Interpol File: Time Crawl

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Security Level: 3
The Time Crawl is a technique in Alolan Folklore that describes the slowing or even stopping of time when it comes to one's perception. Originally created by Tapu Bulu, the Time Crawl was taught to the 5th Kahuna of Ula'Ula Island during a time of civil war. After the war ended, the King, envious of the Kahuna's power, came up with a scheme. The King of Ula'Ula island announced a great festival in honor of the Kahuna and Tapu Bulu. He said that the Kahuna was a hero and should be celebrated for his service. After the festival, the Kahuna was invited to a private dinner with the King and Queen. At the dinner service, the King slipped sleeping powder into the Kahuna's food, causing him to pass out. He later woke up bound by his wrists and ankles in the dungeon, with the royal family looking over him. The King demanded that he and his family be taught the power bestowed upon the Kahuna by Tapu Bulu. When the Kahuna refused, he was ruthlessly tortured for 90 days and 90 nights. These acts were mostly done by the King himself as well as most of his children.
Eventually the Kahuna agreed and was transferred to a nicer cell in the dungeon where he would recover from his injuries. After the Kahuna's recovery, he taught the King, his wife, and his many children how to use the Time Crawl. After teaching everyone how to use the technique, he asked to finally be let out of the castle. The King however, wouldn't allow it. Fearing that the Kahuna would go to Tapu Bulu after what they had done to him, the Royals agreed to imprison the Kahuna once more. This seemingly unanimous decision did not resonate within one member of the royal family. The 3rd eldest daughter of the King, U'i Kai snuck out of the Royal castle and to the sacred shrine of Bulu. After being told of the news, Tapu Bulu was outraged, but thankful to the princess for informing him of this. So in an act of mercy, he spared her on the promise that she will not take retribution against him for what he was about to do and she of course agreed. That night was a blood bath. The first to go were the warriors who did not bow toward Tapu Bulu when he appeared, whether they truly be loyal to him or not. Then there was the royal family. Tapu Bulu killed every man, woman, and child, that knew of or was involved with the Kahuna's torture and imprisonment. Everyone of the King's children except for U'i Kai were slaughtered.
In the morning, the Kahuna walked free and U'i Kai immediately took her place on the throne as queen. All this was according to the story passed down from generation to generation by the inhabitants of the Alola region. There are details that were left out however. According to the legend, the gift of the Time Crawl was lost to history and Tapu Bulu is the only being who knows how to use it. This however is false, the gift still resides within the living relatives of the royal family. This was due to a union between U'i Kai and the Kahuna, as they taught their children the power to slow their perception of time. As such, the skill was passed down to U'i Kai's descendants from generation to generation. Tapu Bulu approved of this, as long as one of their descendants became the Kahuna of Ula'Ula island in the future. The only remaining Ula'Ula royals that exist are Nanu and Acerola.

Known Time Crawl Users:
Agent Looker
Agent Nanu
Trial Captain Acerola

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