Chapter 11: Let's All Have A Good Time Shall We? Gray Goes To The Mall!

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Relics were made during times of war, for humans to draw upon the same power as Pokémon. These weapons varied depending on what the warrior needed, but the first generation of Relics came in the form of burst hearts.
"You did WHAT BRANDON?!" The chief involved with the Gray Chrome investigation yelled into the phone, making Brandon wince from how loud he was being.
"Arceus Almighty!" Brandon thought to himself.
"I gave him a relic Chief Schubert. What of it?" Brandon said with a roll of his eyes. He placed the phone away from his ear in anticipation of the next round of screams.
"I don't know whether to be angry or shocked at how STUPID you are Brandon! Why in TARNATION would you give that BLASTED BOY A GOD DAMNED ANCIENT WEAPON!!!!!" Schubert asked angrily, Brandon put his phone down and turns on the speaker.
"...Chief, we were going up against an extremely dangerous enemy. Sending in a civilian without a weapon of sorts would've caused his death and as such caused an incident. Said incident would've resulted in the destruction of BOTH of our careers." Brandon said while taking deep breaths to keep himself calm.
"That doesn't matter! You still gave that FUCKER an incredibly dangerous weapon which might I add BONDED WITH HIM!" Chief Schubert screamed into the phone, Brandon pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.
"And like I said before, I didn't foresee that happening, and when I went to retrieve his relic it vanished." Brandon said, the Chief let's out an angry growl and slams his fist on his desk.
"Like TOR you didn't see this coming! That kid is dangerous! Just like his mother! That damned harlot manipulated everyone back then with her body to get out of jail time!!! Including me!!! That whore's record was EXPUNGED FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!" Schubert said, Brandon takes a deep breath and sips some coffee.
"Yes yes...but I wouldn't worry too much about Gray, he's an honest kid. And sure, he had sex with harmony foundation member Rosa the first night they met on the pyramid, but Steven had sex with Cynthia that night...who might I add are two well respected CHAMPIONS! Now then...both Cynthia and Gray are equally lustful but you seem to have a CERTAIN HATRED for Grace's son. Tell me why is that?" Brandon said with a smug look on his face. There was silence on the other end for a few seconds.
"...Boy, you wouldn't understand how well connected that woman is." Schubert said, Brandon's eye twitches in annoyance.
"I know good and damn well the connections she has. And remember, anything he does during this investigation can't be held against him in a court of law. We both know that." Brandon said. Schubert growls and slams his fist on his desk again.
"Of course I know that! WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM?! STUPID?! Just...keep an eye on that...that mother FUCKING BASTARD CHILD...Goodbye..." the line went dead, the Chief has hung up the phone.
"If you want my honest opinion, you're Incredibly stupid Chief..." Brandon said to himself quietly. He then places his phone on his bed and takes a deep breath.
"Grace Winfield, she has a lot of connections in the criminal underworld. But Gray shouldn't be paying for his mother's sins" Brandon said to himself, picking his phone back up to text Gray.
Gray and Rosa's room
"Uh huh? Yeah I'm in Snowpoint, can't tell you the details though, but please let mom know I'm okay." Gray said with a smile, seems he was talking to someone he was close to.
"Is that right? Well I'm just glad you're okay. You know you and Mercy are the closest thing I have to a nephew and niece. I'd be crushed if anything bad happened to you two. Speaking of Mercy, did you tell her you were alright?" The woman on the phone asked. Gray nodded.
"Yeah I already called Mercy and told her that I was fine. why do you ask?" Gray said, getting up and bending his knees.
"Well I just wanted to make sure, you are pretty forgetful like your mother, not to mention you both have...other things on your mind." The woman said. Gray cringes from this.
"Aunty! I don't wanna hear that stuff!!" Gray whined, the woman laughed and crossed her legs as she sat in her comfy arm chair.
"I can't help it, you know I love to tease you. Anyway, stay safe alright? I don't want you getting hurt." The woman said.
"Okay I will, talk to you later Aunt Aria!!!" Gray said. Aria in response blows a kiss into the receiver and chuckles.
"Talk to you later handsome~" Aria said, hanging up the phone. Rosa now hearing that Gray was done on the phone, rolls over to her side to face Gray with a curious look on her face.
"Huh, you have an aunt?" Rosa asks, Gray shakes his head in response.
"Errrrr...Not exactly, she's actually my God mother. She's been visiting my mom's ranch every month since I was a kid. She would even babysit sometimes, so she practically watched me grow up." Gray said with a smile.
"I see, well my mom was an only child so we didn't exactly have Aunts and Uncles coming over to our homes. So for that I'm a WEE bit jealous~" Rosa said with a giggle. Gray smiles and takes some clothes out of his drawer. Quickly taking his clothes off and putting on the newer clothes.
"Uhhh...why are you hurrying? It's not like we gotta go anywhere right now." Rosa said, Gray blushes and looks away.
"Well...I promised the girls that I would spend sometime with them. After all, with what's happened, I kinda wanna just relax with my family you know?" Gray said, Rosa smiles and nods.
"Yeah I get it, I was thinking of calling my mom. She's probably worried about me after hearing about the J incident from Brandon." Rosa said, Gray gives a thumbs up but then raises an eyebrow.
"Uhhh...your mom? What exactly is she like?" Gray asked, Rosa grins as her eyes become stars from hearing Gray ask that.
"Oooooooo!!! I'm glad you asked! I've been wanting to tell you about my family for the last 5 minutes!" Rosa said. She quickly takes out her phone and pulls up a picture of her mother, showing it to Gray.
