Ending One Part Two

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Sam soon knocked him down with a swift kick to the stomach. "Stop, Harry. I beg of you." Sam's eyes filled with tears as he watched Harry huff and puff on the ground like a bitter, wounded dog. He pointed his sword against Harry's rising and falling chest to keep him on the ground. He was not the brother he once knew, and Sam was sure he would never be again.

"Kill me please." Harry stared into the sword, waiting, wishing for Sam to plunge it into his chest.


"Do it!" He began to flail like a tortured child, unable to reach for his desires. "I killed Tom—I need to die! Just kill me! The eyes! His eyes! They won't leave me!"

He hysterically struggled for the sword, but Sam pulled it away just seconds before Harry's hand would've been sliced open from gripping the blade. "Harry stop!"

Sam tried to calm him, help him to his feet, but there was nothing he could do. Harry ran frantically from Sam's grasp, straight into the curtains. Blinding sunlight ripped into the room, the thick woven curtain falling down and out the window. One long, blood curdling scream rang out, banging against the stone walls of the castle. Once everyone could look again, Harry was gone. His body lay below; his eyes remained open and were still filled with the terror of his last moments.

"My—my brother." Sam looked away, the only intact piece of his heart now crumbling inside his chest.

"Sam!" Paddy squealed. Queen Nicola outstretched her arms, too distressed to even cry. He went to her, collapsing with her and Paddy at his father's bedside.

Zendaya didn't dare look out. She knew what she would see would never leave her, and she too would always be haunted by Tom's eyes. She prayed a silent prayer, asking for forgiveness and mercy on their souls. She distanced herself from the window, coming towards the other side of the king's bed. "One day," She said meditatively. "I hope this place will be as beautiful as the love that has been lost here."

"Princess." King Dominic turned toward her with a sadly hopeful gleam in his eyes. "That is...my one wish." His eyes closed, his breathing slowed. Queen Nicola grabbed his hand, but as soon as she did, he had let go.

The kingdom grieved for several months for the death of their King Dominic and the two princes. The nature of the deaths of Tom and Harry were never revealed, leaving much room for the citizens' wild imagination. No rumor would ever come close to the gruesome truth kept contained by the witnesses and most highly trusted officials.

After he had had enough of the great darkness hanging above them, Sam visited Tom's abandoned chambers. He sifted through the love letters and marked copies of tragedies, finally feeling.

"Oh—I didn't think anyone else would be here." Zendaya said as she timidly came in. Sam smiled at her with tears in his eyes, motioning for her to come closer.

"Look at this. It's like—it's like I can hear his voice." He pointed to a line on one of the many drafts of letters he had started to write to Beth:

Whenever you feel alone, I hope you think of me, holding our memories together close to your heart.

"Oh." Her hand flew to her face as a tear rolled down. "I hope that line made the final cut. That's a good one."

Sam put the letter down and hugged her strongly. "I've no doubt it did." He pushed her hair back away from her face, that was now fully healed. If only hearts could heal as fast as bruises and scrapes. "Zendaya."


"You said you hoped this place could be as beautiful as what was lost here."


"Then will you help me do that?" He got down on his knee, holding her hand firmly. He looked up at her, his eyes bright. "Marry me?"

"Third time's the charm."


"Harrison! Help!" Beth called from the kitchen.

"Yes? What is it?" He came promptly, ready for anything. Her pregnancy was in full swing, so he never knew what she might need, but no task was too big or too small for him. Although he concealed it, he enjoyed taking care of every little need.

She reached her hand towards the floor, wiggling her fingers helplessly in the direction of a large wooden spoon that had fallen.

Harrison was quick to raise an eyebrow, biting back a loving smile. "Oh, I see we can add picking stuff up to the, might I say, rapidly growing list of things you can't do—"

"Shut up, I'm pregnant."

"I've noticed." He grinned, gently feeling her belly as he took her into his arms, puckering his lips. "I can barely reach your face—"

"Uh—spoon, now!" She playfully pushed him off.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. They looked at each other quizzically, as they never had visitors. Harrison handed the spoon to Beth and headed toward the door, almost concerned. He froze when he opened it, unable to respond.

Two guards from their former kingdom stood on their doorstep. The uniform Harrison had once known better than anything else in the world was now almost completely foreign to him, but it came rushing back in an instant. His knees were weak. "Harrison Osterfield?"


"You and your wife have received a summons from our king. We have brought a ship to bring you at once."

"What?" Beth rushed out of the kitchen to Harrison's side. "We're going home?"

"Yes, miss. Pack your things, quickly now. His Majesty expects your return very soon."

"Wait why? Why now? How did this happen?"
Harrison protested, afraid of how things would change if they went back. Would Tom annul his marriage to Beth? How could he, if he himself were married? What good would it do? "Zendaya would never allow Tom to—"

"His Majesty, King Samuel, has requested your return to the kingdom, sir." The guard swiftly corrected him.

"Sam?" Harrison furrowed his brow. "That—that can't be right. The line—I don't understand—"

"Does it matter, Harrison? We're going home! I never dreamed I'd see home again." Beth squealed, filling a large bag with their few, hard earned possessions. It was difficult for Harrison to find any kind of work, as their crimes seemed to follow them. He managed, fully determined to seek as best a life for them as he could. But he knew what she meant by "home". It was no place, but rather a person. In this moment he realized he feared many things. What he feared the most is that what was given to him, although it was unrightfully, was to be taken back. They had come so far, he thought. What started as a bad hand at cards had been changed into something with potential. It may not have been a full house, but it was something close.

Seeing her smile at him as she handed him a bag full of their things, his fears calmed slightly. Just because things were changing didn't mean it was all for nothing. He knew when she returns to Tom and has their baby, he would still be loved by all three. He wasn't losing any love in his life at all. He cried, his heart fuller than it had ever been. "Let's go home."

Escape: A Royal Tom Holland Romance حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن