Chapter 10: After A Long Day...

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Distor: The Distortion World. A world where all things you know are distorted! The rules of our world do not apply there. For example, If a Pokémon battle were to happen in the distortion world, the typing matchups would be inverted. Fire would beat water, Electric would beat Ground, and so on. It is rumored that a civilization is hidden within the distortion realm and will take in any human or Pokémon that become stranded there, but this has not been proven.
"-e the therapist says he's ok but I'm still worried about him. I fear that his now altered state of mind may affect him in the long run. He may see others who he views as evil as irredeemable, and those who do bad things for the good of all as saints. But other than that he's okay. I believe he can pull through with time." Rosa said talking on the phone. She was finally able to wear her favorite outfit again after it was done drying. The voice on the other line chuckles and writes something down, seems he was working.
"Is that right? Well I'm glad to know that your beloved boyfriend is going to be okay." The voice said, trying to hold in his laughter.
"Ugh! It's n-not like that N! I-I've just grown a little close to him is all..." Rosa said with a soft sigh, N chuckles at Rosa's priceless reaction.
"I know, I was just trying to get a laugh out of you." N said, sitting back in his office chair.
"More like you were trying to embarrass me..." Rosa said, sitting up on the couch. N clears his throat and gets back to the conversation at hand.
"So, how did the press conference go?" N asked. Rosa thinks to herself for a moment with her finger tapping the side of her head.
"Uhhh it went okay? I guess?...the public is more or less relieved that the threat was taken care of but some officials are upset that Interpol never told them about the first incident involving J. Cynthia being the champion used her position to assure that everything was in the public's best interest." Rosa said now snuggling into a blanket she found.
"That was to be expected, I take it the government and Interpol will release a report of what happened the first time around?" N asked, Rosa nods.
"Yes, it'll be free to read in five years...but the names of the grunts J used to have will be redacted since a few of them are living with new identities." Rosa said. N answers with a 'mhm' and continues with their conversation.
"Earlier during our call, you mentioned a relic Gray was wielding. What happened with that situation?" N asked. Rosa picks up a piece of paper from off the table and reads the information given to her by Brandon.
"Well according to Brandon the Bolt Breakers are a pair of gloves that produce electricity, absorb static from the air around it, and multiply it by an exponential amount. The relic has bonded to Gray rather quickly, adapting to his fighting style and even allowing him to hover. Brandon explained to me that the fast bonding might have to do with the emotional trauma Gray went through, therefore allowing the relic to realize quicker that Gray was a suitable Master due to his will to protect others just like it's original master or something like that." Rosa said, N raises an eyebrow and jots down a few things on a sticky note to look into later.
"I see...very there anything else I should be informed of?" N asked. Rosa replies with-
"Nuh-uh chief! Aside from the remaining grunts J brainwashed that are in custody that's about it." Rosa said, N smiles and gets up, now facing the window of his office, looking out over a lake and the trees surrounding it.
"Alright, if that's the case I'll let you relax once more. See you after the investigation." N said.
"Buh Bye N! Have a great day! Oh and tell little Kyu I said hello." Rosa said with a giggle.
"Oh don't worry, I'll tell her that Aunt Rosa says hi." N replied, hanging up and taking a deep breath.
"A relic finding a new master and bonding to them this fast? Impossible. Even with Brandon's intervention, I believe Fate must be involved. Which means something bad is going to happen." N said, turning around and walking back out of his office and into...a living room? Seems this was N's home.
"But...If the threat WAS J, wouldn't the Bolt Breakers have found Gray sooner? This event is just a tremor before the earthquake arrives it seems. Either way, I should look into this." N said. He then looks towards the stairs and listens to the silent house. Nothing, it seems Kyu wasn't awake.
"Hmm...strange. It's past her usual wake up time. I should probably go check on Kyu." N says to himself. He walks upstairs and enters a...child's room? As soon as he opens the door, he's immediately greeted by a happy child who gives him a big hug.
