Chapter EX 2: Team Plasma's Tulip White

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Unova Region 2010
"C-Come on sweetheart! We have to go now!" The year was 2010 and the location was the Unova Pokémon League, more specifically it was N's Castle. They were in what looked to be a kid's room. There were a lot of them in the gigantic castle, but this one belonged to a certain someone.
"M-Mom! We can't! We need to fight against the intruders! They might hurt the victims hiding here!!!" That was Rosa, she was 10 years old. Her mother, Tulip, picked Rosa up into her arms. Tulip is a woman in her late 30s. She has long Brown hair and blue eyes similar to that of her daughter. She used to spend her time tending to flowers for a big company before learning of their abuse of Pokémon workers. They had the Pokémon use rain dance and sunny day to make the flowers grow. Even when they pleaded for a break due to growing fatigued, the owner wouldn't let them go. Due to this, she joined Team Plasma and liberated the abused Pokémon and allowed them to exact revenge on their abuser. The owner of that company was found scared, traumatized, but surprisingly he was unharmed. He said that he was tortured to near death and healed with heal pulse nearly 12 times by his workers. There was an investigation and they found that Team plasma was responsible for this, but also discovered the abuse happening in the man's business. He was arrested several weeks later while in protective custody. Due to being a single mother, Tulip had to take her daughter, Rosa with her when she joined team plasma. This ultimately ended up working out for Tulip since Rosa became set in helping abused Pokemon just like her mother. Tulip was wearing the standard team plasma uniform with some of her hair poking out of the hood. Her daughter Rosa was wearing one well.
"Sweetie. They won't hurt them I promise, now come on...if we are seen here we may be arrested on the spot!" Her mother, Tulip said. Rosa nodded and whimpered, hiding her face in her mother's shoulder.
"Yes mom..." Rosa sighed in defeat.
"I'm sorry my love, but it has to be this way." Tulip said, cracking the door to see if the coast was clear. Unfortunately, there was a skirmish in the hallway preventing them from leaving at the moment.
"You Hooligans 'ave caused 'nough trouble! Now surrender peacefully 'er else!" Gym leader Clay yelled out, glaring at two team plasma members.
"W-We were just protecting Pokémon kind from abusive people! Being trapped in that kind of cycle is a terrible thing for anyone!!!" The male team plasma member said, Clay sighed and nodded in agreement.
"I know all too well what you kids 'er talkin bout, but assault?! Kidnappin? TERRORISM?! Yer no different from the people you see as bad guys!" Clay said, making the team plasma members angry.
"W-We did it for the sake of helping those in need! You wouldn't understand y-you fascist!!!" The female member said. The male member nodded and put up his fists.
"Yeah! We know all about you Clay!! Your father's sins are on your hands you bastard!!!" With that, the two team plasma members rush at Clay.
"Draggin' a man through the mud 'ill only get you dirty..." Clay said, suddenly a wave of mud and water Appeared in front of Clay and quickly headed toward the two team plasma members.
"Ack! What is this stuff!!!" The male team plasma member said, coughing and sputtering from the dirty water.
"I think I have mud in my mouth..." The other replied.
"Howdy Clay. Sorry I waited so long to step in." A Palpitoad said with his arms crossed. This particular Palpitoad was Clay's partner, they met when Clay was 5 and have been friends ever since. His name is Kermit.
"It's fine Kermit, I was just bout to give these two brats a whoopin." Clay said, Kermit smirks and raises an eyebrow.
"Is that right Clay?" Kermit said with a smirk. The two team plasma members look at each other with worry.
"That's right Partner, Waddaya say we show these bastards some Driftveil hospitality!" Clay said, cracking his knuckles.
"I think that's a dandy idea." Kermit nodded and together with Clay, began to pummel the now screaming team plasma members.
"Nows our chance!" Rosa's mother said, quickly running out of the room while Clay and Kermit were distracted.
"I-I have to get to the closest secret exit! It'll shoot us out into victory road. We will be okay honey..." Tulip said softly, comforting her daughter who was now hiding her face in her mother's shoulder. Tulip soon arrives at the library.
"..." Tulip looked around for any intruders, luckily for her there weren't any agents or gym leaders here.
