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The next morning, Tom awoke to the sound of the rooster, something he definitely wasn't used to. He watched sleepily as Beth rose from bed, stretching slightly. Dreamily he gazed at her while she dressed, prepared a small breakfast, and went out to the stable. She had made two plates of bacon, still sizzling on the table. Brought to life by the smell, he shot up and threw on the shirt he borrowed. He pulled on his boots and went outside, happy to see her lugging a bag of feed.

He strolled over to her, whistling. "Can I help you with that?"

"I've got it—hey!" She exclaimed as he scooped it up easily, earning an eye roll from her. "I had it."

"It's nothing. Where do you need it, love?"

She fought back a grin, trying not to gush at the pet name. "Just—feed the chickens."

Soon, after the morning chores and a bite to eat, Tom changed into his now dry clothes. He was reluctant to leave, but knew he had to get back before there was a hullabaloo at the palace. "Thank you for letting me stay. You're very kind."

"Will I see you again?" She asked hesitantly, her eyes fluttering to meet his.

His entire face lit up, ecstatic she didn't want him to leave either. "Most definitely—uh—if you wish to." He stumbled, but then kissed her hand softly, staring deeply into her eyes.

"You're so formal..." She said, breathless.

"I see nothing wrong with treating a girl like a princess." He grinned, meeting her gaze again.

"Oh what are you, a knight in shining armor?" She laughed.

"Pretty close." He smiled knowingly, climbing onto his horse. "I'll see you soon."

She waved as he rode off into the wood, and he was grateful she couldn't see how much he was beaming. He felt a burst of energy, and it being light out he could see where he was, so he was back at the palace in half the time. In the short distance, he could see Harrison tending to his large, white steed with a few stable boys moseying about. Harrison shooed them away, while running to meet Tom as he galloped in.

"Where in bloody hell have you been??" He spat, frazzled and exhausted.


"Your parents are up my ass about you! The servants couldn't find you in your chambers, your horse was missing—"

"Calm down, mate! I went for a ride."

"A ride? All night? And all morning? They were about to sound the alarm—"

"I'm fine! Tell them I'm fine!"

"Not until you tell me where you were."

"Ugh—I got lost and camped out."

"Clearly. You look like hell."

"I was thrown off my horse, ok?"

"Are you alright mate? It's not like you to ditch the party of the year, especially when it's your party."

Tom paused, looking up gloomily at the sky before returning Harrison's irritated gaze. "My parents want me to get married."

Harrison scoffed. "I could've told you that. It's all anyone has been talking about since you disappeared—"

"Well I don't want to—"


"Mate, I can take this from my parents but not from you too! What about it sounds appealing to you?" Tom barked, feeling like a misunderstood child two seconds away from a tantrum.

Escape: A Royal Tom Holland Romance Where stories live. Discover now