Chapter 6: The Queen vs The Team! The Past Tells All! (Old)

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"Do you really not remember me Looker..."
"My mistress! We have gotten word from our informant that Brandon is in Snowpoint!" a grunt said to his boss, she walks over to him with a crazed grin on her face. She deeply French kisses him for the good news, sharing an intimate moan before pulling back and walking to her armory.
"Finally!!! FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY!!!!! I shall get my revenge on those bastards Brandon and Agent Looker! The regis and their creator REGIGIGAS!...WILL BE MINE!!!!" She screamed out while getting her hunting gear on.
"They will all be DELICIOUS fuck slaves!!!!!" She said while seductively putting a finger into her mouth and sucking on it. She even started rubbing herself through her split leg dress, she wasn't wearing panties either.
"Yes! With their POWER! I shall be able to kill whoever I desire with Ease! Erase whole cities from existence! Or even...or even...OOOH FUCK!" She moaned out while rubbing herself some more. Seems she came...
"We have a problem mistress..." A grunt said from the other room, interrupting the crazed woman's self loving. The Woman immediately stopped what she was doing and walked over to the grunt and kicked him in the face, making him fall into the chair behind him. He got a clear shot of her soaking wet pussy when he fell...
"What did I TELL YOU ABOUT INTERRUPTING ME!!!!" She yelled out, the grunt cries out in pain but was able to muster out the words. Usually it's just best to cower before her until she calms down. Either that or give her some sort of sexual favor to make amends. But this grunt knew this information was too important for that! He had to tell her!
"It's Brandon sir...He...He has some trainers with him..." He said, The woman displeased with this took out her gauntlet and shot the grunt with it making him shout in pain as he was slowly turned to a brown metallic statue...
"Mmmmmm~~ yes keep screaming for mommy baby~~~ make me cum with your agonizing pain~~~" She said in a seductive tone, the man was eventually turned entirely to bronze. The woman laughs and turns his lips back to normal before sitting on his lap and kissing him deeply.
"Mmmmm~~~~ oh fuck~~~ you make mommy so wet!~~~ I'm dripping JUST! FOR! YOU!!!!!!!!~~~" she said loudly before getting up, leaving a small puddle of her juices on his metal lap before kicking him to the floor. The man was screaming at this point, he couldn't see or even breath through his nose but he knew what was coming...
"Throw him in the incinerator! NOW!!!" She yelled to the 8 other grunts she had, they all nodded and did so. The woman then steps out to the light revealing a black eyepatch, Dark Gray hair, her one cold icy blue eye, a sexy toned body, A nice pair of H cup tits and a fat ass that no man could ever resist. Would explain why the grunts obey her, even if she kills one of their own.
"I will take what's mine at all costs..." She said with a grin, Her Name? It's...
"Ughhh.." Meanwhile I was slowly waking up due to...a wet feeling around my cock? There was someone sucking and bobbing on my member while massaging my balls. The figure in question however was hidden under the blanket.
"Hehe Heya~ I'm guessing you wanted to give me an early morning blowjob?" I asked, the figure giggles from this and pulls back, swirling her tongue on the tip as I pulled the blanket off her. It was Rosa of course!~
"Mmmm..." she even gives my urethra a few quick licks.
"I saw Cynthia a few hours ago when I was going to stretch. She was actually watching us fuck last night~. But honestly I can't blame her...knowing her she definitely would've followed us to see just what kind of kinky stuff we did during our...hehe standup routine<3" Rosa said with a giggle, I smirked from the joke. She then switched her attention to my balls. She removed her hand and began sucking on my two testes, swirling her tongue around them while jerking me off.
"She said that she cleaned us off while we were asleep which..." Rosa was a little lost in thought, I decided to finish the sentence for her~. On that note, my cock was gonna explode with jizz at any moment.
"E-Explains a few things? Yeah most definitely, but Rosa I'm really about to Bur-" Before I could finish she quickly puts the tip back in her mouth and jerks me off quickly while sucking hard. She stares up at me with that starry eyed look she always has when she's excited.
"Fuuuuuuuck!!!" With that I cum hard in her mouth, she didn't even flinch when it happened. In fact she just started to gulp it down and rubbed her stomach signally to me that my cum was delicious. She then pulls back with a wink.
"Mmm~ I've always been told to include some salt in my diet~ but I think that helping might've been a bit too much~" She joked with a smile and a wink. I get up and pick her up into my arms causing her to squeak but hang onto me.
"Oh my! I didn't know you were the romantic type Gray~ very surprising!~~~" Rosa teased, I simply smile and kiss her cheek before remembering something.
"Oh Crud, we gotta go down to our rooms to get dressed!" I said, Rosa perks up and nods.
"Shoot you're right!" Rosa said while hopping out of my arms and smiling cutely.