"Hi Dad!" The child said. N smiles and picks her up, she was wearing a specialized (and adorable) outfit that regulated her internal body temperature. But even with the outfit, her dark grey skin was a little chilly. N however didn't mind, he was used to it. He walks into the room and sits down on her bed. He stares into her bright yellow eyes and begins to stroke her ice blue hair.
"I missed you!" Kyu said. N gives Kyu a kiss on the forehead, making her eyes light up with joy.
"I missed you too my darling." N said, Kyu gives a sharp fanged smile and giggles.
"Where's Aunt Reshi and Aunt Zeky?" Kyu asked, N thought for a moment and then remembered where they said they'd be.
"Oh they're out working. But don't worry, they'll be home in the evening." N said, Kyu let's out an excited squeak and claps.
"Yay!!!" She shouted out, just as quickly as she became excited, she then remembered what she wanted to ask N.
"Umm Daddy? Are you done with work?" The child asked nervously, N nods and nuzzled her.
"Yes, daddy's done with work Kyu." N said with love in his eyes. He prepared himself for the onslaught that followed the news of being done for the day.
"HEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!! HORRAY!!!!!" Kyu let out an innocent giggle, nuzzling N's chest, and hugging him tighter. The child's name is Kyurem, age 5. She is N's adopted daughter.
Battle Pyramid: Living Room
In the battle pyramid living room, an aura of joy could be felt from all. And it wasn't just because of the recent victory.
"So then I started using stone edge to keep up my barrage on Oceanus. Hitting her with attack after attack. Blow after Blow! But that's NOTHING compared to the teamwork we did DURING that fight! IT! WAS! AWESOME!!!" Rocky said enthusiastically, waving her arms around as she tells the story of how She, Brandon, Looker, the harpies, and her sisters defeated Oceanus a decade ago. As this was going on, Brandon was watching from the other side of the room, smiling to himself. He was finally able to reunite those girls with their mother, a goal he's been wanting to complete for quite a long time.
"Hey, you staring your good deed?" Looker asked, walking over to Brandon with a smile,
"'s been awhile since I've seen them THIS happy. The last time that happened was when I dragged Lawerence's corpse out of the airship after it crashed with me in it. The smiles on their faces. The joy in their eyes. The tears of happiness. All of that, it's here now thanks to their mother returning." Brandon said with a soft smile, a tear falling off his cheek.
"...Given what just you accomplish Brandon, I don't blame for tears." Looker said with proud look on his face.
"Thanks Looker..." Brandon said softly. Looker gives a thumbs up but then perks up, remembering why he walked over here to begin with.
"Hey Brandon? Quick decide on WHERE we search for other daughters of Regigigas?" Looker asked, Brandon immediately nods and smiles.
"Of course, just remind me to cancel the meeting Tommorow. We could all use a break." Brandon said before clearing his throat.
"Well anyway, after my last stint with Regi rescuing, I've determined a few things. For one thing the Draconids had an obsession with hiding things where there's a cultural significance. Iron island and Mount Coronet being significant places in their history. But when it came to Rocky, I'm unsure as to why She was sealed in Route 228. To free her, I had to use the memories and Regice and Steel to find the location of the third sister. But the process was...difficult. Something really bad happened there in regards to the Regis and the population of Sinnoh. The sisters won't talk about it and I'm not even sure if I actually want to know." Brandon said with a soft sigh.
"..." Looker scratches the back of his head, he wasn't sure how to respond. Brandon shakes his head, getting back on track.
"No matter. All that matters is that I know where those two are sealed." Brandon said, taking out a map of sinnoh.
"Ive talked to Regigigas, her two other daughters are named Regieleki and Regidrago. They hold an immense amount of power within them, So immense in fact that she believes the bastards took extra precautions in hiding those two." Brandon said with a glare on his face. He didn't understand why the Draconids did what they did, even today it bugs him.
"With that said, I believe I figured out where they are. One of them is sealed in Stark Mount, most likely Regidraco due to said mountain being warm. Since they worshipped dragons, the draconids probably wanted to place Regidraco somewhere safe. The other is in Celestic Town. It's a small town that has had multiple sightings of draconids over the past few thousand years. Not only that but the town has been powered by electricity even during the days when the rest of the region wasn't so advanced." Brandon explained, a serious look on his face.