"Oh thank Arceus." She said to herself. Rosa's mom quickly runs over to a book shelf that listed the history Unova.
"...It was the holy book right?" Tulip said to herself, grabbing a book on the lower shelf and placing it sideways on top of a shelf of books dedicated to the culture of Unova. This causes the shelf to move out of the way and reveal a secret passage.
"We are at the home stretch!" Tulip said, placing the holy book back on the lower shelf and running into the passage as the book shelf shuts slowly. After a few minutes of running, they arrive in a dim lit room with a metal slide leading to a room deep within victory road. Said room had everything from preserves to passports in case of an emergency.
"Okay..." Rosa's mom puts her daughter down and takes a deep breath to calm herself.
"Mommy? Will we be okay? I'm scared." Rosa said to her mother, sniffling. Tulip without a second thought gets onto her knees and hugs her child tightly.
"It's okay sweetie, we will be fine. This whole thing was wasn't supposed to happen like this. And for me to drag you in, thinking it was a good idea? I'm sorry for exposing you to stuff like this..." Tulip said, Rosa shakes her head and smiles.
"Mommy? I got to help people and spend time with you! I think that's good enough for me!" Rosa said, Tulip smiles from this and kisses her daughter on the forehead.
"You've got a big heart Rosa, just like your mother." Tulip said, picking her daughter up into her arms once more and staring down the dark tunnel.
"Next stop, freedom." Tulip said to herself, just before she was about to move, she heard a clicking sound behind her.
"Its a good thing I walked into the secret passage at the last second. Clever of you to use the Holy book of Arceus, the only odd book out in a shelf of history to create a puzzle for your little escape tunnel. Now turn around slowly." The voice said. Tulip did as she was told, hugging her daughter close to her.
"P-Please don't hurt us..." Tulip said, clutching her daughter protectively. The figure chuckled and walked into the light.
"Tulip White, Mother to Rosa White. Clay told me there were two plasma members running from a room that was near him." The man said. it was Nanu, called out of retirement once again!
"W-Who are you?! And how do you know the name of me and my daughter!" Tulip yelled at Nanu, putting her daughter down. Rosa in response quickly runs and hides behind her mother's leg.
"My code name WAS Agent 000 buuuuuut since I'm technically not an agent, you can call me Nanu." Nanu said with a blank look on his face. He was holding what looked to be a gun, but after noticing Tulip's child, he puts it away to not frighten her.
"Look sir, we don't want any trouble, we just wanna leave..." Tulip said, Nanu sighs and shakes his head.
"You say you don't want no trouble, and yet team plasma is just full of it." Nanu said with his hands in his pockets. Tulip stutters a bit but begins to speak.
"I-I-I know that. But it's necessary to help others in need! I only participated in those events as long as they were against the bad guys!" Tulip said. Nanu groans and face palms.
"Look I get it, this world ain't perfect and abuse is a really bad problem. But what your doing isn't making it better, it's making it worse. Sure you gave abusers something to fear what goes bump in the night, but then what? Beating one or two guys to a pulp ain't gonna change things." Nanu said, Tulip thinks on this for a moment. What Team Plasma has done was for a good cause, but they didn't get to the root of the problem.
"Heh, judging by that look on your face, I think you finally get it..." Nanu said, Tulip didn't know what to say next. But then Rosa's voice speaks up in anger.
"Y-You're wrong! Team Plasma helps beat up the bad guys and help those who are hurting! Pokémon or not! S-So if your aren't with us! You're against us!!!" Rosa said, growling at Nanu. This makes the agent smirk and walk over to the two of them. Tulip in response puts her arm in front of Rosa to shield her.
"S-Stay back! Please!..." Tulip yelled. Rosa clings onto her Mother's pant leg and stares at Nanu in fear.
"Don't worry you two, I'm not gonna hurt ya." Nanu said. Tulip shook her head and tenses up.
"I-I know what your goal is! Y-You're gonna arrest me and take my daughter away aren't you!!" Tulip said, shaking in rage at the thought of losing her daughter. Nanu takes a deep breath and sighs.
"Not exactly, what if I told you that N sent me. Hm?" Nanu said, Tulip raises an eyebrow at what Nanu said but then shakes her head in defiance.
