Experiment xxxviii. Not giving up

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Minho and I gathered up all the Galders outside Homestead. It honestly took us a while since people still suspected me of burning the Map Room but they obediently listened to Minho since they didn't want to anger him.

"What the bloody hell's going on?" I hear not too far of a distance; Newt's voice.

Minho glanced at me before replying to Newt's question,"We're going to make a plan."

Newt gulped,"What in shucking's name are you talking about? A way out of this messed up world?"

Minho only nodded. Newt clenched his teeth and closed his eyes in frustration. Finally, he let out a shaky breath,"I'll inform Alby about this."

Both parted and Minho came jogging up to me,"Is everyone here?"

"I think so. Minho, I know we're going to escape but we didn't even make a clear plan."

Minho grinned slightly. "You're Nike. You can figure something out, goddess of victory."

I smiled at his encouraging joke. I was named after the ancient Greek goddess, Nike, because... perhaps victory was on my side this time?

Minho ran off to gather the rest of the people and I had walked to Newt's cabin where everything was already neat and tidy. Wondering if he had any parchment and pencil stashed, I searched the room until I found a regular sized bland parchment and a spare pencil.

I started drawing and tracing the maze, thinking hard to the past. It hurt, a lot, but it was worth it. By the end of the drawing, I had managed to draw the whole maze, with the translations and what not.

I stifled a cheery laugh.

"We're not backing down, WICKED," I whisper, raising my head to the mechanical sky.

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