"If anything, I truly believed that Regieleki has been sealed within Celestic Town." Brandon said. Looker looks to Brandon and chuckles.
"I must say Brandon. I am great impress by your skill." Looker said with a proud smile on his face, patting Brandon on the back.
"Pretty good detective work if I say so myself!" Brandon said with pride while putting away the map. Looker gives a hearty chuckle and winks. Just then, a familiar voice calls out to them.
"Come on Looker! Mom wants to know about what you said just before you lit Oceanus up like a firework!!!" Rocky said with a big grin on her face.
"Y-Yeah! I know it had to be a ch-cheesy one liner! M-Mr. Looker always loves those!" Regice said.
"Come on you two. Don't keep my daughters waiting." Regigigas said, beckoning the two over.
"I guess its cannot helped. Come Brandon! Let us go!" Looker said, quickly heading over to where the family was. Brandon smiles at seeing his 3 best friends finally happy to be reunited with their mother. The moment made him giggle the same way he did as a kid.
"Right behind you Looker!" Brandon said, running over to the couch. Unknown to the rest of the group...someone was watching from the living room entrance.
"I guess I came at an inopportune time..." Cynthia said as she watches the moment with a smile on her face. She was going to surprise Brandon and the Others with that announcement that she'd be able to stay on the case due to her secretary taking on the paper work involved with the damages J caused, however...
"They seem to be having such a good time...It'd be a shame to interject myself into this happy moment decades in the making..." Cynthia said, walking out of the room and back to her quarters to study the areas forwarded to her by Brandon (this was when Brandon didn't know she'd be staying, he felt bad about her not being able to explore the ruins.) to locate a possible entrance to the chambers of the lost regisisters. When she gets there, she finds Steven fast asleep with Jaxson asleep in a chair next to his bed.
"I'll tell him about my results in the morning..." Cynthia said, closing the bedroom door and sitting down at a desk.  She pulls out her Tablet and begins to look at the maps of both Stark mountain and her hometown, Celestic Town.
Battle Pyramid: Outside
"Here it goes!" A voice yelled out. Blurry electric objects appearing behind Gray and then combining into him, creating an electric aura.
" the energy into my hand..." Gray said to himself. Slowly the aura began to move toward his right hand. After all the energy was accumulated, Gray's eyes glowed a bright cyan.
"I got it!!!" Gray said with a smile on his face.
"FINISHING MOVE!!!!!!!" Gray yelled out, pointing his open palm towards a tree. Blue lightning began to come out of his hand, and then?...nothing.
"..." Gray watches as the energy begins to fizzle out and releasing static into the air, anger and frustration comes over his face.
"Fucking Distor!" Gray shouted, kicking a rock a few feet away. Ever since the death of J, Gray has been unable to access the more advanced techniques at his disposal. The only moves he could use were Electro Web, Thunder shock, and thunder bolt. He could also still hover.
"I was able to use them last time! What's the deal!!!" Gray said sighing loudly.
"...Whatever, I need to cool off." Gray said to himself, quickly hovering out of the wooded area he was in and into the sidewalk. Seems he was near the city while training. Gray glances around at his surroundings and thinks to himself.
"Hmmm...Now that I think about it...I was too busy fighting J and her minions that I didn't get the chance to appreciate Snowpoint City." Gray said to himself.
"Night on the town? Hell yeah! Here I come!" Gray said, hovering down the street.
"Hehe I can also hover around without anyone giving me weird looks since its pretty late and all!" As Gray looked around he noticed that the city had really embraced its 'snowy' theme. For one thing the street lamps were snowmen, paving the snowy road with light. The light also revealed Gray's outfit. Due to the cold weather, Gray was wearing a black pair of sweatpants, a short sleeved red shirt that was covered by a dark grey jacket with the battle pyramid logo on the right side, black sneakers, extra long white socks, and a Black and Fuzzy trapper hat. So needless to say, Gray was pretty warm.