"Lead the way sir cumsalot!" I chuckle from the comment and gather up our belongings we brought up here. Taking the elevator downstairs and briskly walking back to our room. Oddly Brandon and the two champions were nowhere to be found, they are probably out somewhere. When we got back to our room, both Shelly and Belle were smiling at us with that perverted look in their eyes.
"I told you so~" Shelly said with her usual pervy grin. Belle pats Shelly's head.
"Hehe, I definitely saw it coming though~ emotional conversations usually turn sexual~~" Belle said. Alex wakes up, opening an eye with a soft smile.
"The emotional tension between you two was so thick I'm pretty sure even my magically leaf would get stuck..." He said, Lucas just looks away and sighs. Rosa blushes profusely from this and covers her face using her hands.
"Yeah well-" Just as I was about to say something witty back to them, we suddenly get a text message. It was from Brandon! I quickly take my phone out, using the retinal scan to speed up the unlocking process.
"What the hell is this about..." I asked while looking at the messages sent to us.
"Oh fuck..." I said showing it to Everyone, There was a gasp shared by the rest of the group before we all went silent.
"Okay...the message is clear! Lucas, use extreme speed to go to Looker's aid as fast as you can! The rest of us will be there as soon as possible!" I said to my Lucario.
"Yes Sir!" Lucas said in a serious tone before running off, disappearing in a flash as he uses his aura sensing abilities to not only find looker but to also find the temple. The message in question was a warning:
"A dangerous enemy has been spotted, send your fastest member to Looker ASAP. He is outside the temple. Put on the gear I left for you two in the common room. Gray you aren't good at fighting, you're a country boy with little experience. I am giving you something to even the odds. I used it once a long time might be able to harness its power better than I ever could."
Snowpoint Temple: Outer
"..." Looker was currently laying on the snowy field in front of the temple. He took a deep breath and stared up at the clear blue sky, pondering about his decisions and what he could've done to save his friend. Unknown to him a certain someone was taking aim at him from the bushes, the mysterious woman with an axe to grind with Brandon and Looker. She was practically dripping due to seeing the secret agent so vulnerable, she could finally take her revenge.
"Soon looker, very soon you will be all mine! But don't worry honey, you won't die~ instead I'll turn you into a statue when that thick member of yours is erect!~ Making you the perfect dildo~~~~." She nearly came from this, biting her sleeve to calm herself as she steadied her aim.
"See you soon sweetie~~~" She said firing a beam from her gauntlet at him, the beam instead went through him causing the woman to go wide eyed.
"What the hell?! It was a decoy!!! Then that means-" She was suddenly hit across the head sending her out of the bush she was in, landing on her face. But who hit her?
"What in the DISTOR was that?!" She screamed and turned around to see who this was. It was none other than...a mountain climber?!
"Did you think you can get the...SLIP...on me girl!" With that the mysterious figure began to spin, the clothes flying off revealing...LOOKER!
"Get it? Slip? Its pun" He said. The woman ignored his joke and clenched her fist, slamming it onto the snowy ground.
"I should've always were a sneaky bastard..." The woman said, while glaring at him. She slowly got up, dusting the snow off her clothing. Looker brushed his hair back and raised an eyebrow, giving her a finger cheesy can you get!
"A fan of THE handsomely Looker? How thoughtful of you! I however not appreciate the beams of metal death you have..." Looker said with a smirk, The woman growls and fires another beam at the agent.
"How rude!" He said with a frown, dodging it and throwing what looked to be his business card made out of a certain kind of flexible metal at the gauntlet...breaking it.
"What the hell..." The woman said to herself as Looker now had an annoyed look on his face.
"Enough of this! Now you shall tell me who you are and why you are here!" Looker demanded. The woman was shocked that Looker didn't remember her, she grits her teeth in anger. She then lets out a loud scream, ripping the gauntlet off her arm and stomping on it. She was letting her anger out on the now broken device.
"USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS!!!!!!!!" She screamed. This brought several local Pokémon's attention as they watched the conflict.
"Woah..." Looker said while slowly backing away from this crazy bitch. The woman let out another scream and ripped her eyepatch off. Just...who was she?
"LOOKER! LOOK AT ME! TELL ME YOU DON'T REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID TO ME! TELL ME!!!! TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The woman screamed while clawing at her skin. Looker slowly went wide eyed as memories from a decade ago flooded his mind. His body began to shake.
"You are...but you dead!" Looker said in disbelief, he was the one who delivered the finishing blow after all. So how did she survive!
"Well I'm alive Looker! I survived..." The woman said, her name was Pokemon Hunter J. She was supposedly killed 10 years back.
"Don't you remember Looker! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO KILLED ME!!!!" J screamed out.
"'re supposed to be..." Looker took a deep breath to calm himself.