"This is my mom, Tulip!!! I DEFINITELY take after her huh?" Rosa asked, Gray's eyes grow wide from seeing Tulip. Her hair was brown and went down to her shoulders, her eyes were blue just like her daughter's. In the picture, she was in a meadow and was wearing a white sun dress with flowers of all shapes and sizes on the dress. The only thing that was different between her and Rosa was that Tulip's breasts were remarkably small, A cups to be exact. But she more than made up for it with her hips.
"Child...bearing...hips..." Gray said to himself, his jaw wide open. Rosa stares blankly at Gray for a few seconds before taking her phone back with an annoyed look on her face.
"Stop gawking at my mom! Jeez, ya know she's mom right?!" Rosa said with a glare. Gray snaps out of it and straightens up.
"Y-Yes of course! Uhhh...I wasn't trying to stare! How she looked just caught me off guard and-" Gray stumbled on his words, but then Rosa quickly leaned over and put a finger on Gray's lips, shushing him.
"Shhhh~ I was only kidding. Though I was mildly annoyed by your staring, I understand. I got my looks from her after all~" Rosa said with a wink. Gray calms down a bit and takes a deep breath.
"You seriously made me think you were angry at me for gawking at your mom!" Gray said, crossing his arms. Rosa gets up and sits next to Gray, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
"Nah~ I just wanted to get a reaction out of you~ but how about I show you more pictures?" Rosa asked, Gray nods and with that, Rosa begins to swipe through the pictures of the past. Quite a few of them were from her days at team plasma, hugging abused Pokemon and comforting them. Others were of her adventure to stop Neo Team Plasma, even dressing in an OG Plasma outfit that her friends made for her.
"And here's my time with the harmony foundation." Rosa said. The pictures were of Rosa in uniform, most of the pictures were candid shots that were sent to her later. Helping victims of natural disasters, abuse, trafficking, assault, as well as other things. One of the photographs that stood out was the founding of the Harmony foundation. The picture showed Rosa, a few former team plasma grunts, N, as well as the Dragons of truth and ideals all standing together with a sign that said 'We help people now!'.
"Woah, I knew that you helped people a lot but...seeing it like this..." Gray said, Rosa smiles and kisses Gray's cheek, making him blush.
"You're only making my actions seem greater than they really are, it's a group effort! I'm just one person who rescued a few individuals is all." Rosa said. Gray smiled and kissed Rosa back, making her blush gently.
"Nonsense~ you're a hero! And I mean a real hero. You stood in the face of danger more times then I can count!" Gray said, Rosa shrugs and nuzzles up to Gray.
"Perhaps, but really I'm just there to help people is all." Rosa said. Just then, Gray received a text message.
"Hm?" Gray takes out his phone and looks at the message he received.
"Hey Gray? What does the message say? Is it important?" Rosa asked. Gray reads over the message carefully.
"...Oh my fucking God..." Gray said, he quickly get up and opens the door from his room.
"Gray be careful!" Rosa called out to Gray. Gray however was too excited to care.
"SHELLY!!! BELLE!!!! I- OH FU-" Gray in his excitement ended up tripping and falling onto the ground, face planting onto the carpet.
"Ow..." Gray turns himself over, now seeing both Shelly and Belle above him.
"Uhhh, are you okay master?" Belle asked, Shelly uses her psychic power to get Gray back on his feet.
"That was quite a fall Gray, what got you so worked up?" Shelly asked, Gray opens his phone again and shows the two of them the message.
"It's from Brandon, he said that he has forwarded 75,000 Pokedollars to my bank account. He said to use that money to go on a shopping spree!" Gray said, both Shelly and Belle look at each other and then at Gray, before gasping.
"A SHOPPING SPREE?!" The two of them said, Gray nods and opens up the map app on his phone.
"Yeah, and the best part? Snowpoint city has the largest mall in the world! So we could get literally anything there! I do mean that literally!!!" Gray said, both Shelly and Belle scream in excitement as they quickly head to their room to change.
"We'll be right out alright?! We gotta like wear our bestest best clothes if we wanna go into somewhere like that!!!" Shelly said. Belle pops her head out of the door and smiles seductively at Gray.
"Although if you wanna watch us change, we wouldn't mind too much master~" Belle said with a wink. Gray sighs and shakes his head.
"I'll pass" Gray said. Belle puffs out her cheeks out and walks back into the room. Shelly could be heard giggling from inside.
"Your loss daddy~" Shelly said, poking her head out of the door and sticking her tongue out. Gray smiles at this and opens his phone to text Brandon back. After that, Gray had an idea.
"Alright, and one last thing." Gray said, going into his contacts and dialing up a certain someone he met recently.
"Hey, Orion? How about we get you some new clothes yeah?"
Brandon smiles and reads the text he received back: "THANK YOU!!!!! I'll spend it wisely!".
"Heh, that should allow him to relieve some stress. Now then...time to get the day started!" Brandon said, stretching out and exiting his room.
"Hello Master Brandon." Steel said, bowing to Brandon. She was wearing her maid outfit as usual.
"Ah Hello Steel, you're up early? Something wrong?" Brandon asked. Steel shakes her head and leans in, kissing Brandon's cheek.
"Don't worry Brandon, I'm fine. Rocky and Regice are waiting for you in the dining room. My mother has fixed an ancient Sinnoh recipe. It's really good and I would like you to try it..." Steel said, Brandon smiles pats her head, making Steel blush.
"Sure~ I'll try some of your momma's cooking." Brandon said, making Steel become excited. She grabs Brandon's wrist and runs to the elevator. Brandon was surprised since for one thing, he's never seen Steel get THIS excited before.
"Arceus help me!!!" Brandon wheezed out, practically tripping with ever step Steel took.
