Experiment xxx. Suspicion

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Alby's eyebrows rose with slight suspicion yet wonder.

"Care to explain?"

I squirmed. Those words were not supposed to come out of my mouth. And yet, I, the idiotic fool said it. Cursing inside my head and with everyone's stares piercing looking at me didn't really help either.

"I-I know how to get us out of the maze."

Someone in the back scowled. Others murmured that I was either crazy or mental. Was I? Have I really changed?

Alby raises his hand slowly but with order. Everyone goes quiet once again. With the helpful time, I was able to ponder over what to say next. Of course, I didn't really know the way out, yet.

"Alby, this girl is shucking nuts." the guy who goes by the name of 'Gally' whispers loud enough for all the Gladers, including me.

Alby strokes his chin and glances at me a couple of times. He was examining me. To see if I was a threat. But I was. Maybe, my mission was to raze the project I had built. Destroy the people I threw.


I'm not going to let that happen. I will never let that kind of thing happen. I will not kill anyone.

I guess, you can say I went back on my promise.

I really didn't mind the Gladers hating me. They did have the right to hate me. The girl who ruined their peaceful lives and chucked them in the maze.

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