"There is never need dwelling in past, I'll just have to picked up where I left off" Looker said, how could he forget that mission. It was the first time he met Brandon, he was sent away from unova due to an accident...
10 Years Ago...
"Okay! On it!" Looker told his boss, hanging up the phone.
"...sigh..." Looker was still getting over the loss of his partner a week before but was forced to keep working due to the low amount of agents available at the moment. This was due to the kyruem incident. Instead of arguing he simply complied, this mission was simple enough. Something to get his mind off of his loss, he just had to supervise a certain up and coming frontier brain.
" temporary partner could be here later or sooner-" He suddenly saw some sort of pyramid appear, this version of the pyramid was a silver color and had one way mirrors for windows. As soon as Looker noticed this, the pyramid captured him with a beam from its now opened door, dragging him inside.
"W-WOAAAAAAH!!!!!" he screamed while trying to somehow swim away.
"HOLY DISTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!!!!!!!!" With that he was flung into the base, landing on the couch. The door closing just after he lands.
" dumbass! You should've landed! Now Agent Looker might be injured!!!!!" A certain tan fiery red angel said hitting Brandon upside the head.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Owwwwww!!!!! Not so hard Tre! Unlike what you think of me I do have a brain up there!!!" Brandon yelled out. He held his head afterwards, it stung a bit but that wasn't the worst of it. He was seeing double, this was a common occurrence with her though and he knew it would be better in a few minutes.
"God damnit Tre..." Brandon said while laying down to sooth the pain. This caused a Sparking Yellow Angel to giggle, jumping up and down. She seemed to be the youngest due to her child like size.
"Do it again! Do it again!!!!! Fix that smutty brain of his!!!" She said with a mischievous smile. An icy blue angel walked in and sighed, holding her little sister close to settle her down. This icy mistress was shaking her head in disappointment.
"Now Now Zap, you shouldn't encourage hurting people, let alone Brandon..." she said, the Yellow angel let out a loud whine before crossing her arms.
"Fine Arc! I'm please let me go!!! I'm not a kid anymore!!!" She yelled out. The girls in question were the legendary Angel sisters or better known as the legendary birds. Zappy or Zap the youngest was a small girl with chocolate brown skin, golden eyes, and short yellow hair. She wore what looked to be a zapdos Styled school girl uniform that had cuts in the back to allow her wings to not be cramped. The shirt itself was a black color with white lines on the collar and the scarf was a bright yellow, The skirt was black as well. Her cup size was A if you were wondering (she's still growing!).
Then there was Tre, the middle child. She appeared to be a young adult with Red hair in a bob cut and tan skin. She usually wore a red bikini due to her body temperature being fairly higher than an average Pokémon's. Her boob size was D cups but they were always soft and warm. She has an X shaped scar on her left cheek too, something she got a long time ago. Bringing up where she got it from will leave you with 3rd degree burns.
Lastly was Arc the oldest of the family. Arc had light blue eyes and pale skin along with icy blue hair. Her body temperature was lower than average, about 50 degrees but rumor has it that it can dip into the negatives. Her bust size was F cups but they were always cold to lay on. Great for a summer night but TERRIBLE for winter. She usually wears a blue winter coat with gray sweatpants designed to keep her body temperature from affecting others. Looks about the same age as Tre.
"Woah...the legendary bird Trio..." Looker said to himself, just then registeel walked in and handed looker an ice pack.
"I'm so sorry for their behavior, the younger siblings here are a handful including my own. My name is Registeel by the way but everyone just calls me Steel. It's an honor to meet you Agent Looker" She said, she wore what looked to be a classic French maid outfit.
"U-Uh thanks Steel...could you try to get the girls to leave so your trainer and I can" Looker asked pointing to Brandon.
"Of course, once again I'm sorry for the inconvenience." With that Steel clapped her hands and glared at the trouble makers.
"ZAP AND TRE!!! OUR GUEST AND MASTER HAVE IMPORTANT BUSINESS TO ATTEND TOO!!! NOW ACT LIKE THE MATURE ADULTS YOU ARE AND LEAVE THE ROOM!!!" Steel yelled making Zap and Tre squeak and run off, Arc walks over to Brandon and strokes the place Tre hit him.
"Poor thing..." She said, Brandon was still a little woozy. She then helps him up and leads him to the couch, setting him down and giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. He smiled at this and returned the favor.
"Thank you darling...Now then! I got some IMPORTANT Mission work to talk about!!!" Brandon said, she simply giggled and nodded before walking with steel to the other rooms of the pyramid. Looker turns to Brandon and sticks his hand out.
"My name is Looker, Agent Looker. I take it you're my partner for this mission?" He asked, Brandon nodded and grinned.