"I can't wait for you to try it! And my Mother wants to know so much more about you! She really admires you and she-" Steel trailed off, Brandon couldn't keep his balance. Now he was practically being dragged down the hallway by Steel.
"SLOW DOWN ALREADY!!! I'M NOT AS FAST AS YOU!!!" Brandon yelled, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.
"HOLY SHIT!!!!!" Brandon screamed as he was thrown into the elevator, with steel running in after him. The screams could be heard all the way downstairs, with Jaxson and Steven eating a plate of shrimp, whale, and a side of rice, all of which were seasoned to perfection.
(It should be noted that this meat and other meats were not taken from Pokémon. Instead they were harvested from animals that exist in this world that differ from Pokémon greatly. Since Pokémon in this world are more closely related to humans than animals.)
"I guess steel got ahead of herself huh...she was practically bouncing off the walls this morning. Can't say I blame her, this food is to die for. Right buddy?" Steven asked Jaxson. He nods, using a pair of chopsticks to eat his meal.
"Yeah and I thought I was high strung!" Rocky said, Regigigas smiles and walks over to her daughter, leaning down and hugging her from behind.
"She's just excited to have a family meal with her mother my dear. You know she's always had trouble with handling incredibly high levels of excitement." Regigigas said, nuzzling her daughter, making her blush in embarrassment.
"Mooooom!!!" Rocky moaned annoyed, but this only encouraged Regigigas.
"I have thousands of years of snuggles and hugs to make up for my dear~" Regigigas said.
"Yeah but you don't gotta do it all at once!!!" Rocky shouted. While all this was happening, Regice was washing the dishes and putting them away. But something seemed to be clouding her mind.
"My other sisters...I wonder what they were like..." Regice thinks to herself, scrubbing a pan. Regigigas promised that she would tell her daughters about Regieleki and Regidraco in due time. But it's odd that she wouldn't have any memory of them.
Snowpoint City: Blizzard Square
Gray, Shelly, and Belle were sitting down on the benches in the crowded Blizzard Square, a hub of cafes, shops, and the greater entrance to Snowpoint Mall, the biggest shopping center in the world.
"Hey Master, why exactly are we waiting here again?" Belle asked. She was snuggled up close to Shelly to keep warm, even with their coats it wasn't enough due to being so high up in the mountains. Belle was wearing a crimson red Jacket Dress with black leggings and black heels. The heels were just for show since she could just float around wherever she chooses. Shelly on the other hand was wearing a Beige button up jacket Dress with black boots.
"Well we're waiting on a friend of mine. I met them yesterday and saved them from exhaustion." Gray said, Both girls start to snicker and giggle at Gray. Seems they think he slept with his new friend.
"You two are the worst you know that? I don't sleep with everyone I meet!!! Even if the last few days say otherwise..." Gray said, Shelly smiles and winks at Gray.
"Is that right? Well can you tell us what happened then?" Shelly asked interested in Gray's experience.
"W-Well you see..." Gray was about to explain, that was until someone behind the bench spoke out.
"You bought me a hotel room, gave me something to eat and made sure I had some breakfast...sound about right?" Orion asked. Gray nods and smirks victoriously.
"Yeah! That's about ri- wait a minute!" Gray gets up and turns around, he was now face to face with Orion.
"Orion!!!! I'm so happy to see you!!!!!" Gray smiles happily. Orion gives Gray a soft smiles and nods.
"I'm happy to see you too, my savior." Orion said with a grin. Gray blushes and sighs.
"You're just making things worse..." Gray said quietly.
"What do you mean?" Orion asked with a raised eyebrow. Shelly and Belle both get up and turn around, eyeing up this Orion person.
"You caught yourself a Twink~ not bad daddy~ not bad at all<3" Shelly said, floating up a little and going around the bench so she was on Orion's right side.
"Yeah Gray~ you caught a real cutie~" Belle said, floating over to his left. Orion blushes and looks at Gray in confusion.
"Uhhh what are they talking about?" Orion asked, a bit concerned. Gray sighs in annoyance and covers his eyes with a hand.
"These two are Shelly and Belle, my two best friends. They love to embarrass me wherever I gets annoying..." Gray said, Belle blows a kiss at Gray and smirks.
"You know you love it~" Belle said, Gray growls under his breath, takes his hand off his face, and points to the mall in front of them.
"We are wasting VERY precious time. Shouldn't we be having fun?" Gray asked, both Belle and Shelly sigh in defeat and fly over to Gray, clinging onto his arms.
"Lead the way..." They both say in unison. Orion smiles at this dynamic Gray has with his two lady friends.
"Such a beautiful friendship...Sighs." Orion said to himself, following Gray and his two friends into the mall. When the group arrives inside the mall, they were struck with awe.
"Holy shit..." Gray said to himself, slowly walking forward and looking around.
"Is REAL?!" Shelly asked, walking with Belle who's mouth was agape from how big this place was.
"The stories the old lady at the inn told me don't do this place justice..." Orion said to himself, walking over to the others. Some employees nearby were snickering at the reaction of Gray and his friends.
"Hah! Newbies~ happens every time..." The employee said to his friend, making him nod. The mall was absolutely gigantic. With 8 floors that specialize in different types of shops, A food court that contains 20 types of restaurants, a concert venue, it's own amusement park, an indoor water park, an arcade that has all sorts of games, hair stylists who open their own shops here, a movie theater, a weekly fashion show, as well as many other places of interest.
"We should uhh...get moving yes?" Orion asked Gray, Shelly, and Belle. They all nod, now regaining their composure.
"Alrighty then you three! Let's have some fun!" Gray said, quickly walking towards the escalator.