"Now then...let's see where I am..." Gray said, quickly gliding towards a large map for tourists.
"Hmmm..." Gray said to himself. It seems he was near the city's main entrance. The entryway was a giant white arch with complex engravings on the sides.
"Huh...wonder why I didn't notice it before..." Gray said, walking over to the arch to admire the craftsmanship.
"I wonder how long it took to make this..." Gray said to himself. But before he could think about the arch any longer, a groan was heard from the snowy forest in front of the arch.
"Huh?..." Gray said to himself. A humanoid figure slowly limps out of the woods, he looks towards Gray and reaches out to him.
"Please...Help..." Before passing out on the ground.
"Oh man..." Gray said to himself, running over and picking the figure up into his arms. He was wearing a cloak that obscured his face and body.
"...Let's see what we're dealing with..." Gray said, taking the hood off of the mysterious figure.
"...Woah" Gray blushes at what was before him. The figure was a young man around Gray's age. He had long purple hair and soft Grey skin and had a diamond shaped face. The young man opens his eyes back up, revealing his soft purple eyes.
"Hurry..." The young man said. Gray nods and stands up, carrying the man in his arms. He begins to glide quickly down the street, trying to find an inn or hotel.
"Come on...Come on!..." Gray said, gritting his teeth in frustration. Finally he reaches a small inn. A mom and pop shop if you will. After entering the building, Gray bought the young man a single bed room at the inn along with some room service. After getting the mystery man some food and water, Gray began to chat with him.
"...Hillo." Gray said softly, shyly waving at the mysterious fellow.
"WHY THE FUCK DID I SAY IT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!" Gray screamed in his thoughts. The young man looks at Gray and waves awkwardly.
"Uhhh...Hillo to you too?" The young man answered back, now a lot better due to having something to eat and drinking some water.
"...Just go with it." Gray said to himself.
"My name is Gray, and you?" Gray asked the stranger. The young man takes off his cloak and throws it to the other side of the room, revealing himself entirely.
"My name is Orion. And I'm so sorry for troubling you on your walk. Honestly, I think my ramblings made my state seem worse than it actually was. I was simply rather famished." Orion said, bowing his head before Gray. Gray smiled at this and giggled.
"It's fine. I saw that you needed help and I acted on it. I wasn't about to leave someone in the snow!" Gray said with a smile. Orion wasn't sure what to make of him. This Gray character was strange, helping him and now talking to him like they were friends. He's either incredibly naive or he has some sort of motive behind his actions.
"So uhh Orion. What exactly were you doing out there." Gray asked, Orion drank some water and then took a deep breath.
"I...was being chased by these guys calling themselves Neo Galactic. They wanted to capture me for some odd reason, they probably thought I saw them do something." Orion said, Gray's eyes grew wide. When he was younger he heard of a group named Team Galactic. In fact it was all over the news too.
"Neo Galactic huh...sounds similar to those Team Galactic guys I heard about when I was younger. Two trainers named Lucas and Dawn faced off against Team Galactic along with Interpol and Cynthia during the span of 10 months. Apparently the world almost ended and we were none the wiser. They wanted to make a new universe or some shit like that." Gray said, Orion nodded and frowned.
"Yeah. Sounds like them. Except they were spouting about perfection and the perfect being..." Orion said, balling up his fists at the memory.
"I uhh see...can't a man catch a break." Gray said, he was a bit worried due to the fact that a new threat had seemingly popped up already.
"Hm? Oh I take it you had a run in with freaks similar to them?..." Orion asked, Gray got a worried look on his face. He didn't mean to say that, so he needed to think of something quickly.
"Uhhh...Yeah something like that. Snowpoint was just attacked by some sort of freak of nature. I'm not sure of the details but all I know is that the agents of Interpol took care of the threat." Gray said with a nervous chuckle. Orion perked up at this and nodded, seems that this revelation confirmed something for him.
"Ah, that would explain the many knocked over trees on the way here, and I thought I was just imagining things." Orion said, finishing his cup of water.