"Yep that's me!!! The one and only famous adventurer Brandon!!! And I take it your looker right?!" He said, this Brandon was in his early 20s and way less mature than he currently is.
"I see...yes I am your partner. I've already gotten the mission briefings, I take it you have too?" Looker asked trying to keep himself calm from Brandon's childish behavior, Brandon gives a thumbs up and nods.
"Yeah totally! Anyway...we are heading to hoenn right?" Brandon asked, Looker nodded and took a deep breath.
"Recently a cave has been discovered in the seas near Hoenn. The Cave in question has brail on the north most wall, but it doesn't seem to be a golem resting place due to the fact that you Brandon freed the sinnoh golems: This ancient language is tough to we need you and your team to help us." Looker said, Brandon gets up and looks towards looker with a confident look on his face.
"The writing in question is a form of brail used by the ancient people, the regi sisters have taught it to me over the me the pictures of this wall." Brandon requested, looker nods and hands him the pictures. Brandon looks through them, scratching his head. After a good 10 minutes Looker finally decided to speak up.
"...You can't read it can you?" Looker asked, Brandon's face flushed with embarrassment as he ran off towards the bedrooms bringing back the regi sisters who were in the middle of resting after a long day of training. Looker covered his face with his hands to conceal his anger at Brandon's time wasting.
"This better be good Brandon, your interrupting my beauty sleep..." Regirock said with a glare, Brandon sighs and gives them the pictures.
"I need you three to translate this, Think you can handle that?" The regi sisters nod and sit down on the loveseat nearby with Steel standing behind it, reading the ancient brail. The three of them talking amongst themselves, agreeing and disagreeing on certain aspects. Before long, Steel decided that they should tell Brandon the bad news. She walks over and sighs.
"So, did you figure it out?" Brandon asked, Steel shakes her head in disappointment.
"Sorry master, we couldn't make sense of any of it. It was almost blurry compared to the rest of the photo..." Steel said. Rocky decided to chime in as well.
"Well you can't really read ancient brail without feeling it! Anyway...let's just wait till we get there, unless YOU wanna try to read it again. Go ahead! I need a good laugh..." Rocky said with a chuckle.
"N-No thank you." Brandon said while looking away.
"Suit yourself ma- I-I-I m-m-mean B-Brandon..." Rocky stutter that last part out before walking away.
"Hmm..." Brandon begins to wonder what that was all about.
Unknown to the team, Pokémon Hunter J was staking the island out. Whatever is in here may not be a Pokémon but it'll definitely sell for millions on the black market.
"Sir! The tests show that the wall cannot be broken, it can only be opened when the riddle is solved!" A grunt said, J just grits her teeth in anger but slowly calms herself down. It wasn't the grunt's fault that the door wouldn't open, not at all! In fact this just brings her a tiny step closer to getting whatever is behind that door."
"Good work Jare, tell the other men to go collect a sample from the cave...I wanna know what it's made of." She commanded, the grunt nods and salutes her.
"Sir yes Sir!" He said starting to turn away.
"Wait!...Jare how many times do I have to tell you, Just call me J or maybe even Commander...I don't like this formality you grunts are using to address me." She complained, the grunt shook his head and sighed.
"You saved us during our most vulnerable time...we want to give you as much respect as possible!" The grunt said, J touched by the kindness this crew mate has shown, went over and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"Awww that is very sweet of you Jare, but if that's the case how about you guys call me mommy instead~~~" she said teasingly, the grunt began to stammer and stutter from this trying to get his words out, J laughed at this and rubbed his back in a motherly fashion.
"Hehe your reaction was so cute~ now go with the others to get the samples I need ok honey?" She asked, the grunt nodded in response.
"Yes J!" He said before walking off. Before the accident Pokémon Hunter J was a much more kinder individual. Although she was still a terrible person, she treated her crew like family. Back then there were 20 of them that she either recruited or rescued at sometime in the past. Instead of just making the Pokémon she captures into her fuck toys like she does now, she instead captures them for her clients to make money. She is most infamous for successfully selling a shiny metagross for 300,000,000 pokedollars to an unknown client, though it was rumored to be the leader of Team Cipher.
"What are you hiding..." J asked while staring at a picture of the cave island.
A few hours later
After talking to Steel about her master, Looker began to understand that Brandon wasn't being annoying and immature but rather he was acting like that because he was afraid of losing everything he cared about. He empathized with him, since he too had lost someone close recently. After arriving at the island, Looker was waiting in the cave for his partner Brandon.
"Yo! Looker!" A voice called out to Looker, he turned around to see Brandon in a black version of his regular outfit. Alongside him was his harem with all 6 of his girls by his side, ready to help him at a moment's notice.
" you have finally show up did you?" Looker asked, Brandon walked over and nodded.