"Dumbass! Wait for me!!!" Shelly called out to Gray. Belle sighs and shakes her head.
"Well...wanna go check out the other side of the mall while those two are busy?" Belle asked Orion.
"U-Uh...I guess? I mean Sure. We can Uhh...get to know each other a little better..." Orion said, Belle raises an eyebrow, confused as to why Orion was acting so awkward around her before figuring it out.
"Hey, we weren't trying to embarrass you back there when we were calling you those names. We just wanted to have a bit of fun with Mast- u-um I mean with Gray." Belle said, Orion tenses up from Belle figuring him out like that.
"I-I uhhh..." Orion was trying to put together a sentence, he wasn't sure what to say. Here was another stranger who just met him, being so kind. Apologizing for something that made him a little uncomfortable. Orion soon regains his composure and sighs softly.
"Thanks for the apology...Would you mind taking me to one of the less expensive stores. I kinda only own like 2 outfits...this being the second." Orion said. He was wearing a Blue shirt that said "Why so Sirius" in white letters, a pair of Navy blue sweat pants with pictures of tamato berries going down the side, a pair of Black sneakers, and white socks.
"Yeah totally! We can get you some REALLY good clothes!" Belle said with a smile. With that, the two new friends went off in search of some clothes.
"So uhh Shelly, where exactly should we go?" Gray asked, Shelly thinks for a moment and looks around at the stores nearby.
"Oh! I know! How about we go to one of those cute clothing stores! I wanna get a new outfit!" Shelly said. Gray shrugged and nodded.
"Alright, but afterwards I wanna go to the general clothing shop and get me some dark clothing. It's kinda embarrassing to admit but I kinda prefer the edgy stuff..." Gray said, scratching the back of his head. Shelly sighed and giggled.
"So you finally admitted it huh? Alrighty then Gray, let's go there first!" Shelly said, walking with Gray over to Project Luminous, a store with all sorts of amazing clothes for cheap prices.
Neo Galactic Secret Headquarters: Several Hours Ago
"I take it Yam is making progress with Project Totem?" Supernova asked. Greenwood nods and takes out a comb, brushing back his jet black hair.
"Yes she's making great progress with them. Although the process itself when done over and over is quite strenuous to say the least. As such she may need a break every now and then as well as someone to cool off with. Do you have anyone with similar interests to my Yam?" Greenwood asked, just as Supernova began to answer, Yam came into the room that Supernova and Greenwood were in with a tired look on her face. Not only that but she was extremely grumpy and annoyed, it seems Greenwood wasn't kidding.
"I am NOT...feeling...poggers!" Yam exhaled, walking over to a couch. She lays down on it and lets out an "uuuuugh". Supernova doesn't waste anytime and begins to question Yam on her progress.
"...Miss Yam? I'd like a status re-" Supernova began to speak, but Yam turns to her with a pissed off look on her face.
"UP YOURS BITCH! I AM HAVING A FUCKING MOMENT!!!!! NOW BE USEFUL AND EAT MY ASS!!!!!" Yam shouted before laying her face into a pillow and letting out a scream. Supernova expected something like this ever since Yam disrespected her yesterday, but it was still aggravating.
"You little..." Supernova said under her breath. Greenwood knowing how to handle Yam when she gets like this, kneels down so he was on her level.
"Yammy?" Greenwood called out to Yam softly. Yam in response rolls over so she was face to face with him.
"Yes Master Greenwood?" Yam replied, she was incredibly tired.
"I'd like you to tell Supernova over there how your work is doing. After that you can rest. And if you do a good job I'll have a Neo Galactic Grunt that you like come to the room and...'talk' with you." Greenwood said. Yam blinked and slowly sat up to face Supernova. Yam looked completely drained of energy, but she soldiers on. She then takes a deep breath and stares right at Supernova with a glare. Greenwood now seeing that Yam was ready, stands up and moves out of the way.
"Listen Miss Superficial fuck! Of the 300 some soldiers who you've sent me, approximately 100 of them are finished with the ritual. A few will experience some side effects like the ones you'd see in those fucking medicine commercials but I don't fucking know, it's not an exact science. Like! I'm literally tapping into literal magical forces that the Tapu and totem guardians use..." Yam said, letting out a groan. Supernova nods, continuing with the status report.
"How long until you've gotten to the remaining 200?" Supernova asked, Yam sighs and rests her cheeks in her palms.
"I'll give it a few more days. It takes more power depending on body type and cock size and whatever! But I will be needing rest and a cute boy to...lay with, and I'll start with Marcus...dat boy hot! Dat boy fire~" Yam said, licking her lips thinking about the Neo Galactic scientist.
"There are several Marcuses in this building, can you be specific-" Supernova was once again interrupted by Yam.
"The nerdy guy that plays video games in his spare time! Kinda chubby scientist guy! Probably around my age! Charon's assistant!!!" Yam yelled out, annoyed. There were only a few others in the building with the name Marcus, the rest of them were definitely not her type. She likes the quirky boys, the ones who are pretty shy and cute. She can not only dominate them but also build them up afterwards.
"...Alright, I'll have Marcus Dantave come up during his break, in the meantime I'll allow you to have some rest." Supernova said through her teeth, she really was getting tired of Yam's attitude.
"Good~ just tell him to knock alright? Goodnight MOTHA FUCKAS!!!!" Yam yells out, pinching a nerve on her neck and immediately passing out on the couch.
"Mmm...Marcus hot...momma wanna smash a bro..." Yam said in her sleep, Greenwood chuckles at this.
"Isn't she adorable?" Greenwood asked. Supernova sighs and walks out of the room.
"She's fucking insane..." Supernova said to herself, going back to her office to write down Yam's Report.