"Well uhh...listen. I'm gonna leave you to rest, but you have a phone?" Gray asked, Orion nods and takes out his phone. It was a satellite phone, but it was ancient! A Gen 3 Pecha Max. It stored cellphone numbers but it didn't even have a texting function let alone the ability to connect to the internet!
"Woah! That's old phone you got there." Gray said in shock. Orion sighs and shrugs.
"It gets the job done, so what is this about my phone?" Orion asked, Gray smiled and took out a piece of paper.
"I wanna give you my number, I'll be in town for awhile so uhhh...if you wanna talk to me." Gray said, writing down his number on the paper.
"Fuck that came out wrong..." Gray thought to himself. Orion overheard this and decided to mess with Gray a little.
"Hmpth~ you're coming onto me ARENT YOU! I knew you had some sort of ulterior motive to helping me!" Orion said with a glare on his face. Gray immediately began to shake his head, making an X with his arms.
"No! No! No! That's not it at all! I promise I-" But Gray was interrupted by a snicker from Orion, who then broke out into a fit of laughter.
"I-I'm sorry! I just wanted to tease you a bit before you left. Pay it no mind. I'll put your number in now." Orion said, taking the piece of paper and putting Gray's number into his contacts.
"I-It's fine. Honestly I sorta had a feeling that was the case..." Gray said.
"At least that's what we are going to go with..." Gray thought to himself, walking over to the door and opening it. He turns back around and gives Orion a smile.
"I'll see you real soon alright!" Gray said with a giggle. Orion gives him a wave and flashes a soft smile.
"You too Gray. And...thank you for helping me." Orion said. Gray smiled happily from this. His eyes glowing cyan from the sudden joy he felt in his heart with tiny sparks coming from his body.
"I-It's no problem Orion, now sleep well. Oh and I already paid for your breakfast tomorrow, I hope you like pancakes!" Gray said, shutting the door and walking to the elevator. Orion, now having some time to process everything began to think about what just happened with Gray. His eyes glowed for some reason, but he didn't seem to be in control of it.
"That boy..." Orion said to himself, lifting his hand up and taking a deep breath.
"He's kind hearted I know that much...but he's so mysterious." Orion said, a purple glow now encasing his hand as he makes a pitcher of water float towards him. He pours himself another glass and places the pitcher back with his psychic powers.
"Then again I have no room to talk, I DID just pop in out of nowhere for him. And shifted the truth...a bit...a lot...sorta...God I feel bad..." Orion said to himself, taking a drink of water.
"But this Gray does seem like a trusted ally...I look forward to meeting with him again" Orion said to himself, putting the glass down, turning off the lights, and laying down on the bed.
"It's been so long since...I've a soft" Orion passes out before he could finish, quickly drifting off to sleep.
A Hidden Base of Operations
"Boss, they're here!" A grunt said, opening the door for the guests.
" them to their seats. And then you may leave." The boss said, her back turned from her guests. The Boss's voice was disguised by some sort of machine, making it sound like she was speaking with multiple voices.
"Yes sir...come on in please." The grunt said. Leading 2 individuals to two comfortable looking chairs.
"If you two need anything let me know..." The grunt said, quickly running off and out of the room. The door shutting behind him.
"I was expecting to do this transaction somewhere more...public. What do you intend to do to us." The man asked, the boss shook her head and sighed softly.
"Nothing nefarious I assure you. If I wanted you dead you two would've been gunned down by one of my men in the lobby. But where are my manners" The boss turns around, her face was covered by a Grey and black Hood with a yellow G on both sides. She taps one of the Gs on her hood, returning her voice to normal.
"I am the Grand Leader of Team Neo Galactic. You may call me, Super Nova. I am well respected by my colleagues-" The leader of Team Neo Galactic was interrupted by a giggle.
"Super Nova! Really?! That's the lamest name you could've given yourself! AHHHHHH!!!!" The second guest, a girl in her late teens fell out of her seat from laughing so hard. This did not sit well with Supernova.