"Over course~ now then...girls? Let's solve this mysterious cryptic message!" Brandon said, with that the regisisters walked over to the walls reading to themselves softly while zap yawns softly and was being held by arc. It was WAYYYY past her bedtime (she's an early riser) but she insisted on being here, mostly to protect her sisters.
"So Looker..I would like to apologize for how I acted earlier..." Brandon said, Looker sighed and walked over to Brandon, giving him a pat on the back.
"It's fine Brandon, you are scared of the unknown and act out to distract yourself." Brandon was shocked and went wide eyed from Looker knowing about that...until he realized who told him.
"Damnit Steel...Ugh...that is so embarrassing to tell a stranger that.." Brandon said, steel smiled softly with a giggle.
"Glad I could help Master!" Steel said with a gentle smile. Looker wanting to make his point took Brandon's hand, he wanted him to see something.
"Brandon, I want you to realize it is okay to be afraid...I just lost my partner Pokémon and now? I'm incredibly nervous and scared that I will die as well." Looker said, Brandon listened to this and realized that Looker's hand was shaking.
"You're's..." Brandon was shocked, Someone who has captured countless criminals was scared? He's looked down the barrel of a gun countless times! Then again Brandon has been through a lot as well...
"Yes, even the handsome men like me are afraid..." he said in a joking tone...but he was right, Brandon laughed at this and smiled.
"Thanks looker..." Brandon replied with a smile, Looker gives Brandon a thumbs up in response. The regisisters soon come back and now tell Brandon what they interpreted the brail as.
"Here lies the tomb of pokelantis Queen Oceanus the third, the final ruler of our land." Regirock said.
"One who opens this door will only be of pokelantis blood, but if one does open the door by force..." Regice said, just as registeel began to speak all 8 of the adventurers were suddenly flung to the wall and held there by some sort of force...
"WHAT IN DISTOR!!!!" Looker said, with that multiple psychic Pokémon rush in along with 30 some grunts.
"J! We have pinned the can come in now" a grunt said, with that Pokémon hunter J walks in with a confident smirk on her face.
"Hello boys!...and...rarities...though you are not on my list of Pokémon to capture I'll certainly be coming back for you after the treasure from within that chamber is Mine and mine alone..." J said with an evil grin. Registeel sensing something terrible is going to happen if the tomb is opened began to say her part of the interpretation.
"IF ONE OPENS THE DOOR BY FORCE THEY AND ALL WHO HELPED WILL BE CURSED!!!!!" Registeel screamed...J stared at registeel for a second before laughing.
"Silly girl! Why do you think I have all these trained men and Pokémon with's so nothing bad watch and learn." She said approaching the seal.
"Open, for I am a member of the lost civilization you once ruled. Allow me to see our once great glory..." With that the wall opens, J looks back giving Brandon and his friends a smug look.
"I hate you..." Brandon said with a glare.
"And I love you too~~~~" J said in a sarcastic tone before walking in...
"Huh? That's odd...there's nothing he-AHHHHH" with that the wall slams shut transforming into titanium as the brail on the wall changes: THOSE WHO ENTER THIS WICKED DOOR WILL BE WORTHY OF BEING THE NEW HOST FOR OUR QUEEN! LET US WELCOME BACK OUR RULER!.
"Oh no" Brandon said.
"Oh no" Steel said too.
"Oh no" Arc said as well.
"FUCK YEEEEEAH!" Zappy screamed. everyone in the room looked at her in surprise seeing as how young she looked.
"Uhh...I bet you weren't expecting that!" She said to which the grunts and their Pokémon in the room nodded and shrugged amongst themselves. Zappy smirked, she had them RIGHT where she wanted them.
"THEN YOU REALLY WON'T BE EXPECTING THIS!" She fires a zap cannon at the ceiling which dips and hits the psychic pokemon making them drop their holds on the group!
"Great job Zappy! Now let's do this!!!" Rocky said, Looker begins to calculate the situation and charges towards some grunts.
"STOP RIGHT THERE YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!" One grunt said as 7 of them began to shoot sleep dart bullets at him.
"..." To Looker however the bullets were going in slow motion.
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..." Seven bullets, with that he rushed past them and smirked opening his hand and dropping the bullets.
"Missed..." He said, he dropped 4 bullets. With that three of the 7 grunts fell asleep due to the darts and the rest began to run. However the entrance was seal by stone edge that was covered in a thick sheet of ice.
"So Sorry~" Rocky teased while clenching her fist preparing her drain punch.
"B-But you aren't going anywhere!" Regice said, just then a few Alakazam began to shoot at her using shadow ball.
"EEEEEK!" She screamed out unleashing a hyper beam at the alakazams knocking them out instantly.
"I-I need a break..." She said sitting down making rocky sigh annoyingly.
"I'll guard you until you get better you idiot!" She said, Regice gives a thumbs up before laying on the ground.