"...Understandable..." Greenwood says to himself, he turns to Yam and strokes her hair, making her smile while she sleeps.
"Get some rest, little sister." Greenwood says softly, walking out the door and shutting it behind him.
Neo Galactic Headquarters: Present Time
"Uhhh Hello? I was told by my superiors to report to this room? I'm not in trouble am I?" A soft voice said. This was Marcus, one of the members of Neo Galactic that Yam really liked.
"Oh uhhh...come on iiiiiiiin!!!" Yam replied. Marcus raised an eyebrow in confusion and opened the door. Before him was Yam, she had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders that concealed her body. Marcus quickly straightens his posture up, seeing that this was one of the esteemed guests that he had heard about.
"Mistress Yam, I did not expect to be called upon by you, please forgive my tone before." Marcus said, bowing to Yam.
"...Pffft~" Yam in response bursts out laughing.
"Did something wrong?" Marcus asked, confused as to why Yan was laughing. Yam soon settles down and reaches a hand out from her blanket.
"No you didn't do anything wrong, I'm just surprised at how polite you are. Now then, if you wouldn't mind I have some topics to discuss with you. Come, close the door and sit down next to me." Marcus gulpped and nodded.
"W-Whatever you say miss..." Marcus closes the door behind him and walking over to the couch, sitting down next to Yam.
"Good, now turn so your back is facing me.." Yam said to Marcus, Marcus nods obediently and turns his back to Yam.
"Now then..." Yam reaches a hand out and rubs Marcus's back softly, making him shiver in surprise.
"W-Wait, what are you doing?" Marcus asked, Yam smirks and pokes Marcus's side.
"I'm rubbing your back silly! Ya know, for a smart scientist guy you sure do ask dumb questions." Yam said, she slowly opens her blanket for Marcus. She was wearing a long Ahegao sweatshirt. She didn't seem to be wearing a bra but if Marcus were to look under the sweatshirt, he'd see that Yam was wearing a purple thong with a winky face on the front.
"You know, this Blanket is big enough for two people. If you want, you could lean back on me and cuddle. And if not? I'd just pull you toward me anyway~ I have a VERY good grip. Like titanium!" Yam said with a giggle. Marcus's mind was going a million miles a second. How did he get into the situation to begin with. Maybe this was a trap? No it couldn't have been, that would be ridiculous. He could sense that this was genuine, he was called up here for a reason.
"..." He turns around and looks at her shirt.
"W-Wait...why are you wearing something like that?" Marcus asked, Yam smirked and licked her lips.
"Because it's hella comfy~. Anyway, are you gonna cuddle or not~" Yam asked, Marcus sighed in defeat and faced forward once more.
"A-Alright, I'll lean back..." Marcus replies, satisfying Yam at the moment.
"Good boy, now scoot forward a bit and leeeeeeeeeeean back..." Yam whispers to Marcus, Marcus nods and does what he is told.
"I-I'm leaning back now, should I grab a pillow or-" Marcus freezes in place, now laying down on top of Yam, his head was on top of Yam's surprisingly big and soft tits.
"Well~ if you wanna count my fun sacks as pillows then yes~. And this goes without saying but...what you're resting your head on is some premium shit~." Yam whispered, wrapping her arms around Marcus and locking her fingers together when they reached his chest.
"Now then, we are gonna play a little game okay? You are gonna tell me a little about yourself and I'll tell you a little about myself. If you do a good job, I'll give you a reward, okay?" Yam asks, Marcus brushes his head against Yam's tits in response. This made her blush and lick her lips.
"Mmm~ Good boy~ now then, I'll start alright?" Yam said, now rubbing her hands on Marcus's chubby chest and stomach softly.
"My name is Yam, I was born in Jhoto and grew up in Alola." Yam says, Marcus takes a deep breath and looking up at Yam.
"M-My name is Marcus, I was born in Sinnoh and Grew up in...well, Sinnoh. My grandfather is Charon..." Marcus replies, Yam stares down at Marcus and giggles.
"You're doing well in this game, you even gave me a bit more information than I gave you. So I'll give you your first reward~" Yam says softly, she leans in and kisses Marcus's forehead, making him blush profusely.
"W-Wait...w-w-what did I do to deserve that?! I don't understand..." Marcus stutters, entertaining Yam.
"Your reactions are so cute. If you continue the game, I'll maybe kiss you on the lips as your next reward~" Yam offers to Marcus, making him instantly nod.
"Y-Yes Miss Yam!" Marcus responded in an instant. Yam smiles and strokes Marcus's cheek.
"Good, now then. As a child I was able to harness the power source that flows through Alola, Totem energy. I was able to enhance others as well as myself. Think of it like a Pokémon using swords dance or iron defense. Unfortunately, due to the nature of my abilities, the villagers saw me as a witch. The Kahuna at the time tried to calm everyone down. After all, certain Pokémon can draw from the power of the totem as well. But they wouldn't listen." Yam says softly. Marcus sighs and rubs Yam's hand.
"I'm sorry that happened to you." Marcus says softly, Yam smiles and rubs Marcus's head.
"It's okay, I promise this has a happy ending, now tell me more about yourself~." Yam said, Marcus nods and looks to the side.
"Growing up wasn't easy, I was bullied due to my weight and even more so when my grandfather joined Team Galactic. It was too much to bare, so I ran away for awhile. After a week, I was picked up by Mars who brought me to my Grandfather. He told me that education was important and to never forget that. So I went back to school and endured the bullying and harassment until I graduated high school. A year later I was told that Team Galactic is returning and here I am now. I enjoy spending time with my grandfather, it makes me feel...normal." Marcus takes a deep breath after walking through memory lane. Yam rests her head on top of Marcus's, making him blush.
