Experiment xvii. Dilemma

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Catching my breath, I stop far away from the wooden cabin and plop down on the grass. It definitely didn't feel real, but rather, artificial. I rip out some of the shred and examine them carefully.

My hypothesis was correct; the grass was fake. That means this whole thing is fake. The maze, glade, WICKED, everything. I look up and see the enormous, tall maze towering in front of me. It had apple green vines intertwining the other and rusted mechanic gears holding the whole project together.

I tried to think hard on why I was sent here. I could still remember everything but not the mission. Or was it because WICKED never told me?

I remember sending Minho. I remember injecting the serum in his nervous system causing him to have amnesia. It was my job though. The job of an architect.

I also remember Thomas. And I knew he was going to be sent. It was already decided a few months ago. Of course, he hasn't been notified yet. But I'm sure that in a couple of weeks, he'll come up from the box just like I did.

Remembering was actually quite easy for me. Perhaps WICKED wanted me to remember the memories. Or maybe, they just inplanted fake ones and I never met Minho. But that wouldn't make any sense because...

Then I wouldn't have these strange, anonymous feelings stirring my stomach and my head.

I wouldn't have something tighten up my chest whenever Minho appeared.

I wouldn't be flustered or shy or hesitant when I'm around him.

I wouldn't be hiding from him.

Because then I wouldn't be having a dilemma between trusting Minho and keeping secrets from him.


Ooo a dilemma ... Wonder how it'll turn out xD

Anyway catching up on To to the future we head, technically...

Newt ♡ Nike

Nike ♡ Minho or Newt

Minho ♡ ??

Stay tunned...

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