"Thanks...ugh..." Regice said in a tired tone. Meanwhile Brandon was with Tre and Arc, they were using flamethrower and ice beam to create steam while Brandon went in while the grunts were distracted and knocked them out using techniques he learned from his good friend Greta.
"WHAT THE-" one of the grunts began saying as they were surrounded by steam before Brandon suddenly appeared behind him.
"Nothing Personnel Kid..." Brandon said before knocking the grunt out with a simple jab to the neck making him fall to the ground.
" went with THAT one liner?" Tre asked annoyed while Arc was giggling about the disgruntled Tre.
"What can I say...I'm a fan of the classics." Brandon said with a smile. The remainder of the grunts surrounded Looker.
"Surrender Looker! We won't go easy on y-y-ye-...yo..." Suddenly one of the men began to collapse much to the shock of the others. Looker quickly runs over and catches the grunt in his arms. The other grunts immediately stopped their attack and looked on in horror at their fallen comrade.
"What's happened to you!" Looker asked horrified at what he saw. The man seemed to be shriveling up with tears in his eyes.
"I...I feel...a burning sensation in my chest, and all my strength is starting to leave my body..." With that the grunt began to cry in pain as his legs suddenly turned to sand and dust.
"M-MY LEGS! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!!!" The grunt yelled before completely disappearing.
"Dear god..." Looker whispered, horrified at what he saw. Suddenly all the male grunts began to drop like flies, one of them crawling over to Looker while his body began to vanish.
" my J...please!" The grunt said before shriveling up and just like the other grunt and just like that he turns to dust.
"..." Looker's eyes went wide and looked down seeing a symbol glowing on the floor, the symbol of Venus. Just touching it sped up the process.
"AGH!" Looker screamed in pain as he felt his hand suddenly turn to ash.
"Oh Acrues..." Brandon said as he felt himself becoming ill as well. His legs becoming weak.
"GUYS! CLEAR A PATH FOR US TO LEAVE!!!!" Brandon yelled out as Looker ran over to him and threw him over his shoulder.
"It only seems to be affect males, even if I feel my strength waning I still move!" Looker said while running towards the now cleared exit. Unfortunately however the opening seemed to be closing fast!
"What the distor?!" Brandon yelled out. The tall opening to the cave was now closing to prevent any men from leaving. Not only that but looker wasn't looking too good,  his body was starting to wrinkle up and his shoulder was slowly turning to ash. same with Brandon, his arms were disappearing.
"Looker...if this is how we are going out...I want you to know that I'm sorry for not taking things as seriously as I needed too..." Brandon said. Looker nods and stares at the fading light with tears in his eyes.
"I know...and I am sorry for never realize sooner" Just as Looker was about to collapse a familiar voice speaks out.
"Lock on..." it was Regice! But what was she doing.
"H-HYPER BEAM!" She screamed out blasting it right at Brandon and Looker, sending them out of the cave just as the door shut. Both Brandon and Looker bounce off the sand and land near the pyramid.
"" Looker said weakly, just as he was about to lose consciousness his body and Brandon's began to glow. The feeling was warm and soothing. Just like that, their bodies began to form back from the sands of the beach. Some sort of ancient force was saving them...something benevolent. Just then the voices of what sound like thousands speak out to the two men.
"We may have died but you can still live...destroy the queen...destroy the demon that enslaved our people...if you destroy her...we will save those...who she absorbed into...her prison like soul..." With that the voices go away. The two men however had their bodies back!
"...Thanked you..." Looker said while slowly getting up, he then looks down at Brandon.
"..." Brandon was knocked out. Looker sighs and before staring at the pyramid in front of him.
"Brandon...we will got through this..." Looker said before picking Brandon up and dashing to the pyramid. He sensed something big was going to happen and he didn't want to just sit around!
"We need to help the girls, and I think know how!" Looker said with a brave look on his face. But before that he realized that the girls probably thought they were dead or at the very least seriously injured...
"I need to told the girls that we're okay!..."
"..." It was pure silence, the harem wasn't sure if Brandon or Looker were even alive. Soon the silence breaks with Zappy bursting into tears.
"W-WAHHHH!!!! BRANDON'S DEEEEEEAD!!!!!!!!!" Zappy cried out, Arc quickly runs over to comfort her sister while Tre and the other girls begin to converse.
"...What do you think will happen now..." Tre asked rocky who was sniffling softly.
"I...I don't know...I just don't know..." Rocky said, she usually was mean to Brandon and hit him a lot. Seeing her cry like this was bizarre to say the least.
"I...made sure they got out of there...I don't know what else I could've done..." Regice said, she got a pat from steel who was trying to stay rational.
"You did everything you could...just...stay determined okay girls?" Steel said with a tearful look in her eye. Her sisters and Tre nod but it was clear they weren't doing good emotionally, especially Zappy.