"I for my story...I killed some of my bullies at the tender age of 10. It fucked my head up real bad. Although the way I killed them is what got me out of trouble...since they couldn't prove shit." Yam said, a smile creeping onto her face.
"Those fuckers called me a I did what witches do. I cursed them, proving their thoughts of me correct during their final moments. They all died the same way too. A sudden speed up of the heart, simulating a heart attack. I'm not not proud of what I did, but I am happy I did it. After that, the townsfolk had a reason to hate me and my family. So...we left, never to step foot in Alola ever again. We bounced around a few towns in Jhoto but we eventually met Keith Greenwood, I've been with his little group since I was 12, I'm 20 now. And he was the big brother I never had. He taught me to master my powers and to not be ashamed of them. And he alongside my parents, shaped me into the confidently confident woman I am today..." Yam explained, her wide smile now faltering into a stone cold look on her face.
"Oh...I'm uhh sorry all that bullying stuff happened to you, and I'm sorry you had to...kill them." Marcus said, Yam giggles and pets Marcus's cheek.
"It's okay, and I'm not too upset about it anymore. After all, they deserved it. The amount of fuck shit they did to me everyday? No wonder my kid self did it. They fucked around and found out..." Yam said, she then remembered what she promised to Marcus, looking down at him once more.
"Aw shit! I almost forgot about that reward~. Pucker up hot stuff." Yam gently holds Marcus's face as she leans down and kisses his lips gently.
"M-Mmmm..." Marcus kisses back, now completely relaxed in Yam's arms. Yam after a half a minute pulls back and gives Marcus's Lips a slow and long lick.
"Hehe! Mommy likes her men submissive and breedable~" Yam whispers. Marcus's eyes go wide from hearing what Yam said.
"S-Submissive and B-B-Breedable?!" Marcus said, blushing heavily. Yam giggles and kisses his cheek, now letting go of his face.
"Yep~ Submissive and Breedable~. And with me allowing you to lay your head on my tits and giving you those kisses, I think you know what I want from you. I want that virgin cock baby~" Yam said with a wink, Marcus covers his face in embarrassment.
"H-How did you know I'm a virgin. Also w-why do you want ME of all people." Marcus asked.
"Well, first off you just told me you are a virgin, and to answer your second question? Your a bit like me~ a victim of your past." Yam said, she then looks down at Marcus with a perverted grin. Her nipples were hardening against his body.
"Now how about you let Mommy Yam crush your pelvis, Huh?~ " Yam offered, Marcus uncovers his face and looks away.
"F-Fine..." Marcus answered, Yam smiles and kisses Marcus on the cheek.
"Correct answer~ now, I just need you to let me change. And after that? I'll rock your world~" Yam said, Marcus nodded and sat up, allowing Yam to get up. She then takes her blanket off, and heads for a closet nearby. After 10 minutes of waiting, Yam comes out of the closet with a big grin on her face.
"Oh Marcus~ turn around and face me real quick~" Yam said, her voice seemed a bit different.
"Alright Miss Yam." Marcus flips over to his stomach and looks toward the closet, only to see Yam body inches away from his face.
"Hey Yam, why are you so close to-" just before Marcus could say anything else, Yam swiftly put something around Marcus's neck that immediately clicked in place.
"What the hell did you do to- fuph!!" Marcus's neck was yanked by something, it was then he realized what Yam did.
"Hello Yellow Marky Mark~ I hope you don't mind the collar~" Yam said. The object that was snapped around Marcus's neck was a dog collar.
"I-I don't understand..." Marcus said to himself, Yam leans in and licks his earlobe, making him shiver.
"Oh you will, now here is the game we are gonna play, my little love slave~. I'm gonna make your balls explode~! If you can't handle it, the safe word is Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginylisoleucine. Got it?~" Yam whispered with a smile.
"I-It's what?!" Marcus said, he didn't understand what that word was or even what it meant.
"I won't repeat it again. You have a good memory I know you look up at me~" Yam said, leaning back. Marcus did as he was told and blushed softly.
"W-Woah..." Marcus said to himself. Yam was wearing a purple pair of crotchless panties with a matching garter belt, both of which had black and frilly edges. She was also wearing a pair of black silk stockings as well as a pair of silky gloves. The gloves were fingerless and came up to her shoulders.
"What's with that ou-" Marcus was interrupted by Yam, placing a finger on his mouth.
"Shhhhhh~. Hey Marcus, there's something else you should know about me." Yam said, winking at him.
"I have two sides to myself. The first one is the memetastic woman that you were cuddling with, and the other? A sadistic bitch with a lust streak that LOVES to see people suffer. Also cock and pussy." Yam said, slowly running her finger along Marcus's cheek.
"I-I don't understand..." A frightened Marcus said. Yam sighs and facepalms.
"Look Dipshit! I'm gonna dominate you and make you my bitch! But don't worry, it'll be fun. And don't you worry handsome, I won't hurt you TOO much. After all~ I don't bruise the toys I actually like. Now then, shall we begin?" Yam said, Marcus blushes and looks away.
"Okay..." Marcus said, Yam lick her lips and rubs her legs together.
"Fuck yeah~ this is gonna be GREAT!!! Ehahahahaaa~~~"
Snowpoint Mall Red Light District
After exploring the many shops at the mall, Gray and his friends were getting ready to enter a restaurant called; Flint's Fire House.
"Let me see some ID please." The Bouncer said, he was guarding the door to the restaurant. The door itself looked like a furnace.
"Alright..." Gray said, he reaches into his wallet and pulls out his Hoenn ID card. Belle and Shelly do the same.
