time doing a side chapter/bonus! What do you think? Did you like it? Should I do more extra chapters like this? Tell me please! ^^

820 Words

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