Experiment xxxv. Extinguish

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I cough loud enough for Minho to inform him that I was here, slowly suffocating from the lack of air. His figure appeared little by little from the smoke as he started to run towards me. I felt hope rising from my stomach. Minho was coming for me. He was going to save me.

I was so relieved yet something from the back part of my mind, disagreed.

You love Minho, don't you Nike? Then take this chance. Pull him. Make him stay beside you. He won't ever leave you again. You and he will be both together. All you have to do is kill him. Make him suffer the same pain. Drag him into the depths of hell.

Drag him..? Why would I ever...? No, I battled that negative voice in my head and started to think on the bright side.

I will save Minho and the others. I will find a way out of this maze. I will do whatever it takes. I promised him and Alby and all the others.

Newt's face popped into my mind. His innocent face. The way he smiled like a small fragile boy who only wants to play for eternity without trouble. Yet I was the one to take it away from him. And every single other Glader.

I will not die. Neither will anyone who had their dreams taken away by me.

I struggled to stand up but immediately failed due to the pang of smoke in my face. My energy was sapping out from me so quickly that I didn't even have the time to breathe calmly again. My heart rate was indefinitely low and my eyesight got even more blurry than a couple of minutes ago.

I let the ground take me but instead fell into his arms. His bulky yet soft arms.

"Nike, what the hell are you doing?!" Minho screams, hugging me closely to his chest.

I suddenly realized the maps tucked inside my arms. They were so numb that I couldn't even feel the usual rough paper.

"I swear, you can be a handful sometimes.." he whispers before sweeping me off my feet.

I snuggled into his chest and felt safe. Minho was like the 'knight in shining armor'. I loved it.

Minho's clothes were wet with pure sweat. I didn't blame him. We were almost close to being burned alive. When we were out, I realized that we weren't alone. There were tons more Gladers outside, muttering side conversations to one another in their nervous panic stricken voice.

"Hey, they're alive!" one voice stood out from my weak hearing.

Alby. Of course, the leader had to be here. I felt myself being transported onto a hammock and listened to the voices above.

"What happened, Alby?" Minho growled, holding back his fury.

I couldn't open my eyes even if I wanted to. The smoke was still hovering inside, stinging every single time I tried to pry them open to see the light.

"We don't know exactly, Minho. Calm down," Alby tries to reassure him.

Minho scoffed. "Calm down? All the Runners' pure hard work was in that room! Some even lost their lives getting that important information and you want me to shucking calm down?!"

Everyone and everything was silent. Only the sound of the fire crackling was heard in the silence. Finally Alby sighed in defeat.

"Let's put out the fire first and see if anything still might be useful to us," he orders.

After a couple of minutes, I heard the water cool down the fire and imagined what the Map Room looked like in my head. All that came was nothing.

And it probably was exactly that. Nothing.

Because even if we had extinguished the fire, the damage was done.

how was it? was it good? or were you expecting more? i really wish that you could understand the transforming of Nike into the protagonist. she is not the enemy ◐≠◐

anyway love my fans for all the votes and comments so perhaps if you could keep supporting i would love that. thanks ♡

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