"Hoenn region huh? I guess it makes sense. Feeling a little homesick huh? Well I can't promise our cooking is anything like Lavaridge but it's good nonetheless." The guard said, he then turns to Orion.
"Hey! Pretty boy! ID! NOW!" The guard said, Orion squeaked and stood up tall from how the guard was speaking to him.
"Y-Yes sir!!!" Orion said, he quickly rummages through his pockets before pulling out...a Kanto ID?
"Huh, so you're from Kanto huh? Didn't know you guys would like something like this. But then again, who am I to judge." The guard said, he then moves to the side, the Black furnace door opening slowly.
"Okay, you four are good to go. Behave yourselves alright? Don't make me come in there and throw you out." The guard said with a glare.
"We won't we swear!!!" The four of them said at once. The guard laughs and smiles at them.
"Don't worry, I can tell y'all are good kids. Have a good time!" The guard said, the group slowly walks into the room as the door shut behind them. The room itself was small with red lights and holograms of fire surrounding the group.
"So uhh Gray? What's so special about this restaurant. I mean, I did hear you screaming about uhhh...Fire types?" Orion asked. To that, Gray smiles and laughs mischievously.
"Hehe~ Well you'll just have to see. It's a little something from back home that I'm used to. Don't worry, you'll enjoy it~" Gray said, Shelly looks at Orion and sighs.
"Or it'll just weird him out...not everyone is used to this kind of stuff Gray. You should know that by now." Shelly said, giving Gray a flick.
"Ow..." Gray rubs where Shelly flicked him. Orion, not getting a clear answer from the group looks down at the ground nervously.
"I don't like the sound of that..." Orion said, just then a tray pops out from the wall, revealing 4 icy blue gummies. After that, a monotone female voice begins to play over the speakers.
"For Non-fire types, please take the gummy in the container in front of you. It will allow your body temperature to stay normal while you are inside the restaurant." The voice said, Gray takes one of the gummies and plops it into his mouth.
"I'd recommend you take the gummy Orion, the temperatures in there are scorching. It'll also protect you from getting burned." Gray said while chewing.
"Yeah, think of it as a barrier." Belle said, plopping the gummy in her mouth. Orion nods and takes the gummy in his hand.
"Hmmm..." Orion stares at it closely. The gummy itself was in the shape of a snowflake, and even seemed to sparkle a bit.
"Alright, here it goes." Orion said, eating the gummy. After a few moments, the monotone voice came on again.
"When the effects of the drug kick in, please say 'Ready' if not, please wait for a few more moments." The voice said.
"Ready~" Shelly said. Since she didn't eat one, she didn't want to make the others wait. Belle quickly perks up and sneezes, seems to gummy has taken effect.
"Ready!!!" Belle said, clinging onto Shelly for warmth.
"W-Wait. What's about to happen?!" Orion said with a worried look on his face. Gray pats Orion on the back and smiles.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine once we get into the main room." Gray said. After a minute Gray raises an eyebrow in confusion.
"Huh. It usually kicks in right after you take-" Gray suddenly stops in place, his body now shivering.
"Yep...there it is...Ready..." Gray said to himself, he quickly runs over and hugs Belle and Shelly for warmth.
"You should get over here too big guy, this is your first time taking that drug, so your body probably isn't used to it." Shelly said, smiling softly to Orion to encourage him.
"A-Alright, I guess I'll-" Just then, Orion's eyes go wide. It felt as if the room's temperature dropped to 0. In fact, it felt as if the whole world had frozen over. As if there was no heat left at all, except in the corner where everyone else was.
"READY!!!!!" Orion shouted, sprinting over to the group and hugging them tightly.
"So cold...So very very cold..." Orion said, shivering. Gray smiles and pat Orion's head softly.
"Don't worry, Belle and I had the same reaction our first time taking something like that. Believe me, the effects are the worst your first time around." Gray said, Belle nods in agreement, recalling the memory. Just then, the robotic voice returns.
"Please Enjoy your stay..." The voice said. The door in front of the group opens. A wave of heat washes over the group, giving them relief from the coldness they were feeling. Orion was the first to step away from the group hug, and everyone else followed suit. Gray stares at the room before him and licks his lips, his stomach growling.
"Alright! Time to eat!" Gray said, walking out the door.
"Wait for me Daddy!!!" Shelly called to Gray, following him. Belle was about to leave but then looked at Orion, who was frozen in place.
"H-Ho...Hol..." Orion began to speak but he couldn't get the words out. Belle walks over to Orion and holds his hand softly to comfort him.
"Uhh...look if you aren't comfortable with what's ahead, I don't mind waiting outside with you." Belle said. Orion doesn't answer, his mouth was agape from the view in front of him.
"Holy Succulent Fucking Suicune..." Orion said to himself softly. Flint's Fire House wasn't an ordinary restaurant, it was special. Taking notes from the Lavaridge Red light district, Snowpoint Mall decided to open up a restaurant type known as 'Hi-Hi-Karada' or Hot Hot body. In the restaurant, the group would select a fire type Pokémon to invite to their table. From there, the selected Pokémon would lay down in the middle of said table. After that the group would wait for their food. It wouldn't take long for the food to come out, but it would all be uncooked. The costumers would place the piece of meat they ordered onto the body of the Pokémon, and depending on where you are, nothing is off limits. In places where it's more family friendly, the fire type Pokémon would prepare the food right in front of you. The Pokémon would use their arms and hands to cook the food, covering them in sauces and spices as well. In places like Flint's fire house however...things take a more sexual turn. Sausages can be cooked by shoving them into the Pokémon's Mouth and or even the vagina. Placing the food onto the balls of male Pokémon isn't unheard of either. If the Fire type Pokémon likes you, you can pay extra to have sex with them.