"I didn't sign up for this shit...I just watched my friends die in front of me, calling for help! I just...I can't..." A female grunt said while consoling her friend. Just as they were distracted a loud clicking sound could be heard from within the cave. The door J was dragged into began to slowly opened revealing a passage way.
"...Let's get our mistress back..." One of the female grunts said before leading the others down the passage.
"We have to stop them!" Arc said only to get a stern response from Rocky.
"What's the point...they are marching to their own death, there's no need to follow them." She said, this made not just Arc but Steel fume with anger.
"They are still humans! They aren't all powerful like we are!!! We need to protect them!" Steel yelled only for Rocky to snap back.
"AND?! THEY WERE JUST TRYING TO KIDNAP US AN HOUR AGO! NOW YOU WANT TO SAVE THEM?! WHAT THE DISTOR IS WRONG WITH-" Before Rocky could continue her ranting a voice could be heard from the pyramid's loud speakers.
"Girls! It is I! The agent looker! Listen close! Brandon and me are Okay, our bodies turned normal when we got out of that cave! I know things are Scary but continue Your missions...brandon and me are going to get the support! May you have Good luck and Arceus be on you're side!" Looker said before he cut the speaker off.
"B-Brandon is okay?" Zappy asked softly before giggling to herself.
"YIPPEE!!!! BRANDON! BRANDON!! BRANDON!!!" Zappy cheered making her sisters smile and hug her in a warm embrace.
"M-My plan worked!" Regice said with glee as Steel stared at a now smiling Rocky.
"Soooooo~ I thought you hated him Rocky~~~" Steel said, Rocky scoffs and crosses her arms.
"Look I tolerate him okay? That's all!" Rocky said before looking towards the ominous staircase with a purple glow and screams coming from below before them.
"Okay girls~ let's kick this pokelantis Bitch's ass for making us worry about our ma- no...OUR BELOVED BRANDON!!!" Steel said. The girls all nodded with brave grins on their faces.
"LETS KICK SOME EVIL BUTT BITCHES!!!!!!!!" Zappy yelled out before getting on Arc's back as the girls slowly walk down the stairs. As they made their way down their could see the Female grunts along the floor of the room before them, shivering in fear and whimpering loudly.
"I-It's in there...please...don't''ll..." The grunt began to say pointing to a door before fainting. Along the floor the grunts were either shivering in fear or lying down naked with a broken look on their faces.
"My Queen...please...breed me more..." One of these broken grunts said, her body twitching and even cumming from such thoughts.
"...I'm a-afraid to know just what happened in that 10 minute period we weren't down here...and why we weren't able to hear it..." Regice said with a scared look on her face casing Steel to pat her back to comfort her. Before them was yet another door, this one like the floor in the cave system had the Venus symbol on it.
"How vain..." Tre said before glaring at the door and snapping her fingers.
"OKAY EVERYONE TIME TO USE YOUR MOST POWERFUL ATTACK TO FORCE THAT FUCKER OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!" Tre said, the others nod and begin to charge up their attacks. Tre confidently puts her hands in front of her as the Kanji for Fire begins to generate in front of her. Steel puts her hands to her side and begins to charge up a beam.
"YAY!!!!!!!" Zappy squeaked before getting off Arc. Her body began to glow with an electric aura as her hands began sparking wildly. Arc's hair began to be blown by wind as the air pressure lessened. Regice uses lock on and then closes one eye, concentrating on the door. Lastly was Rocky who was tightening her fist as it began to glow with energy.
"Ready everyone?" Steel asked to which everyone nods...steel grits her teeth thrusts her hands forward.
"FLASH CANNON!!!!!" She screamed launching her attack.
"FIRE BLAST!!!!!!!!" Tre screamed as the kanji is launched.
"Hurricane..." Arc says quietly before swiping her hand forward creating a ball of wind, thunder, and rain before kicking it forward.
"WHEEEEEEE!!! THUNDER!!!!" Zappy said happily as she launched it, it was about to hit the door but it suddenly shifts towards the wall. Regice notices and turns to the Strong bolt and aims her hand at it.
"HYPER BEAM!!!!!" She yelled out. The hyper beam hits the thunder before U-turning and pushing the attack and itself to the door. All the attacks hit. As the smoke clears, the door seems to have a noticeable crack in it...this was the opening Rocky needed.
"Drain punch!" Rocky called out before punching the crack, absorbing its energy before it shatters completely.
"Haha! Now then, with the door open lets-" Rocky was interrupted by Zappy.
"KICK SOME ASS BITCHES!!!!!!" She squeaked causing the others to glare at her out of annoyance.
