DWU 5: The Magic Forest

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It was a warm summer evening in Equestria. Luna had just brought up the moon, and the stars were shining like bright diamonds in the sky. As Luna looked over the the land, the clip-clop's of another pony. She turned to see her older sister trotting over to join her. They shared a smile, and looked out over their land. BOOM! The royal sisters turned around with eyes widened in surprise. A royal guard crawled over, his legs broken and his body beaten. He passed out from shock before he could speak. From the door to the balcony, a white creature with black tentacles flailing sprinted right for them. Both princesses shot powerful beams of magic at the creature, and it disappeared. There was a moment of silence, filled with the emotions of fear, disbelief, pondering, shock and worry. The princesses sighed in relief. Suddenly, a black tentacle struck Luna in the face. She fell to the ground. In a panic, Celestia threw herself onto her sister protectively an they both disappeared. The creature turned its back to where they once were, and looked upwards at the night sky with it's blank face...

In the land of Equestria, a week after Nightmare Night had past, over the land a dark shadow had been cast. To punish the monster for it's heinous crimes, we requested the help from the Lord of Time.


Celestia sat on her throne, and ordered her guards to shut the main doors and leave her alone. Once they had left the room, Celestia stood on all four hooves, closed her eyes in concentration; her horn began to glow. In typical rhyming tradition, she transmitted her call for help. "The land of Equestria has fallen into fear, but a mighty warrior is almost near. Last of your kind please here my rhyme, for I summon you now. The Lord of Time!"

Alex fixed his swimming trunks and lowered his sunglasses onto his head. He laid back, relaxing in the TARDIS swimming pool, the Back To The Future theme playing on a stereo. He turned his head; he felt something calling him. He swam to the edge of the pool and opened his psychic paper. He took a moment to read. "Was the poem really necessary?" Alex muttered to himself. He hoisted himself out of the pool and made his way to the control room.

Now dressed in a black T-shirt, jeans and sneakers, Alex pulled a switch, taking the TARDIS out of park mode and into gear. "Computer!" He called out, pulling the monitor to him. "Transmit all files on Equestria." Immediately, upon his vocal command, a blue light shot out of the monitor and into Alex's eyes. He blinked, then looked down solemnly. "Right..." The TARDIS jolted sideways. Alex stumbled and grabbed the nearest guard rail to keep from falling. "Call for help accepted. Prepare for take-off to Equestria." Alex pulled himself to his feet. "I'm not ready. Give me the horse disguise." "The Whooves protocol, sir?" The monitor swung over, displaying a brown stallion with an hour glass tattooed on its hip. Its eyes sparkled an almost human blue color. Alex stared at it. "Uhh...invert the colors. Darken the coat. Change it up. Et cetera et cetera." A large gray box dropped from the ceiling. Simultaneously, the TARDIS jolted in the opposite direction. Alex used the momentum to roll forward and jump into the box. It closed, and the inside began to glow.

Several minutes passed, and still Celestia waited patiently. A low THRUM echoed through the room; Celestia smiled. The TARDIS engines groaned, materialized, and landed in the center of the room. The doors swung open, and white light poured out from inside. Celestia squinted a bit as the light slowly faded away. Celestia smiled "Hello Doctor."

Alex trotted out of the TARDIS with a smile. "Princess Celestia. After all these years, you still know how to contact me. Didn't know I still had your number." He joked. "Love the new look." "Oh this? I figured I'd try something new out." "Give me a twirl. Let me see." Alex slowly trotted in a circle. His coat was gray. His blue mane stood tall in spikes. His eyes were a deep brown. He had a strong build. His cutie mark displayed a golden pocket watch with no hands. "So? General opinion?" "Nice. Watch out Prince Blueblood." Celestia joked. "Ha. I'd forgotten your sense of humor." They chuckled. "Anyways..." Celestia said. "Shall we get down to business?" "Depends on what you mean by that." Alex said with a smile. Celestia rolled her eyes and smiled a bit. "What's the situation?" He asked with a more serious tone. "Follow me."

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