"Uhhh...Oh boy. Ermm...Girls? Uhhh...hostess???" Belle called out for someone to make Orion feel more welcome. Just then someone came in from the entrance and wrapped her arm around Orion's back, pressing his face against her breasts.
"Hey there big guy. This your first time in a place like this?" The woman asked, she was a Typhlosion. She was wearing a sports bra, a pair of black panties, and black heels.
"Y-Yeah..." Orion answered, not sure what to do at the moment.
"I-I'm sorry about him. I think this is his first time anywhere near somewhere like this." Belle said. Orion stares blankly at the room ahead. From the limited view he had, Orion could see nude Pokémon allowing themselves to be fondled and letting others use their bodies to cook food on. A few of them were even blowing kisses at their costumers. The worst of it was a table close to the door, he could see a man shoving a sausage into the girl's vagina to cook it, making her moan out.
"Didn't even know places like this existed...I was sorta sheltered." Orion said. The woman smiles and waves off Belle's apology.
"It's fine, you wouldn't believe how many like him we get." She said, the woman then looks down at Orion and rubs his hair.
"Hey sweetie, my name is Victoria. What's yours?" Victoria the Typhlosion asked. Orion looks up at her, still in shock.
"O-Orion..." He said, then looking down at the ground.
"Hehe Orion, huh? Stellar name~. Hey listen, would you like to go inside? I think your friends are at a table. It's okay if you don't want to though. Trust me, you're not the only one who's been freaked out by this place. It's a lot to take in." Victoria said, stroking Orion's cheek. Orion looks at the woman and then at the restaurant.
"I-I think I'll go inside...I'm just...nervous..." Orion said, Victoria smiles and gives Orion a kiss on the forehead, making him blush.
"Don't worry about it Mister~ the men and women in here are very kind to first timers and those who are nervous. If you wanna go outside just tell me okay?" Victoria said, Orion nods and looks up at Victoria.
"Alright...thank you miss..." Orion said, slowly walking into the restaurant to find Gray and Shelly. Belle smiles and looks over to Victoria.
"Thank you so much for that." Belle said with a kind smile, Victoria pats Belle on the head.
"It's no problem, this actually happens a lot. Someone who's sheltered and taken out by his friends to a red light restaurant, we know exactly how to handle this sort of situation." Victoria said. Belle smiles and giggles.
"Well, thank you once more. I'll go find my friends alright? Sorry we took so long." Belle said, walking out of the small room to go to Gray's table. Where they had a Simisear girl servicing them. But unbeknownst to the group, something terrible was brewing.
Neo Galactic Base
"Alright! Zodiacs, report!" Supernova said loudly over the phone.
"Libra here. Ready to tip the scales in our favor!" Libra said with a chuckle. Another voice could be heard groaning from Libra's joke.
"For Gods sake Libra, just say you're ready like a NORMAL person!" Cancer said, annoyed by Libra's antics.
"Settle down all of you! This is important work for Neo Galactic! Any mistake could cost us the mission!!!" Leo Growled into his Mic.
"It's just those two! Don't lump me in you dumbass!!!" Virgo said, he could be heard slurping on something on his end.
"...What the fuck Virgo!" Leo yelled angrily into his mic, making everyone recoil.
"What? I got a soda! Sue me!!!" Virgo said, crossing his arms.
"...Are the four of you DONE?!" Supernova yelled, the four of them whinced from the volume.
"Y-Yes ma'am!!!" They all said. Supernova smiles and adjusts her mic.
"Good. Now then. Report your status!!!" Supernova commanded. Libra responded first.
"This is Libra. I'm on the shore of sunyshore city. Try saying that 3 times fast~" Libra said, making everyone in the call groan.
"...Cancer?" Supernova called to Cancer.
"Well ma'am, I'm currently in Jubilfe, ready to begin when you are." Cancer said. Supernova nodded and moved on to Leo.
"And you Leo?" Supernova asked.
"I am in Veilstone city. Say the word and I'll torch the mother fucker!!!" Leo growled. Supernova then moves onto...
"Virgo? What are you doing BESIDES messing around." Supernova asked.
"Well, I'm currently in Snowpoint mall. By the way what's your bra size. I'm in a lingerie shop and thought you could use a pair for those sagging fat sacks ya got." Virgo said. The call went silent for a few moments, but it seemed like forever. Just then, Supernova speaks up.
"FF or G cups, I prefer the color red but wouldn't mind something dark blue or purple. I wear XXL size women's underwear and would prefer the same colors for that. Oh and if you'd want a picture of my chest and hips to compare to the bras there I'll happily send you them. I could even model for you. Deal?" Supernova said with a smirk.
"I-I uhhh what um jeez uhh..." Virgo didn't know what to say, or if he should say anything at all. He didn't expect Supernova to do that, especially in front of everyone. That sort of thing was reserved for him and only him!
"What will it be Virgo~" Supernova said teasingly. Virgo sighs and looks away.
"I'm ready to enact the plan Mistress..." Virgo said, supernova clasps her hands together and smiles.
"Good, Now then..." She then gets a serious look on her face as she glared at her screen.
"Make a statement!!!!!" Supernova said, they all reply with a: 'yes sir' and leave the call.
"Now then. Let's show the world who's back!" Supernova said, letting out an evil laugh.
"...Guess who's back~ Baka-" Libra began to sing, seems he didn't leave the call.
"SHUT UP AND DO YOUR JOB!!!!" Supernova screamed. Libra laughed and finally hung up.
"Ugh...Well I guess I should prepare for my announcement." Supernova said, getting up and walking to her office.

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