"We love you Zappy but come on...give some of us some one liners will ya?~" Steel said causing a chuckle within the group. With that they head in. Within the now opened secret room was symbols and sketches etched into the rock. The depicted pokelantis and extinct Pokémon, the name Oceanus was also on the walls. That seemed to be the name of the Queen.
"Holy fuck..." Zappy said while walking with the group, staring at the pictures and writing. Dead ahead was a feminine figure who seemed to be moaning softly while smiling like a maniac.
"Oh fuck...mmmm~~~...that's're all mine now..." The figure said, the voice wasn't J's but it was definitely her. She was surrounded in a dark purple and black aura, not only that but the aura was shaped as a human woman!
"Oh~~~ OH!~~~~~ YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!" 'J' screamed out while groping the aura's tits...not only that but the screams of men seemed to be coming from within her body! Just as the group enters the room, Oceanus stands up and licks her lips.
"Hehe so~ you're what's sent to rescue this woman I have claimed as my host? Really? Some birds and old golems? Hah! Fate really is on my side this time." Thanks Oceanus said laughing evilly.
"Who are you!" Tre yelled out only for Oceanus to glance at her and summon an energy tendril from the ground, smacking her and making her fly into a wall.
"Annoying..." Oceanus said as the screaming suddenly stops. Just like that Oceanus perks up on her throne and stands up.
"Hehe that ended sooner than expected, but allow me to answer your question dear." With that the dark aura transforms J's body and seals her soul deep within the chasms which is the mind of this demon. Before long the aura fades revealing a nude woman with dark purple skin.
"I am Queen Oceanus! The ruler of Pokelantis!!! I rule my land with lust to keep their minds occupied. Having my guards satisfy both man and woman while I slowly gained control over their minds..." she says, groping her J cup tits and swaying her body while moaning out, She was absolutely soaked!
"Ugh..." Tre was being helped up by her sisters who were also trying to hold in her growing temper. Oceanus smirks at this insignificant woman's temper tantrum and begins to tell her story.
"I was set to rule the world of my royal guards claiming they wanted to breed with me betrayed my trust. He used some sort of VILE magic to seal my spirit inside this cave and free the original owner of that body along with the countless souls of my enemy I had within me for centuries! Of course she turned to dust leaving me with no host. Not only did he seal my spirit but he also spread it thin across the cavern system, my consciousness faded....that was until about one thousand years ago." Oceanus said while licking her lips, eyeing up the bodies of her opponents.
"When I gathered enough strength I used what little power I had left to etch some messages into the wall in the language of the earthly creators. I just needed to wait for someone to discover it...and low and behold a group of stupid people did just that. And now with my new body I'll finally be able to control the world! HeheheheheAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA-" She was suddenly hit with a drain punch.
"Whoops~ my fist slipped~" Regirock said with a giggle, just like that everyone else got into battle stances as the Queen stands up.
"How dare you...I'll make you submit to me IF ITS THE LAST THING I-" She was then blasted by thunder! Zappy smiled confidently and gave her the middle finger with a giggle.
"That was for hurting my big sis!" Zappy said with a glare. Just like that the queen stood up and began to scream, making the cave rumble as the walls to the chamber glow ominously.
"I think we should definitely leave" Arc said with a worried look on her face.
"For once I agree with you!...but first" With that Tre uses fire spin to trap the queen in place. The Queen began fighting against the firey tornado, and it wouldn't take long before she broke free...
"LETS BLOW THIS JOINT BITCHES!!!!!!!" Zappy screamed, just like that everyone began to run as the queen's screaming turned demonic. When they got to the entrance floor the door was open, seems the queen lost power to the cave when she gained her spirit back.
"There's the door." Steel said, just then a purple tendril suddenly begins to reach from the passage they just came from.
"Oh shit!" Zappy yelled, everyone else noticed this too and ran to the entrance, quickly exiting the cave. The battle pyramid however was nowhere to be found!
"Damnit! Where are those bastards!!!" Rocky said while stomping her foot, just before steel could defend Brandon the cave suddenly explodes! Out comes the regal beauty of pokelantis, she now has full control of her new body! Her naked figure shimmered with purple energy as tendrils sprout from her back. The final battle was coming sooner than they had hoped.
"We can worry about Brandon later okay guys?" Arc said, the others nod knowing their worrying wouldn't do them any good right now.
"T-Then what should we do?" Regice asked, With that Tre and Rocky both grinned before walking forward.
"I guess it's time to kick some ass!" Rocky said while slamming her fist into her palm.
"Heh right back at ya!" Tre said while cracking her knuckles. With that the girls get into position for the fight of their lives.
"Hold on just a little bit longer girls...we got reinforcements..."

To be continued!
(Sorry it took so long but because of how big the chapter was I had to split it up. That being said I'll be working hard next chapter! In the meantime? Jerk it to my works for me~)

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