"Behave yourself arrogant child! Or I will have you thrown out of my home, while your much more mature boss and I discuss business!" Super Nova shouted. The man however shook his head, smiling and patting the girl's back as she laughed.
"She stays. And before you ask why...SHE is the only one who can give you what you want. And if she wants to laugh at your name, let her. If anything, getting upset over a juvenile comment would make you the immature one. Right?" The man said, Supernova growls but then crosses her arms.
"...Fair...Enough..." Supernova said, anger in her voice.
"Now then...Yam! Show Supernova what you have to offer..." The man said. Yam smiles and quickly stands up.
"Yes sir!" She said with a giggle. Yam was a 5,3 and was of Jhoto descent. She had almond shaped soft brown eyes, short black hair that went down to her mid neck, and a mole on her left cheek. Due to how formal the meeting was, she was wearing a long black skirt with sparkles on it with a matching black turtle neck shirt, and white heels.
"Now in order to show you the effects of my powers, I'll be needing a volunteer..." Yam looks around the room, before perking up happily.
"Ohohoho! We have an eager contestant in the audience!" Yam said clapping. She quickly skips over to a wall and pushes it, revealing a hidden room where an unlucky grunt was recording the conversation.
"Coooooooongratulations! You've won a one way trip to POWER TOWN!!!!" She screamed, carrying him effortlessly with one hand and setting him on a chair.
"...Fuck" Supernova was understandably embarrassed about one of her grunts being found so easily. The man however shrugs it off and waves to Yam.
"Okay Yam, you can stop playing games. Do it." The man commanded. Yam's personality immediately changed, her seemingly bubbly and childish personality was just a facade. In reality, she was far different than who she appeared to be.
"Hehehe~ Yes sir~" Yam said with a smirk on her face. Her words were full of venom, and her eyes looked incredibly cruel. She reaches a hand out and puts her hand on the Grunt's forehead.
"W-What are you going to do to me!" The grunt asked in horror. Yam pats the grunt's head and licks her lips.
"Oh you stupid boy~ I'm giving you a gift~ a variant of the Totem boost. Aside from myself, I've given it to quite a few individuals over the years. One of which was a slutty tentacle bitch...don't know her name but she offered pleasure in exchange for tripling her power in an emergency. Honestly? I just let her fuck me for the hell of it. And in the end I did keep my word~ but I'm not gonna do that to you sweetheart, I've got something a little more simpler in mind. You see I'll-whoops~ here I am talking to my prey again...actually, c'mere my wittle Pog Champ!" Yam said, pulling the grunt out of his chair and setting him on his knees. She licks her lips with a crazed look in her eye.
"This won't hurt a bit~" Yam's hand turned a dark shade of red, engulfing the grunt in a blood red aura.
"So Boss, what'll it be today~" Yam asked, turning her head to the side, laying it down on her shoulder.
"Increase his Agility and defense so his legs won't break. Oh and make it happen right away instead of creating a mark, Supernova needs to see the results immediately." The man said. Yam lets out a menacing laugh and rolls her head back to the center of her neck.
"Hehe~ disregard what I said about the pain boy~ this'll hurt a LOT~." Yam said to the shivering grunt.
"First~ Defense so you won't cry as much~ Learned that lesson the hard way when trying to make someone's cock bigger. It wasn't pleasing me~ I'm a bit of a size Queen you know?" Yam said, staring into the Grunt's terrified as well as confused eyes as the Aura around the grunt turned to a navy blue, his skin began to feel numb as his muscles began to suddenly bulk up, threatening to tear through the skin. Even then, the aching inside his muscles made him scream in agony. This however only delighted Yam even more.
"Good, scream for me. I like that. It makes this process MUCH more entertaining~" Yam said seductively.
"But~ I'm getting ahead of myself. The next to increase is your speed. Which means I'll have to do a bit of tweaking..." Yam said annoyed, staring at his leg muscles.