"W-What you're saying is nonsense! You're trying to trick us! N would never do that?" Tulip said. Nanu groaned in annoyance, he didn't wanna put in more work than he needed to. Will Tulip make this more difficult than it needs to be?
"Well...might as well tell you two what's really going on." Nanu takes a deep breath and stares at the mother and daughter with a serious look on his face.
"Listen to me carefully. Right now, Ghetsis, one of the seven wise men of Team Plasma is planning to kill N." Nanu said. Tulip gasps at this. Ghetsis, N's father, killing him?
"T-That isn't true! A parent would never kill their own flesh and blood!!! Plus I've seen those two interact, he's a loving father who only wants what's best for N!!!" Tulip said. Rosa nods in agreement. Nanu steps closer to the two team plasma members, making them both squeak in fear.
"Our intel comes from a very trusted source. Take a listen..." Nanu said, he takes out his phone and plays a recording.
"My name is N..." The recorded voice said. Tulip freezes in place from hearing this.
"N-No way..." Rosa says quietly, Tulip picks her daughter up so she could be comforted.
"In approximately 10 days my Team Plasma will erect a castle outside the Pokémon league. Originally I was going to make this castle a monument of my cause, to liberate people and Pokémon from evil beings, but something has changed. Recently I've learned that one of my closest allies, my father Ghetsis, is planning to kill me on the day of my accession as King of Unova. After he kills me, I'm sure he plans to take my partner Zekrom for himself, the irony is powerful here. On this device is a hard drive, on it is a list of people I deem as truly devoted to helping others. They, like me only wanted to help those in need. Please do not harm them. Only capture them and get them out of the castle. As for me, I will play my part as to not raise suspicion with those loyal to Ghetsis. Please allow good to prevail. N." And with that the recording ended. Both Tulip and her daughter were in shock from the recording.
"That was sent to us by your so called king. He gave us a list of 50 or so team plasma members. 2 of the names were Tulip and Rosa I said before, I wasn't here to harm you." Nanu said, Tulip begins to calm down from the shock and takes a deep breath.
"Let's say I believe you. Where will you take my daughter and I?" Tulip asked. Nanu smiled and quickly answers Tulip.
"We will relocate you to a small town in Unova. Well it's currently in the process of being built but you two will be the first ones there. There will be a school right in the town as well. So please...let us help you..." Nanu said, Tulip hesitates for a few moments before giving up. Rosa on the other hand shakes her head and glares at Nanu.
"No! No! No! You are not trustworfy! Bad man!!!" Rosa said with her arms crossed. Nanu chuckled and walks over, patting Rosa on the head.
"Ya know, I got a niece around your age. She's 7, in fact she's gonna be at the hotel I'm staying at. Would you like to meet her little one?" Nanu asked. Rosa puffs out her cheeks and crosses her arms.
"Not...trusty..." Rosa said with a pout. Tulip pats her daughter on the head and kisses her cheek.
"She'll go. Besides, I probably have some paperwork or something to fill out right?" Tulip asked. Nanu chuckled and shrugged.
"Something like that. Well then, I'll meet with you two later. I got about 2 other team plasma members to get in contact with. Oh and you can go down the slide, we already had agents posted at the bottom of them." Nanu said, he gestures for Tulip to move out the way, which she does.
"I got two friendlies coming down. Code names Fragrance and Stubs!" Nanu said, knocking on the metal slide 4 times. After a few seconds there was a voice coming from the other end.
"Fragrance and Stubs are good for pick up. Send em down Agent 000!" The voice said, knocking on the slide 3 times. Nanu facepalms from being called Agent 000, he was retired after all.
"It's Nanu! Don't make me say it twice..." Nanu said. There was silence on the other end, but then the voices on the other side chip in with a: 'Yes sir!'.
"Well that's your cue. Good luck alright?" Nanu said, Tulip nods and smiles softly.
"T-Thank you..." Tulip said softly, Nanu shakes his head.
"Don't thank me, thank N for having faith in you." Nanu said, with that the two get on the slide, Rosa now hugging her mom tightly so she wouldn't fall off.
"Bye Bye Mister Nanu!" Rosa said with a giggle. Nanu waves at the child and watches as the mother and daughter slide down to safety.
"That girl, she's gonna do great things one day." Nanu said, turning around and walking to the exit.

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