Experiment xii. Sleeping

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Newt leads me to a treehouse. Or so I think that's what it was. Inside was a dark skinned boy and a small plump boy, who I think were waiting for me.

"Uh... Hi," the chubby boy requests, and smiles awkwardly.

I straighten my posture and give him a strict smile I once gave to WICKED.


The small boy then glances up to the taller boy and nudges his elbow.

"Said it, your turn," he whispers, still keeping up his obviously fake smile.

Newt rolls his eyes and grabs my arm.

"This is Nike Hollister. There a name, happy?" Newt boringly introduces, secretly looking like he yearned to get out of this awkward stage.

The tall boy smiles but I could tell he was faking it, of course. The feeling was mutual, I mean, none of the boys have ever spent a time with a girl. Ever. Or so I think, if I calculated right.

"The name's Alby and this here is Chuck. Welcome to the Glade... Nike," the tall boy warningly adds my name as if it was abnormal.

I nod and put out my hand to shake his. I hoped he knew the gesture, since it's what everyone in WICKED had done.

Apparently, he got it and we shook hands, his grip was a bit tighter than other people. Newt cleared his throat and whispered something inaudible to Alby.

"She'll be sleeping in your cabin?!" the petite boy, Chuck, gasps. 

Newt covered his mouth and grinned nervously at me. And guess what? I smiled back.

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