"Let's hope your poor legs can survive the sudden speed increase..." Yam said to herself. The aura now turns pink as an intense pain goes through the grunt's legs. The Grunt could feel his Legs breaking and building back up every second. Each time they broke, they became more powerful.
"Dear Arceus..." Understandably, Supernova was disturbed by this. Even though Yam called this process a 'Totem boost' it seemed much more malevolent than that. Just what did she agree to...
"HELP!!! HELP ME!!! IT HURTS!!! SUPER NOVA PLEASE!!!!!! IT BURNS!!!!!!" The Grunt said, now passed out at this point. But that didn't stop his screams.
"And now we wait..." Yam said. After a few minutes the Grunt falls silent.
"...Okie Dokie! Time for you to get up!" Yam said, her personality changing to the immature one seen before. The grunt groans, getting up and slowly opening his eyes.
"Ugh what hap- It's YOU...What the DISTOR did you do to-ACK!!!!!" The grunt was caught off guard from Yam who had slapped his ass to keep him quiet.
"I gave you a little boost is all. Don't worry, it'll wear off in a few hours. Now, can you try running for me?" Yam asked. The grunt nods obediently and tries to run, only to be caught off guard by the speed.
"WOAH! HOLY SHI-" Within a second he crashes into a wall, knocking himself out once more.
"As you can see, she is...VERY gifted." the man said with a soft smile.
"I...see that..." Supernova said, shocked at the results. Of course she expected SOMETHING from that horrifying experience but not anything like this.
"But that's not the only thing on the table. We are also offering your top grunts access to a rather...risky procedure." The man said. Yam smiles at this and nods.
"That's right~" Yam's smile once again turns sadistic as she takes a hold of Supernova's breasts.
"What are you-" Supernova began to say, but was interrupted by Yam.
"Shhhhh...Be quiet and you'll find out." Yam said, shushing her. Supernova stayed still, not knowing what to do. She's never been treated like this before, especially by someone younger than her.
" this~" Yam said with a giggle, her hand now consumed with a rainbow aura. A mark now appearing on the back of her hand, the same mark that J had when she became feral.
"The mark you see on my hand will increase the vic- errrrrr...grunt's'll push their body beyond its limits. exchange, they will be influenced by raw emotions. I haven't really sorted that part out yet buuuuut I kinda don't plan to! It's fun to see the results! Especially when their inside me! Momma likes it ROUGH!!!!!" Yam said, taking her hand off of Supernova's chest.
"As for why I groped your tits, your Honker Bonker Doinky Bonkies~, your super stuffed up milkies, those...mmmm! Delicious looking sex mounds~. It's because I could~ and plus your scared of me. So that's a plus!" Yam said, sitting back down next to her master.
"...So then Supernova, do we have a deal? We shall enhance your men and you will give us the stabilizer..." The man said, Supernova let's out a soft breath of relief and nods.
"Deal. Now please. Do what you must. The stabilizer will be given to you by our head scientist Charon." Supernova said, The man nods and stands up.
"Thank you. Come on Yam, let's go." He said, Yam nods and stands up, skipping after the mystery man.
"Sir yes sir!" Yam said with a smile, singing about how she would 'enhance' the foot soldiers in the base. As soon as they leave the room, Supernova stands up and slams her fist on the desk.
"To believe I'd have to go this far...just to further the project started by cip-" Supernova began to say to herself, before being interrupted by one of Supernova's grunts run in.
"Ma'am! We have located the suspect who destroyed 2 of our Pokémon labs. He looks to be in Snowpoint City!" The grunt said, running to Supernova's desk with a file. Supernova perked up at this, interested at just who they were dealing with.
"Tell the ones who found this I said good work, now then...leave at once! I shall deliver the news of who we will hunt for later." Supernova said, the grunt saluted Supernova and ran off, shutting the door behind him.
"Now then...let's see..." Supernova opens the folder and smirks, the image of the person responsible was clear as day.
"Ohohohohoho! Now isn't this interesting..." Supernova said, closing the file. She takes off her hood, revealing her purple hair.
"I'll have that bastard's head mounted on my wall in no time..."
End of Part 1

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